Do a good job of "Night Stoper" and paint "Ping An Volume"

Author:Sichuan rule of law Time:2022.08.04

——China Public Security in Chengdu to carry out the work side of the "Hundred Days Action" stage

Special patrol police brigade fast anti -squadron civilian auxiliary police to carry out street station stations

Chengdu Traffic Police has a special operation for drunk drunk driving rectification

"Bang." When closed the gate of the case handling area, Chen Xiang and his comrades walked out of the branch and devoted themselves to the new day's battle.

Chen Xiang is a police officer of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Xindu Branch of the Chengdu Public Security Bureau. As the "old predecessor" of anti -telecommunications network fraud, he has worked in the anti -fraud front for ten years, and he has more than 1,000 people involved in various types of fraud. More than 3,000 proud records of various types of fraud cases were cracked.

Since the launch of the "Hundred Days" of the Ministry of Public Security's Summer Public Security Campaign, Chen Xiang and his comrades combined with the "Hundred Days Action" deployment requirements to adhere to the anti -fraud strategy of "anti -fraud and fighting with both hands and building real dual insurance". Strictly control the facts of each fraud case, evidence, and legal level, and continue to promote the work of electrical fraud in the "100 -day action" to achieve results and achieve results. As of now, Chengdu New Metropolitan Public Security Criminal Crimination of Telecommunications Network Frauds 22 criminals, and telecommunications network fraud police conditions have decreased by 18.75%month -on -month.

Not only Chen Xiang, the new capital scrolls, which are cracked down on the "100 -day action" in summer, are in full swing between the police departments of the new capital.

Anchor the foundation tune blade casting shield "first hand chess"

On June 25, the Ministry of Public Security issued a order of the "Hundred Days of Action" to carry out a "100 -day action" in public security organs across the country. Arrange deployment, guide the full police to put on the top position, attack the offensive, boost the combat power, combine the current security and stability situation and the characteristics of summer public security, and compare the goals of "four batch, four strict guardianships, one guarantee", and strive to "illegally illegal the law to the law The criminal police sentiment has declined significantly, the effect of cracking down on treatment has been significantly improved, and the practical actions of the people's sense of gain, happiness, security, and satisfaction have increased significantly. " Since the operation of the operation, Chengdu New Metropolis Public Security has a total of 168 criminal places.

Anchor the "rule of law" tone, improve and improve the supervision and management mechanism of law enforcement, strictly implement the system and other systems such as preventing the intervention of "three regulations" of justice, and continue to increase the rectification of outstanding issues such as strict, irregularity, unfairness, and uncivilized in law enforcement. The supervision and promotion of the prominent problem of public security petitions, and effectively improve the law enforcement temperature during the standardized construction of law enforcement. Since the operation of the operation, Chengdu New Metropolitan Public Security has conducted special supervision on 15 cases of letters and visits.

The "wisdom" tone is anchored, and the construction of smart public security with the "1362" three -dimensional information modernization social security prevention and control system is based on the Chengdu public security "1362". Accelerate the construction of the full section of the perception source and the construction of supercomputing centers, take the police force, combat power from science and technology, and use "wisdom" to use "wisdom" to empower. As of now, Chengdu's new capital public security declaration has been declared to build 180 smart security communities, which has comprehensively improved precision prevention, precise management and control, accurate strikes, and fine service capabilities.

Pay close attention to the key points and strong offensive to carry out "active battles"

In conjunction with the characteristics of the summer public security situation, formulate action plans, to further promote the "100 -day action" in the summer public security strikes, pay close attention to "resolve a batch of hidden dangers of safety risks, punish a group of illegal criminals, prevent and control a batch of people's punishment, punishment, punishment, punishment, punishment, punishment, punishment, punishment, punishment, punishment, and punishment The goal of turning the life and rectification of a group of social security chaos ", strictly govern the problems of public security in the summer, and the punching blows highlight illegal crimes. Since the launch of the operation, Chengdu Xindu Public Security has killed 1 criminal gang, 1 street fraud gang, 1 robbery gang, and 1 items in the car.

