1 billion yuan of supervision funds have been recovered!Zhengzhou "Yongwei Jinqiao Xitang" project delivery time was announced

Author:Top news Time:2022.07.03

At 10 am on July 2nd, the "Yongwei Xitang" special team in Zhengzhou High -tech Zone held a ventilation meeting in Xitang's sales department again to settle the work deployment of the government's comprehensive inspection of the building, fund guarantee, project construction progress, engineering construction, project construction, engineering construction Nodes, project quality guarantee and other aspects actively notified the owners, answering questions on the spot. Representatives of Yongwei Real Estate and dozens of owners attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the "Yongwei Xitang" special team of the high -tech zone made detailed explanations to the owners present from June 22 to July 1st, "Yongwei Xitang" project promotion. The work progress took the initiative to propagate and interpret the majority of owners, and strive to resolve the anxiety of the owner.

In response to the funding guarantee that the owner worried, the special team stated that the capital of 1.011.5 billion yuan under the coordination of multiple parties has been recovered by shareholders. The subsequent sales revenue is all transferred to the supervision account under the state -owned assets, which is used to ensure the construction of subsequent projects. The special funds are dedicated and closed. The construction funds expenditure required by the project shall be paid by the state -owned assets supervision account to the construction party after reviewing and launching and launching, state -owned asset review, and high -tech zone "Yongwei Xitang" work team.

It is reported that the construction funds of 2022, 2023, and 2024 were 216 million yuan, 314 million yuan, and 354 million yuan, respectively.

"The purpose of the management committee of the High -tech Zone is to assign state assets to the use of capital use, guarantee of the property, and the quality of the building. The first task is to protect the rights and interests of the owners of home buyers." The relevant person in charge of the special team told reporters.

It is understood that as of now, the progress of Xitang's construction site is all capped on June 26; the second structure of Jingsheng's construction section and the inner wall plastering are completed. The second structure of the creation of the construction of the construction of the construction of the construction of the construction of the construction of the construction has begun.

The representatives of the participating owners are pleased that this notification gives a detailed arrangement plan and exact delivery time for the follow -up project node of the "Yongwei Xitang" project:

The roof engineering is completed before 2022.9.15;

The inner wall plaster 2022.11.20 is completed;

Completed before indoor hydropower installation 2023.3.5;

The outer surface is completed before 2023.3.10;

Completed before the decoration of the public district 2023.10.20;

The basement installation is completed before 2023.5.10;

Before the landscape 2023.9.1, complete;

Complete acceptance 2023.12.10 to complete;

The owner will strive for 2024.5.31 to complete.

The special team stated that the next step will actively coordinate the development of the enterprise to ensure the timely supply of the supply materials, and mobilize the general contracting unit to increase the on -site construction personnel; start professional engineering design and bidding, and organize each subcontracting unit to enter the market.

At the report, in response to the demands of many owners who repeatedly mentioned the hope that the project could be delivered "high quality", Yongwei Real Estate also solemnly made a number of guarantees to the owner: to ensure that the delivery standard for the sales contract agreed; The development enterprise has promised to implement in writing according to written commitments; to ensure that the model process, materials selection are the same as the contract; the next 3 to 6 months will plan to complete 30 recruitment work, including fire engineering, doors and windows engineering, and external decoration engineering.

The reporter saw at the scene that every important progress at the ventilation meeting, the owner representatives reported applause.

The leaders of the special team and Yongwei Real Estate said that they will continue to promote various tasks with the core of "insurance and traffic buildings". In a timely manner, the latest project construction progress is passed online through the owner group, and regularly convened a meeting to report offline, communicate and communicate issues, and solicit opinions and suggestions.

"Under the premise of ensuring quality, the work period can be allowed as soon as possible to allow each owner to live into the beautiful homeland! ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Source: Zhengzhou High -tech Published

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