Deep 丨 Da real estate enterprise deeply cultivates Hangzhou

Author:21st Century Economic report Time:2022.09.16

21st Century Business Herald reporter Tang Shaokui Shanghai report

The third round of Hangzhou concentrated on the afternoon of September 15th. This soil auction has some inspiration for Hangzhou market expectations and even the national market expectations.

The soil auction launched a total of 19 house -related plots, with a turnover of 43.063 billion, with an average premium rate of 5%. After the soil auction started, there were 11 plots on the line, of which 9 of them were transactions and 2 premiums were sold; the other 8 plots were capped in the offline quotation lottery program.

As of the end of the third batch of land transfer, Hangzhou sold a total of 123 houses in 2022, with a total area of ​​10.39 million square meters, and the total transaction value exceeded 181.4 billion yuan, close to 70%of the total transaction amount involved in 2021.

The third batch of land supply in Hangzhou has shrunk significantly compared to the first and second batch, but the land launched by the local government avoided the current market supply Xiaoshan District, Fuyang District, Lin'an, Lin'an, Lin'an In the district, there are 13 plots launched or distributed in the hot sector of the main city, or a huge development cycle of 3-5 years.

The plot of the plot has pushed the enthusiasm for the registration of housing companies: 8 plots have entered the offline staging stage because of the excessive registration of housing companies, accounting for 42%. 8 real estate companies have signed up more than 6 plots. As a result, six real estate companies, Binjiang, Greentown, Vanke, China Resources, China Merchants, and Poly, they obtained 12 plots in this round of soil auction.

The big real estate company occupies a place in Hangzhou's soil auction. The division of the property market in Hangzhou is obvious, and the refraction to the land market is that the plot determined by the flow of commercial housing has triggered a number of real estate companies. Local urban investment companies take over.

Soil auction differentiation

On the whole, the third batch of land transfer in Hangzhou has reduced the supply of non -main urban area where the first two batches of the first two batches, and at the same time increase the supply of land in the main urban area. The ups and downs of house prices in the area. This reflects the implementation of the central government's "stable price, housing price, and expected expectations", and also reflects Hangzhou's confidence in its future economy.

Ding Jiangang, a person in Hangzhou industry, believes that the third round of concentrated land supply does not indicate that the land market has begun to become hot. "In fact, developers only determine the land -grained speed, the market flow rate is uncertain, or the business format is complex, the non -residential proportion is high The plot is very cautious. "

Among the eight plots of land, there were two in Greentown, three in Binjiang, and one of Vanke. Two other plots were by Kunhe Construction Group Co., Ltd. ("Kun He"), Zhejiang Zhonghao Holding Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Zhonghao") take it away.

Qixinbao Information shows that Kunhe is a subsidiary of Hangzhou Fuhe Bidai Enterprise Management Co., Ltd.; Zhonghao is a 79%of Xu Guoyao's shares.

People familiar with the matter revealed that after the above two companies won the land, they intended to introduce other housing companies to jointly develop. At the same time, the market was rumored that the Binjiang consortium took two plots. Binjiang said to the 21st Century Economic Herald reporter that whether it will participate in the development of the other two plots remains the company's announcement. Compared to the previous two big pen, Binjiang and Greentown are now focusing on land with high turnover. Greentown took the top spot in the land auction in this soil auction. Such a land acquisition strategy and Zhang Xiangdong, chairman of the company's board of directors, hoped to enter the top ten (the top ten sales rankings, the top ten self -investment parts, and the top ten equity parts) Commoning.

In the first two rounds of soil auctions, the riverside of more than 40 billion land were thrown, and another 5.6 billion yuan won two houses in Jiangwan New City. Jiangwan New Town is Qianjiang New Town Phase II. This sector market has a large undertakable market, and there is currently no new house on sale. Earlier, Guan Cuisue Yuexuan and Qijiang Laoyue Xuan opened the low -winning ratio of 12.8%and 18.5%in June, respectively. Jiang Huaxi and Jiang Yuewangyun, which were subsequently established, were about to go public, which has attracted the attention of many home buyers.

