How about the resumption of work in Zhengzhou?

Author:Top news Time:2022.09.16

Recently, Zhengzhou launched the "big dry 30 days" to tackle the bad tail building. Before October 6, all the real estate projects in Zhengzhou's city stop work were fully and continued to resume work.

Since the second half of 2022, the relevant departments of Zhengzhou have proposed four relief models such as "shed reform loan repayment, acquisition, bankruptcy and restructuring, and affordable leased housing model" for rotten tail buildings and stop work projects. In early August, the relevant departments of Zhengzhou issued another real estate bailout fund scheduled to be tentatively scheduled to be 10 billion yuan.

How does Zhengzhou's move affect the future of Zhengzhou property market?

Zhengzhou, as the first city to introduce a systematic, pragmatic and pragmatic real estate resumption plan, the industry and experts see it?

Looking at the whole country, the battle of the "Insurance and Communications" has been launched one after another. What are the good experiences in other places?

The family who has been looking forward to the house for more than two years is more than two years old

On September 14, a reporter from the Dahe Daily · Yu Video came to the third phase of the Daheyuanyuan at the southeast corner of Tianhe Road and Jinguang Road in Zhengzhou City. From a distance, you can see 9 high -rise buildings.

At the scene, the reporter saw that the facade outside the east side had been presented, and the window glass was new. But near the west side, the facade is still rough, and the construction has not yet begun. However, at the site of the real estate, the dust -lowering spray equipment on the inside of the wall is running. On the construction site, there is no shadow of workers. Inside the building, there was a dingling sound.

At the entrance of the construction site, the personnel told reporters that there were workers in it, but not much. "If you have money, do not have so many workers to work. At present, although the main framework of the real estate is good, the western garage is good, but the western garage is in the western garage. Haven't been built yet, and there are still many projects that have not been completed. Next, it depends on how to fully resume work. The owners are worried about anxiety. "

The citizen Ms. Chen's family just needed a house and bought it here. After buying a house in April 2020, the whole family looked forward to staying at an early date.

"I still have a high mortgage loan, the loan interest rate is 5.88, Zheng Diao has been for ten years. I have worked hard to buy a suit, but I can't see it." Ms. Chen said that now, their family is squeezed in a small two in the second seven districts. In the house of the room, I ca n’t live at all.

In fact, in late May of this year, the Dahe News Henan Video has paid attention to and reported the real estate. The relevant person in charge of Sunac's Dahe Courtyard project told reporters that the project will resume work at the end of May 2022. "This is no problem and will be delivered on time."

Today, more than two years, she looks forward to the real estate can achieve substantial resumers as soon as possible.

As anxious as Ms. Chen, of course, there are other owners of other real estate.

On September 14th, Mr. Yang, a citizen who bought Zhengzhou Jinyi Four Seasons City Phase 5, said that the suit was bought in November 2019, and the contract was paid on June 30, 2022. In fact, the project has been in a state of stopping since 2021, and has not done its facade. In the first half of 2022, the majority of owners, the office, and the leaders of the Housing Management Bureau had communicated with the developer Jinyi senior management. It promised to resume work on April 10 this year.

"However, the latest promise of developers is to deliver the house at the end of this year." Mr. Yang said that at present, the relevant leaders replied that "will urge Jinyi to establish a regulatory account for subsequent construction. We hope that the house can be successfully delivered at the end of this year."

Behind the resurrection of the property

As we all know, the reason for each real estate is complicated, and it is not easy to resolve. How to pry the problem of the "big trouble" of the people's livelihood problem continues to operate, and it needs to pay a lot behind it. Among them, it is inseparable from the efforts of all parties such as grassroots offices, district governments, developers, etc.

On September 14, 2022, Zhengzhou issued the "Zhengzhou to conduct a comprehensive audit of 95 special borrowing projects for the use of insurance." As soon as the news came out, the citizens were excited. In the list of real estate borrowed by the "Insurance Bank", there is Taishan Yujing in Jinthui District.

