One -stop convenience service for Dalian "Political Taxation Enterprise Zhilian to handle a certificate" to make a happy "home" speed

Author:Peninsula Morning Post Time:2022.06.22

"I can experience the one -stop service of obtaining taxes on the day of delivery, which is really convenient. The government and taxation departments really serve the people." As the first -stop service of the first -stop service, Ms. Xuan said, Said, said Essence On June 22, the Taxation Bureau of Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone and the Jinpu New District Real Estate Registration Center jointly launched a pilot measure for the "Political Taxation Enterprise Intelligent Union to hand in a certificate". The one -stop processing mode is issued with a zero distance and the time difference.

The Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone Taxation Bureau Union Pu New District Real Estate Registration Center uses Longhu Jinwan Tianxuan Real Estate as the "payment of the house to apply for a certificate" reform to improve the pilot. Information integration, through the maximum streamlined information, and smooth and convenient intelligent tax handling channels. Buyers can realize the "palm processing, internal circulation, one -stop settlement" of the delivery, tax payment, and obtaining permits at the scene to create a creation The time of the full chain is more compressed, the process is optimized, the procedures are more streamlined, and the service is more detailed.

It is reported that during the centralized delivery period from June 22 to June 23, buyers who applied for on-site to apply for a non-motion permit can be performed online through the Dalian Taxation Interactive Platform "Takis Intelligent Question Office" during the pilot activity. Application, information upload, tax payment, tax background data information is transmitted in real time, instant review, instant tax completion, after the real estate registration center accepts the review, you can print out the non -motion of property rights permit, realizing the "seamless seamless house collection, taxation, and licenses. Connect.

"Payment of taxes" and innovatively applied Dalian Tax Tascis Intelligence Intelligence Assembly "Cloud" tax system, further expand the application function of the promise interactive platform, and enrich the integration of intelligent interrogation and natural person's real estate transaction online business integration. New ways to provide new methods for the tax department to further expand the scope of tax handling of nature.

Wang Qiao Peninsula Morning News, 39 -degree video reporter Xiao Yan

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