Jiangwan New Town has become one of the main sectors of Hangzhou land supply this year. Seven houses have been transferred in the three rounds of concentrated land supply, and 3 are launched in the third batch, and all of them have entered the offline quotation at one time.

China Resources 740 million yuan replenished the Shenhua section and won the house on the south side of the Shenhua Vientiane World. The plot ratio of this plot is 1.5, which can build an area of ​​about 22,000 square meters. The volume has a high weekly ride rate, and the location advantage is obvious. Greentown 7 billion yuan won the core of Shenhua, with a premium rate of 10.11%. Poly and China Merchants have obtained land in the area. In the eyes of the industry, the local governments press the floor at the bottom of the box, and the big real estate companies are self -evident.

The plot with complex formats, such as the Jiangjiang Future Community and the Xingqiao Metro, have a total amount of 16.2 billion yuan, accounting for nearly 40%of the total soil auction. Take it down.

Hangzhou Turkhaba is divided. The main city area launched in this round also attracted local private enterprises with capital strength: Hangzhou Jinsui won the Linting plot at a premium of 775 million yuan; Qiaoqiao plot in Shangcheng District; Zhejiang St. Olympic Real Estate for 852 million yuan to win the Xiasha Yuancheng area of ​​Qiantang District.

"No more land, they have broken food in Hangzhou." Relevant sources of a large private enterprise Southeast Group Investment Department helplessly said that in fact, more private enterprises wanted to participate in the shooting, but the current payment ability was limited and could no longer compete with the central and state -owned enterprises.

Land price squeeze bubble

The supply of soil shooting is more concentrated to the main urban area and the hotspot sector, which also shows the government's grasp of the rhythm of the market. At the same time, through the opportunity of market adjustment, the bubble of the Hangzhou Turku market is gradually fading. Based on the supply volume of first -hand real estate in some areas, and the long -term period is long, Hangzhou's soil auction avoids these areas. For example, the Xiaoshan District, Fuyang District, and Linping area are listed in zero; the popular areas such as Qian Er, Sibao Qibao, Shenhua and other popular areas are released.

Earlier this year, the transaction volume of second -hand housing in Hangzhou opened a decline. Until September, the transaction of second -hand housing still did not improve. This year's new house delivery is more concentrated. Nowadays, the number of listings has increased, but the transactions have not improved. Data from third -party agencies show that as of September 15, Hangzhou's second -hand housing transaction volume was 1903, which was still a downward trend compared to the 4668 units in August.

It is not difficult to understand that the government has made some adjustments in the third batch of price limit for land transfer. For example, Greentown Town takes the Future Science and Technology City Leisure Forest Plate Lianrong Block plot. Compared with the previous land, the price of the transaction price fell nearly 4,000 yuan/square meter. The first batch of soil auctions in this area was 27.11 million yuan/square meter in the first batch of soil auctions. The price limit from this time was only 23,100 yuan/square meter.

Zhejiang Jieli Land is located in the Qiaoqiao section of the urban area. This section is the first concentrated land for land transfer this year. The price limit is 4.264 yuan/square meter. Yuan/square meter.

Although the above two plots may be different compared to the same section area in terms of location and comprehensive conditions, the limited price ceiling has significantly reduced.

People in the industry believe that the Hangzhou government is developing towards the price adjustment of the plot and is developing towards a more scientific and more fine trend. In the future, it will not rule out that there will be one place and one (limited) price in the future.

In contrast, some people in the industry believe that Hangzhou soil auction has gone out of independence. From the perspective of the overall premium rate, it is really difficult to say that the land market recovers. The overall premium rate of the third batch of soil auctions in Hangzhou was 5%, and the overall premium rate of concentrated land supply in the first two rounds of this year was 6.57%and 4.6%, respectively. Against the background of the national property market, local governments may be more inclined to think about how to use land turnover more efficiently to maintain the healthy operation of the property market.

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