Latest answer!Changsha talent purchase policy has changed!

Author:Changsha release Time:2022.06.26

On the 24th, the press conference of the "upgraded version 45" supporting implementation methods of Changsha Talent Policy was held, and 26 supporting implementation methods were released at the meeting.

Among them, the Municipal Party Committee Talent Office and the Municipal Housing and Urban Construction Bureau jointly issued the "Implementation Measures for the Purchase and House Subsidy Subsidies (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Measures") attracted much attention.

What changes and supplements have been made in the "Implementation Measures" compared to the original talent purchase and house subsidies? How do talents apply for house purchase and house subsidies? Xiaobu interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau on the 25th.

Summary integration of existing talent purchase policies

"The" Implementation Measures "introduced this time is the integration, expansion, innovation and breakthrough of existing policies." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau introduced that in 2017 and 2019 The Implementation Measures for the Subsidy Purchase Subsidies clearly stipulate the talent purchase and house purchase subsidies. Among them, the subsidy application application and review business is hosted by the Municipal Housing Transaction Management Center; with the launch of the 2018 "Changsha Talent" APP, the subsidy application model is also on the application model of the house purchase subsidy. The government window is manually accepted and upgraded to online declarations and does not meet.

According to reports, the "Implementation Measures" summarized and integrated in Changsha's various types of talent purchase and house purchase subsidy policies. The new policy covers professional and technical personnel who have a high -ranking talent, young talent (doctoral, master graduates), newly introduced or new senior technicians and manufacturing enterprises newly introduced or newly introduced or newly obtained.

Among them, it is clear that the top international industry talents, leading talents of national industrial industries, and provincial and municipal industrial leaders who are selected as the leading talent leading project in Changsha City can be based on the same period of 200 square meters, 150 square meters, and 100 square meters. The average market price application (single set) full purchase subsidy. Among them, the actual total purchase of the house (based on the total amount of the house purchase of the deed tax) exceeds the full purchase subsidy, the subsidy of the full purchase subsidy standard; if it is not exceeded, the subsidy is based on the actual total purchase of the house.

According to the "Implementation Measures", a doctor who has settled and worked for a long time to buy the first commercial housing of the family is not limited by social insurance deposit time. On June 21, 2017 (inclusive), a doctoral and master graduates who later worked for a long job. After the long -term purchase of commercial housing on May 1, 2022 (inclusive), and meet the relevant conditions, they can apply for 100,000 yuan and 30,000 respectively Yuanshi purchase subsidy.

After June 21, 2017 (inclusive), personnel who have introduced or newly introduced or newly obtained the national vocational qualification certificate (vocational skills level certificate), and the manufacturing enterprise newly introduced or newly obtained senior engineers' professional titles of the senior senior engineer within the scope of Changsha Professional and technical personnel, those who purchase commercial housing for the first time, can apply for a house subsidy of 30,000 yuan.

Expand the subsidy of the doctoral graduate purchase subsidy

According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau, one of the biggest changes in the new policy is to expand the subsidies for doctoral graduates who meet relevant conditions in accordance with relevant conditions. The original policy requires "newly settled and worked in the city of Changsha. Full -time doctoral doctoral and master graduates under the age of 35 (excluding personnel in institutions and institutions in the editor). Yuan's house purchase subsidy. "The new policy is adjusted to no longer required to be settled; at the same time," municipal universities, municipalities, districts, counties (cities), public hospitals, primary and secondary schools, and primary and secondary schools have newly introduced foreign colleges and universities and 35 years of age (including including ) The following doctorate doctors in China can apply for a house subsidy of 100,000 yuan for the first time they buy commercial housing. "

At the same time, the new policy has made bidding for subsidy standards for housing. The original policy can apply for 60,000 yuan to purchase a house subsidy for the first time of the first purchase of commercial housing for doctoral graduates who meet the relevant conditions.

"We clearly explained and defined the declaration, review and distribution of talent purchase subsidies." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Housing Trading Management Center introduced, for example, the new policy requires that the applicant for house purchase subsidies must sign a record contract or rights on the purchase of the house purchased. It is proven to be the right holder (including the common person); the first purchase of commercial housing refers to the purchase of this set of housing, and the spouse, and the juvenile children do not have any commercial housing transactions in the Changsha city.

It should be reminded that the subsidies for high -precision talents to purchase houses are distributed twice, and 60%of the total subsidy subsidies are issued for the first time. Those who pass the performance evaluation in the third year will be 40%of the total subsidies for the purchase of houses. After two reviews and distribution, the first time of the first distribution of 60,000 yuan is issued. Since the date of the first distribution of subsidies, it is still working and paying the social insurance for urban employee social insurance for 12 months.

Purchase subsidy application process

The subsidy of the house purchase is accepted by the Municipal Housing Trading Management Center all year round and is approved in quarterly. The application process is as follows:

(1) Declaration. The application object can log in to Changsha Talent Smart Navigation ( or download the "Changsha Talent" app for independent declaration.

(2) review and review. The Municipal Housing Trading Management Center will review the qualifications of the declaration objects with the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Municipal Public Security Bureau and other relevant departments, propose a list of suggestions for the application of the application, and report it to the Municipal Party Committee's Talent Office for approval to form a list of subsidies.

(3) Publicity. The list of intended subsidies will be announced on Changsha's smart navigation and the website of the Municipal Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau. The publicity period is 5 working days.

(4) Fund allocation.After the publicity has no objection, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau concentratedly allocated the subsidy model to the individual social security card account of the subsidy target every quarter.Source 丨 Changsha Evening News

Reporter 丨 Chen Huanming

Edit 丨 Tangwei School Division 丨 Wen Chunyan

Review 丨 Du Jin

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