The effect of stabilizing the property market has gradually showed a gentle recovery of second -hand housing transactions in many places

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.06.30

Since this year, real estate regulation measures have been introduced in many places. With the help of continuous stabilizing property market policies, the transaction volume of second -hand housing in many places has recovered rapidly. "Securities Daily" reporter recently investigated the property market in Hangzhou, Nanjing and other places found that the policy effect has gradually emerged, and the second -hand housing market has a gentle recovery.

During the year, Hangzhou has successively introduced real estate regulation measures, and therefore repeatedly occupied the market regulatory hot search list. At present, Hangzhou has lowered the mortgage interest rate in 5 times during the year.

On May 17, Hangzhou issued the "Notice on Further Promoting the Steady and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market" to clarify the optimization of second -hand housing trading policies. A real estate agency staff in Hangzhou told reporters, "After the release of the new policy, the volume of viewing has increased significantly, and the transaction volume of second -hand housing has also increased significantly."

According to data from Hangzhou Shell Research Institute, in May 2022, Hangzhou residential transactions exceeded 4,100 units, of which the average transaction of over 90 houses was sold before the New Deal (May 1st to May 16th). On the 31st), the average daily transaction exceeded 180 houses, and the number of residential online visas was increased by 83%due to the impact of the new policy. According to Kerry data, the transaction volume of second -hand housing in Hangzhou continued to rise in June.

Since April, Nanjing has frequently adjusted the property market policy, not only relaxing the purchase restrictions many times, but also loosen the property market by relaxing sales restrictions, adjusting the provident fund housing policy, and increasing number of children's house purchase sets. A real estate agency staff in Nanjing told reporters that since June, the transaction volume of second -hand housing in Nanjing has indeed risen. From the perspective of the transaction trend, since the policy is relaxed, the market has experienced a significant rise. "The owner's price is not so high, and some owners have taken the initiative to lower the listing price."

Except for Hangzhou and Nanjing, after the control of strong second -tier cities such as Chengdu and Suzhou, second -hand housing transactions also increased significantly. Behind the recovery of the second -hand housing market, the decline in housing loan interest rates is one of the driving force, leveraging the release of market demand. Liu Lijie, a market analyst at the Shell Research Institute, told reporters that the decline in mortgage interest rates has declined to reduce the first payment of some cities and cancel the housekeeping loan. In essence, the purchasing power of buyers will help accelerate market transactions. In the first half of June, the average daily transaction volume of second -hand housing in the 50 cities of Shells was more than 20%compared with the average daily level of May. At present, more than 40 % of the urban mortgage interest rates in 103 cities are higher than the lower limit. There is still room for interest rate cuts in the future. Combining the support of local policies since June, it is also strengthened, which is conducive to the repair of market transactions in June and the second half of the year.

Li Yujia, chief researcher at the Guangdong Housing Policy Research Center, believes that the superposition effects of policies and measures such as epidemic rescue, inspiring property markets, and central banks will be fully displayed in the second half of the year. The bottom of house prices and sales has begun to appear.

The Shell Research Institute believes that, according to the laws of the past policy transmission, market recovery is divided into three stages: leading recovery, driving recovery and overall recovery. The current market has reached the first stage of recovery (leading recovery), and to the second stage Drive the recovery) transition, that is, the leading restoration of strong second -tier and first -tier cities, and ordinary second -tier and below cities are expected to be at a low position. According to this, housing prices in ordinary second -tier cities in August this year will stabilize, and housing prices in low -energy cities at the end of the year will stabilize.

(Editor in charge: Wang Chenxi)

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