In response to the concerns of the masses, deepening the strategy of "breaking small cases, protecting the people, and winning the people", Chengdu New Metropolis Public Security launched a special tackling of illegal crimes such as the prominent categories of wealth in the area, and it broke the major cases and broke the New Metropolis District Public Security Branch. In the small case, the trend of strictly fastening and high pressure is formed. Three types of police conditions in the district's three types of theft, theft of electric vehicles, and theft car were decreased by 58%, 19.63%, and 58.52%respectively. "Zero", uninterrupted crackdown on a group of drug trafficking staff, digging a group of hidden drugs, and strongly cut off the drug -related chain; carried out the campaign to combat the "food ring" illegal crime, and carried out all -round, multi -angle food and drug safety And counterfeit and inferior products to investigate and combat special operations to ensure the "tongue safety" of the masses; carry out the tackling operation of electrical fraud, continue to strengthen the combatant deterrent, accurate early warning, source governance and publicity prevention, innovate the "big defense · big propaganda" mechanism, and organize the organization to organize the organization. The masses in the jurisdiction downloaded more than 1.63 million people in the National Anti -Fraud Center, more than 1.02 million people registered for Rongcheng Anti -Fraud Guardian applet to create a good atmosphere of "anti -fraud".

Boxing centralized rectification, deepening the strategy of "key points, finding pain points, and governance points", in response to highlighting the problem of illegal crimes, comprehensively sorting out and clarifying the key rectification areas, realizing the scientific configuration of police forces, listing of the alarm, and taking super routine measures to carry out heavy punch fists.打击,加强显性用警、时时见警,实现街面勤务模式提质增效;深化“135”快反机制和巡防力量建设,以多支快反队伍为主力,以“铁骑”巡组为Support, put the police force on the street, sink into the community, and enter the face with points and lines to form a three -dimensional patrol pattern of "point covering, the surface of the surface, the periphery of the periphery, and the urban and rural" Quality development, comprehensively implement the fast -connected places such as night economic areas, catering and entertainment venues, provocative troubles, fighting and fighting, such as fighting and fighting, optimize the business environment, stimulate the vitality of the city, and put a "safety valve" for the "fireworks" on the world. Since the launch of the operation, Chengdu's new capital public security and anti -police forces have been investigated for a total of 1,155 vehicles and 1,684 people, and 9 suspects who have been invaded by wealth are blocked. The people who are planted by the masses and the people and the people together with the "Ping An Volume"

The safe and stable political and social environment is the source of the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security. By constructing a peaceful and harmonious social atmosphere for the people of the people, the safety and harmonious social atmosphere of "seeing the police and the police everywhere" makes the safety around them visible and touched.

Deploy and carry out the "reduction of large -scale control" operation, deepen the traffic police and special patrol street joint service governance model, do a good job of hidden dangers of road traffic, timely investigate and punish extreme weather road traffic safety management, drink drunk drunk driving The path is smooth. Since the operation of the operation, 2142 traffic violations were investigated and punished on the spot, and the number of dead accidents and dead persons in the region decreased by 41%and 43%year -on -year, respectively.

Deepen the "one village, one police" police work, and build a bridge between police and civilians, relying on the work of "one village, one police" to carry out homestay investigation and governance, strengthen the cleanup and investigation of the place of transition; innovation and contradiction The dispute resolution mechanism, joint court joint adjustment, widely collect clues to the masses, create a strong atmosphere of participation and consensus, and promote the effects of "100 -day action" in summer public security to combat the "100 -day action". Since the operation of the operation, Chengdu's new capital public security successfully resolved 264 contradictions and disputes.

Cao Wei Chen Zhihao Sichuan rule of law newspaper-Jiang Jingzhou, a reporter from the rule of law Sichuan News client

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