Guangzhou plans to carry out the pilot system of architects!Start at least 7 pilot projects during the year

Author:China Survey and Design Magazi Time:2022.09.19

Recently, the Guangzhou Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau issued the "Work Plan for the Implementation of the Pilot Implementation of the Institute of Responsibility System in Guangzhou" (Draft for Public Consultation) (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") pointed out that supporting Huangpu District (Guangzhou Development Zone) and Nansha District (self -made The Nansha New Area Trinity in the Trade Zone) took the lead in carrying out the pilot work of the architect's responsibility system, and at the same time give full play to the demonstration of the demonstration of state -owned or fiscal investment projects to actively promote the pilot, reform and improve the construction management system, process and organizational model The architect is responsible for the bidding, project approval, credit evaluation, vocational insurance, charging standards, arbitration systems, educational training and other related work systems, collaborative consulting, design, construction and operation and maintenance, and give full play to the professional advantages of architects and technical leadership Role, inherit and develop excellent architectural culture, encourage design innovation, continuously build the quality of urban architecture with demonstration effects, and accelerate the pace of the construction model of Guangzhou's engineering construction model and international standards.

The pilot projects mentioned in the "Plan" include: newly built, reconstructed, and expand civil construction projects listed as pilots in Huangpu District and Nansha District; municipal and district governments invest in pilot projects in housing construction; House construction pilot project. In addition, the entire process of engineering consulting and engineering general contracting projects with design units or housing construction projects led or served as technical coordination and management, housing construction projects that are built by the design unit or implemented the whole process project management, and Hong Kong and Macau enterprises in Guangzhou are wholly or or in Guangzhou or in Guangzhou. The construction projects carried out by the holding are given priority to the pilot. At the same time, the plan encourages other housing construction projects to invest in social investment to actively carry out pilots.

The "Plan" clearly states that in 2022, the selection of more than 3 (inclusive) or above in Huangpu and Nansha Districts to start a pilot pilot selection of one (inclusive) or more. From 2023 to 2025, Huangpu District and Nansha District used the construction project of the land to transfer land, and arranged the construction area of ​​the construction area of ​​the architect responsible for pilot projects accounted for not less than 30%of the total construction area of ​​the newly transferred land in this year; Other districts are not less than 10%. The proportion of government investment pilot projects responsible for the implementation of architects in the city and districts should not be less than 10%of the number of newly started projects this year.

In addition, the pilot project will implement the bidding model of the project chief architect and its team, and clarify the content of the service, reasonably determine the service charges, and at the same time explore the implementation of the professional insurance guarantee mechanism of the architect, and strengthen the credit assessment.

The original text is as follows

Guangzhou Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau on public solicitation

Announcement of the Opinions of the Opinions of the "Guangzhou Architect Responsible Pilot Implementation Work Plan" (public consultation draft)

In order to implement the "Opinions of the State Council on the Pilot Work of the Innovation of Business Environment" and the "Notice of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipal People's Government on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan for the Pilot Cities of the National Business Environment Innovation Pilot Cities" on the exploration and development of architects in the field of civil construction engineering The requirements of the pilot work work are now combined with the actual situation of our city.

1. Solicitation time

August 26, 2022 -September 25, 2022

2. Public submission of opinions

(1) Written letter: Mailing it to the Science and Technology Design Office of Guangzhou Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau, No. 1 Fuqian Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou. Postal code: 510000.

(2) Email: Send to Email [email protected]. Please leave the real name and contact information when submitting the opinion so that you can connect further if necessary (if you feedback on the name of the unit, please stamp the official seal of the unit).

Special announcement.


"Guangzhou Architects Responsible Pilot Implementation Work Plan" (Draft for Public Soliciting Opinions)

Guangzhou Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau

August 25, 2022


Source: official website of Guangzhou Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau

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