On September 15th, the relevant personnel of the Real Estate Office of Beilin Road Office of Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, introduced that in order to promote the early delivery of the real estate of Taishan Yujing in the jurisdiction, the office has done a lot of work and has been working hard to promote the matter. Now, the government's favorable policies have been under, and all parties are also actively working hard. After all, the environment is not good now, and the office also wants to do everything possible. Although the progress is slower, there are always people in charge, and the project and the office are busy.

In fact, as early as February 2022, the owners of the second phase of Yushan Yujing in Zhengzhou, the owners of the second phase of Yujing Phase I was reported through the network platform that the house was postponed for a long time and did not deliver it. In the meantime, the owners have repeatedly communicated with the developers and the Beilin Road Sub -district Office of the Jurisdiction. The staff of Beilin Street Office also participated in coordination many times, all of which.

In order to promote the resumption of the project, on December 31, 2021, January 1, 2022, and January 10, 2022, the Beilin Road Office held a coordination meeting respectively. The relevant personnel of Beilin Road Office said, "Since this real estate has been included in the list of borrowing audits of the insurance delivery building, this is a good signs, which shows that it is very hopeful. However, there must be a process of this matter. Everyone wait. This real estate will not wait. Promoting, our office must not agree. "

On September 15th, a reporter from the Dahe Daily · Yu Video entered the Taishan Yujing of Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City at the construction site of the real estate construction site (Cathay Road and the northwest corner of Jinming Road).

"We have started construction. At the end of the month, funds can be in place. It is expected to be completed at the end of this year and strive to deliver as soon as possible." There are many personnel on the construction site.

Zhengzhou Action has become a national "vane"

On September 16th, Tian Rui, a senior person in Zhengzhou Real Estate and the co -founder of Zhengzhou Real Estate, said in an interview with the Dahe News Daily. Zhengzhou citizens who bought problems in the real estate explained that they also gave a guarantee for millions of Zhengzhou people. They also told the new Zhengzhou natives who settled in Zhengzhou to settle in the future. Zhengzhou is a reliable city. A series of actions in Zhengzhou are short and fast, fierce, and can see the government's determination. Although the recovery of the buyer's confidence requires a process, with the synchronization of local governments and housing companies, especially to quickly promote the substantial resumption of work, it is expected that the recovery effect of market confidence will be greater than before.

"This time, Zhengzhou's mighty promotion to the resumption of problems in the real estate is believed to have positive results. In essence, we have also seen many real estate resumptions." Tian Rui said that in fact, all parts of the country have successively successively successively successively settled in the country. Continue to launch relevant measures for insurance delivery buildings. This series of policies in Zhengzhou are from top to bottom, and multi -departments and multi -organizations are systematically promoted. It also clearly proposes that refusing to resume performance, promoting comprehensive and substantial, continuous resumption of work, 30 days of doing it, "smoothly smoothly, smoothly If it is promoted, it can be a weathervane for solving problems. "

Song Xiangqing, deputy dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University and director of the Industrial Economic Research Center, said that the above -mentioned relevant policies issued by Zhengzhou have been implemented for a period of time. The effect will gradually be manifested, and this effect will not only be reflected in the property market, but it will also be transmitted to the economic and social development level through the property market. As a result, it is conducive to economic stable growth and stabilize people's livelihood. It is conducive to social stability, and it is conducive to the entire macro economy to form a new support and new motivation.

He believes that the influence of Zhengzhou's "insurance diplomatic relations" policy is multi -faceted and comprehensive. Because the real estate industry involves hundreds of industries and hundreds of products and services. It can be said that as soon as the property market lives, many industries in the economy and society will benefit. The industrial chain and supply chain constructed by the property market will work at the same time. Driven by the resurrection of the property market, Zhengzhou's economy, especially some industries related to the property market, will have a new excitement. Therefore, in this case, these related policies are not only conducive to the property market, but also for the entire macro as the entire macro Economic development is conducive to the construction of the entire industry chain and supply chain. This will be very beneficial to the development of the entire Zhengzhou city, and the effect will gradually be highlighted. Zhengzhou City has several innovations in inspiring property market policies. For example, the provident fund in Zhengzhou Metropolis Circle recognizes each other, and the house ticket policy. Although these are based on the current development situation of Zhengzhou City, in fact, it implies Zhengzhou's policy innovation. This is a demonstration effect.

