up to date!The upper and lower limit of the deposit base of Chongqing 2022 determined

Author:Kaizhou Rong Media Time:2022.07.04

Chongqing Provident Fund Center News

In accordance with the "Regulations on the Management of Housing Provident Fund" (Order No. 350 of the State Council)

Relevant regulations of Chongqing

The Chongqing Housing Provident Fund in Chongqing in 2022

The notification of the upper and lower limit of the deposit base is as follows


Housing provident fund payment base

The number of housing provident funds in 2022 was determined in accordance with the average monthly salary of the employee himself in the previous year. In 2022, the new work and the newly transferred employees are still implemented in accordance with the original regulations.


Housing provident fund deposit base limit

According to the average monthly salary of the Chongqing municipal employees released by the Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Statistics, the upper limit of the housing provident fund deposit base of 2022 was 26,742 yuan.


Housing provident fund deposit base limit

Since April 2022, the deposit base of the housing provident fund shall not be lower than the "Notice on the release of the minimum wage standards for Chongqing" (Yuman Social Social Fa (2021) 52) stipulated by the Chongqing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau Essence

Source Chongqing released

Health tip

Summer travel should be avoided in the country and do not go to domestic high -risk areas. Do a good job of personal protection, take public transportation and go to the dense places to wear a mask. High -temperature days should also pay attention to heatstroke and cool down, avoid going out at noon, wear sun hat, sunglasses, etc., and apply sunscreen. Mosquito breeding in summer, mosquito nets such as mosquito nets can be used in the home, and it is recommended to wear long -sleeved trousers and apply mosquito repellent. Usually pay attention to diet hygiene, wash your hands, eat cooked food, and disinfect the tableware. (Kaizhou District Disease Control Center)

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