The eight departments speak and accelerate the implementation!

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.06.23

Recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued a joint notice, requiring localities to accelerate the rent and exemption of the main housing rents in the market, helping the service industry small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households to relieve housing rent pressure.

The notice clearly states that those who are listed as a small and micro enterprise and individual industrial and commercial households in the county -level administrative region where the high -risk areas where the epidemic are located rented a state -owned house in 2022, and the rent is reduced for 3 months in 2022.

For lessons to reduce the rent, the tax department will reduce the real estate tax and urban land use tax of the year in accordance with relevant local governments; encourage state -owned banks to support the lenders who need to reduce the rent and exemption.

The institutions (or departments) of the duties (or departments) at all levels are responsible for supervising and guiding the supervision of the state -owned enterprises to implement the rent reduction policy. Relevant departments guide localities to implement state -owned housing rents and exemption policies within their respective responsibilities. Those who have reduced their rent and affect the operating performance of state -owned enterprises and institutions, they are recognized according to the actual situation in the assessment.

The notice also clearly states that non -state -owned housing lessons to reduce rent for small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households in the service industry, in addition to enjoying the above policy concessions, encourage localities to give greater efforts to policy concessions. In addition, the notification emphasizes that if the rental and sharing forms are rented, the rents should be ensured that the preferential policy of rents and exemption benefits the final lessee shall not coax the rent in the lease and sub -lease section.

Source: CCTV News Client

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