Soliciting opinions | How do you have advice on how to develop affordable rental housing?

Author:Harbin News Network Time:2022.06.26

In order to meet the housing needs of new citizens and young people's housing difficulties, and accelerate the construction of a housing security system with public rental housing, affordable rental housing and common property housing, recently, Harbin Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau issued the "Harbin City on Accelerating Development Security on Accelerating Development Security The implementation plan of sex leasing housing (draft for comments) ", soliciting opinions for the society.

Realize living,

Harbin City plans to raise 10,000 sets of affordable housing this year

The "Plan" proposes that in order to effectively expand the supply of affordable rental housing, alleviate insufficient structural supply in the housing leasing market, and solve the problems of group housing difficulties such as new citizens and young people, during the "14th Five -Year Plan" period, Harbin City raised affordable rental housing 3 Thousands of (room). Among them, in 2022, 10,000 sets of affordable rental housing were raised, and it was strived to add 10%of the total supply of affordable rental housing accounted for 10%of the total supply of new housing.

New citizens are included in the scope of guarantee,

The rent is not higher than the market for 90%

The affordable leased housing is mainly small apartment in small units for no more than 70 square meters, and it should be reasonably supported for commercial service facilities. Through existing affordable rental housing that has started or built housing transformation and talent housing incorporated into the management of affordable rental housing, the building area standards can be appropriately relaxed.

At the same time, the annual rent standards for affordable rental housing can be evaluated and determined by the project investment entity or operating management unit. In principle, it is not higher than 90%of the rental housing rent of the same area and the same quality market. The rent standard is announced to the public. Enterprise institutions, colleges, colleges, scientific research institutes, and various types of parks have been established and operated to solve the problem of housing without housing housing in the unit (park), and the rent standards are determined by themselves.

Affordable rental housing land can be transferred,

Supply of lease or allocation and other methods

The "Plan" proposes that the land support policies for affordable rental housing are intended to adopt the following land support policies, that is, in accordance with the principle of residential balance, improve the supply of affordable rental housing land for residential land. Land use planning, priority arrangement, and guarantee should be guaranteed. Safe rental housing land can be supplied by transfer, leasing or allocation. Among them, if it is provided or leased, the rental price and adjustment method of affordable rental housing can be used as the front conditions for transfer or leasing. Essence

At the same time, the land where enterprises and institutions obtain the right to use in accordance with the law shall be allowed to build a guaranteed rental housing on the premise that meet the planning, the ownership of the ownership, the safety requirements, and the wishes of the masses. For land prices, the landed land can continue to retain the allocation method; allow land use rights to build or cooperate with other market entities to cooperate with other market entities to build operational affordable rental housing.

In addition, under the premise of ensuring safety, the proportion of the land area of ​​the industrial projects in the industrial project in the industrial project can increase the area of ​​the land area of ​​administrative office and living service facilities in the industrial project. The improvement part is mainly used to build dormitory -type guarantee rental housing, and it is strictly forbidden to build a set of commercial housing; encourage the land area or construction area of ​​the supporting proportion of various industrial projects in the industrial park to uniformly build a dormitory -type affordable rental housing.

For non -residential existing houses such as business offices, hotels, factories, warehouses, scientific research and education, etc., under the premise of meeting the principles of planning, the unchanged ownership, the safety requirements, and the wishes of the masses, it is allowed to be converted into guarantee. Rental housing; during the period of affordable rental housing, the nature of land use is not changed, and the land price is not paid.

Affordable rental housing project

Enjoy support policies such as capital, taxation, settlement, etc.

In terms of preferential tax policies, for the use of non -residential land and non -residential existing houses (including commercial office housing and industrial plant renovation houses that are rented to residential houses) to build affordable leased housing, after obtaining the confirmation of affordable rental housing projects, it is determined by the affirmative leased housing project, and the project recognition of affordable rental housing projects is obtained. Implementation shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Announcement on Improving the Taxation Policies of Housing Leasing".

