A married woman in Shanghai also associated 18 men at the same time, scamming more than 2 million yuan!Someone sells a house for her, and some people carry online loans for her ...

Author:Jinan Times Time:2022.08.04

"Can you borrow 5,000 yuan with you and unblock it for you. Our landlord suddenly calls me to pay the rent." "Tomorrow my dad wants to do chemotherapy, you need to pay 15,000. A moment, I will return to you on the 25th? "Leaning for this kind of routine, Shanghai woman Wu Mou deceived a number of men with a number of men with 2 million yuan.

On August 3, the Putuo Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau announced a case of marriage fraud. Upstream journalists learned that under the circumstances of marriage, Wu had a ambiguous relationship with 18 men, and had taken a wedding photo with many people. At present, Wu has taken criminal compulsory measures by the police.

In early July, Shanghai citizen Wang Hua (pseudonym) reported to the Putuo police that he was deceived by his ex -girlfriend Wu of nearly 900,000 yuan. Wang Hua said that he loved photography and met part -time model Wu Mou in 2013. After a period of contact, in June 2017, the two developed into men and women. With the gradually heating up, Wu also proposed to take wedding photos with Wang Hua and buy a wedding room. Just when the two looked forward to the future, Wu said that the family had a sudden change. Her father had a serious illness and needed 100,000 yuan to treat it. Because Wu was regarded as a future wife, Wang Hua transferred the money to Wu without hesitation. In the next few years, from time to time, Wu used his brother to buy a wedding house for lack of money, cousin's cousin was dealt with by the public security organs, and the reasons for the inheritance of the inheritance of the parents' heritage. Yuan, Wang Huawei also carried a lot of online loans.

In the second half of 2021, Wang Hua accidentally discovered that Wu had a relationship with another man Li Fang (a pseudonym) with another man Li Fang (a pseudonym) during his relationship, and asked Wu to say something. At this time, Wang Hua discovered that Wu could not tell many reasons for his previous borrowing money. He also found that Wu had married and had a son before he associated with him. The cousin who had been treated by the public security organs before was compiled by Wu Mou secretly using her husband Zengmou's mobile phone.

The two chat records showed that Wang Hua realized that Wu was aware of being deceived before discovering that Wu had married, and proposed to Wu that if he was not for the purpose of getting married, he would refund the loan, and he would no longer come and go in the future. If you do not refund the family, you will call the police. But Wu did not care about Wang Hua's demand.

According to the clues provided by Wang Hua, the investigation found that Li Fang was also "borrowed" by Wu Fang with the same routine, and Li Fang sold his only house to Wu for borrowing. Further investigation, the police found two other "boyfriends" who had a clear relationship with Wu, one of them had been "borrowed" by nearly 100,000 yuan, and the other had just begun to be "routine". Essence After mastering certain evidence, the police arrested Wu.

Wu Mou confessed that when she worked in Shanghai in 2012, she met Zengmou. In October 2014, Wu, who was just 21 years old, married Zengmou. After the marriage, he was not satisfied with the bland life and income. Wu Mou began to work part -time to make a flat model, and began to apply for online loans. He purchased luxury bags and brand -name cosmetics, and frequently entered and exited luxury hotels. After a long time, Wu, who couldn't make ends meet, gradually couldn't support it. During the period of part -time models, Wu was always self -herself, and there were many suitors around him. Therefore, Wu began a single man with good condition in these pursuers, and claimed to be in love with many people. During this period, Wu Mou had a variety of reasons to "borrow" to his boyfriends, and the "borrowed" money was all used to repay online loan and continue to maintain a luxurious life.

"Because it was impossible to fulfill the promise of marriage at all, Wu considered returning some borrowings from Wang Hua and others, and then kept looking for a new boyfriend. According to Wu, at the highest peak, she had maintained ambiguous with 18 men at the same time. Contact, "said the police officer.

At present, the criminal suspect Wu Mou has been taken criminal measures by Putuo Police in accordance with the law for suspected fraud, and the case is under further investigation.

Source: Upstream News

Edit: Liu Dan

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