Policy banks in many places to implement the "one -person home gang" policy bank lending to speed up again

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.07.08

On July 6, the Shenzhen Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau issued a notice on publicly soliciting the "Regulations on the Management Regulations of Shenzhen Housing Provident Fund Loan (Consultation)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"). The market is highly concerned. "Securities Daily" reporter found that since this year, many cities have launched the "one -person house gang" policy in terms of provident fund management.

Yan Yuejin, the research director of the Think Tank Center of the E -House Research Institute, told the reporter of the Securities Daily that this time in Shenzhen's release policy enables the salary or income assessment of home buyers to be improved, and can loan more provident amounts, which will help further reduce home buyers The cost of buying a house increases the enthusiasm of buyers' buyers.

In addition to the obvious relaxation of the provident fund loan policy, according to the reporter's understanding, the time of bank loans of banks in multiple cities has been further accelerated. Taking second -hand housing as an example, in the case of complete data, after the house is over and the real estate mortgage is completed, some banks can be loanned as soon as the next day.

Adjust the provident fund loan policy in many places

It is reported that the main contents of the revision of the "Regulations" include the definition of streamlined provident fund loans, and adjusting the scope of common applicants. The "Regulations" clearly states that the applicant's spouse, parents, and children can be used as a common applicant regardless of whether there is a housing provident fund. The applicant's spouse, parents, and children are buyers and should be the common applicant. This means that "one person buying a house gang" is expected to become a reality in Shenzhen.

In fact, in addition to Shenzhen, many cities have also launched the "one -person house gang" policy in the management of provident fund management. On July 5th, Tangshan Housing Provident Fund Management Center announced the launch of the "one -person house gang" policy, which clearly stipulates that all employees of new house purchases on June 1 this year can enjoy the New Deal. Essence

According to incomplete statistics from reporters, in addition to Shenzhen and Tangshan, since this year, Xianning, Chizhou, Quanzhou, Zhuhai, Tianjin, Ganzhou, Cangzhou, Qinhuangdao and other places have increased the down payment policy in the new policy of provident fund loans, that is, supporting myself to support me And their direct relatives (spouses, parents, children) withdraws the provident fund to pay for the first payment or purchase payment, and implement the "one -person house gang".

According to the reporter, since this year, the housing provident fund policy has been adjusted frequently this year. The property market support policy launched by many cities also involves increasing the amount of loans and reducing the proportion of down payment for house purchase. On July 6, Xinyang City, Henan Province issued 17 new property markets, including increasing the maximum amount of housing provident fund loans, and the balance of housing housing provident funds for housing, parents, children's housing provident funds, etc. On July 5th, Pu'er City, Yunnan Province issued a new housing provident fund, in which it proposed that the highest loan amount, the down payment ratio of the loan, the adjustment of the withdrawal and the loan interval time, and the expansion of the housing provident fund withdrawal and the scope of withdrawal.

Talking about the reasons behind the loosening of the provident fund policy, Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Housing Policy Research Center of the Guangdong Provincial Urban Rules Institute, believes that first of all, the provident fund policy is a localized policy. The crowd, the purchasing power of these people is relatively stable; secondly, the current house prices are too high, and the confidence and expectations of buyers are insufficient. In this case, the policy must also be adjusted to improve the down payment capacity and monthly supply capacity of buyers.

Short the bank loan time

In addition to the continuous increase in the loosening of the provident fund loan policy, banks have recently accelerated significantly in terms of credit lending processes. Take Shenzhen as an example. At present, most bank loans in the region have accelerated again.

A staff member of a state -owned bank in Shenzhen told the Securities Daily reporter that compared with the previous loan time, the overall loan speed has increased a lot. "In terms of process, from the submitted materials to the bank to complete the system approval process of about 2 to 3 working days, the transfer and mortgage are successfully led within 2 to 3 working days, and the entire process can be led within one week. "

"Now the lending process is indeed accelerated, because the mortgage amount is relatively sufficient. As long as the conditions meet the requirements as required, the approval process is basically fast." Another loan manager of another joint -stock bank also to reporters also to reporters to reporters disclose.

A loan manager of a bank branch in a certain tier cities also told reporters that the bank's mortgage amount is sufficient and the loan time is shortened. Taking second -hand housing as an example, after the approval is completed, and after the house is completed and the real estate mortgage, the bank can be led as soon as the next day.

Similar situations are also staged in other cities. "Securities Daily" reporter learned that bank loans and batch loans in second- and third -tier cities were significantly accelerated compared to previous. The staff of many banks in Tangshan City, Hebei Province told reporters that the current approval is about a week. After the relevant production certificates come out, and the next day after the mortgage is completed, it can be led. In addition, the transfer process of second -hand housing transactions is also more simplified, and business can be handled online. (Reporter Peng Yan)

[Editor in charge: Li Tong]

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