In terms of supporting preferential policies, in accordance with relevant state regulations, supporting support for affordable rental housing projects is exempted from urban infrastructure supporting fees. For the use of housing, dormitories, hotels, etc. for living and reconstruction of affordable rental housing used for residential houses, after obtaining the confirmation of the affordable rental housing project, the fire protection design review and acceptance can be based on our province's main point of fire protection technology on the existing building renovation and utilization ( Guidelines) and the implementation of the state and province's existing architectural transformation. For the newly built and non -residential housing rented housing projects for the use of non -residential existing land and non -residential stock housing, after obtaining a guarantee rental housing project identification letter, its water, electricity, gas, and heat use in accordance with residential standards.

In terms of financial support policies, the banking financial institutions are encouraged to provide medium- and long -term loans to market entities participating in the management of affordable rental housing in a market -oriented manner for raising of affordable rental housing. Support eligible affordable rental housing construction and operation enterprises to issue debt financing in the interbank market, and support eligible affordable rental housing projects to declare infrastructure real estate investment trust funds (REITs).

In addition, for state -owned development and construction units to convert the established ordinary commercial housing into affordable rental housing, the sales approval of commercial housing can be transferred from sales (pre -pre -) to self -holding houses. As a guarantee of affordable leasing housing operations for 3 years and not applying for government support funds and policies to support the development of the housing rental market, it can be transformed into ordinary commercial housing in a timely manner. Other development and construction units may refer to execution. At the same time, the lease of the lease that is included in the management of the housing of affordable rental housing is in line with the provisions of the housing provident fund rental withdrawal, and the housing provident fund is actively withdrawn for the lessee and their spouse to pay for the rent. For rented families who meet the conditions of affordable rental housing, they can enjoy public service rights such as settlement and education. Insufficient leased housing projects are strictly prohibited to sell disguise,

In principle, the operation period should not be less than 5 years

The "Plan" proposes that affordable leasing housing adheres to the principle of "who invests and who has everything", and encourages third -party professional institutions with rich experience and strong operating capabilities to be responsible for operation management. Strengthen market supervision of the main body of affordable rental housing, standardize contract management, strict rent standards, and resolutely prevent sales or disguised sales of affordable rental housing.

At the same time, affordable leasing housing projects need to confirm their rights as a whole, and shall not be registered, divided, transferred, segmented mortgage, and shall not be listed or sold in disguise. The property right certificate shall be "affordable leased housing projects, and registration, transfer, and mortgage shall be performed without division." The use of enterprises and institutions to build their own free land construction and affordable rental housing for non -residential housing construction.

In addition, the operation period of affordable rental housing projects should not be less than 5 years in principle (except for commercial housing conversion projects), and the operation period should be calculated from the project in operation. During the operation period, you must not change your use. After the operation period expires, after the application is approved, it can continue to be leased as a affordable rental housing, and it can also apply to the municipal office of affordable rental housing leadership groups to withdraw from the category of raising channels. The project applied for exit, the project identification letter automatically abolished, no longer enjoy relevant preferential policies, and at the same time, it should enjoy the free infrastructure supporting fees for supplement. Projects that have been applied for withdrawal in the operation period should be cope with the affordable rental housing subsidy funds at all levels of government affordable rental housing.

The "Plan" proposes to uniformly incorporate affordable leasing housing into the supervision of comprehensive housing leasing service platform, provide online "one -stop" services for housing leasing enterprises, lessons, and lesseans. Process supervision.

At the same time, the connection of public rental housing and affordable rental housing policies. According to the objects that have withdrawn from the affordable housing policy, rental housing can be leased. New citizens, young people and talent housing lease subsidies who are receiving monetization subsidies of public rental housing areas can choose to rent affordable rental housing, and rent is implemented in accordance with market rental standards.

The public can send our bureau in the form of email names, contact information, ID numbers, and ID numbers.

Email address: [email protected]. Deadline for comments: June 30, 2022.

Source: Harbin News Network

Reporter: Liu Shubo

Edit: Ma Yunpeng

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