In fact, Zhengzhou's insurance and diplomatic actions have affected other cities across the country. The reporter learned that many media across the country have publicly reported "Zhengzhou Experience".

The Stone of the Mountains

According to statistics, since the Ministry of Housing and Construction, the Ministry of Finance, the People's Bank of China and other relevant departments have issued measures in August this year to clearly support the construction of overdue difficulty in the construction of residential projects through policy banks. All kinds of "guarantee transit" policies.

Song Xiangqing analyzed that in the future, the policy and measures of the "guarantee of intersection" may be further upgraded to increase the increase. It is expected that various localities will also innovate and enrich the policy of insurance delivery in accordance with their own characteristics. OEMs, etc. 1. One -to -one help

Xianyang, Shaanxi, proposed "a department to help a company", accelerate construction progress, and strive to hand over the house on schedule to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Sichuan Suining will conduct a total of 83 real estate development projects under construction and establishment of construction with counties (cities, districts) and county -level leaders of the city level. Invest in and start as soon as possible, guide the projects under construction to standardize operations, and complete it on schedule.

Mianning County, Liangshan, Sichuan, also requires a special class to implement the "one, one strategy, one leader"; the "one case, one strategy" resolution plan for the "one case, one strategy" in Live in Jinan, Shandong, stating that it will be on the street where the project is located. , Establish a risk account.

2. Strengthen the supervision of pre -sale funds

In fact, the lack of pre -sale funds is also affecting the "guarantee of the property".

On July 14, 2022, Xi'an took the lead in starting the first shot to strengthen the supervision of pre -sale funds, becoming the first provincial capital to introduce and improve the pre -sale system. Subsequently, many cities across the country have also introduced such policies. It is understood that at present, Xi'an, Dongguan, Jiujiang and other regions have begun to strengthen the supervision of pre -sale funds for commercial housing.

For example, Cangzhou, Hebei issued the "Measures for the Supervision of Cangzhou Commercial Housing Pre -Sale of Commercial Housing", which stipulates that only the purchase funds of the house enters the supervision account and the contract purchase contract will take effect.

Dongguan clarifies the responsibilities of all parties in the pre -sale funds. Those who violate the bank's three -party regulatory agreement and allocate or transfer regulatory funds for the bank's violation of the pre -sale funds shall be responsible for recovering the funds. Essence

On the evening of September 13, 2022, the Wuhan Housing Security and Housing Management Bureau issued the "Measures for the Supervision of Pre -sale of Pre -Sale of Commercial Housing in Wuhan (Draft for Soliciting Opinions)" ("Draft for Opinion"). This is to strengthen supervision and management of pre -sale funds for new commercial housing to ensure the construction of pre -sale funds for the construction of commercial housing projects, ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the buyer, and prevent transaction risks.

It is worth noting that, for the "insurance delivery building", the opinion draft proposes that the regulatory authorities supervise the funds required to ensure that the project reaches the project. The regulatory quota is determined by the regulatory authorities based on factors such as the cost of the construction of the commercial housing project, the amount of construction contracts, the conditions of the project delivery, and the credit of real estate development enterprises.

Compared with the previous Wuhan pre -sale funds system, Li Guozheng, director of the China Market Research Center of the Central Finger Research Institute, said that from the perspective of the total amount of pre -sale supervision funds, the quota was used before, but now it is verified, that is, it must be left enough The funds required for the construction of the "Insurance of the Insurance". Wuhan further upgrades and optimizes the pre -sale fund supervision policy, which is to beware of escaping and misappropriation.

3. Encourage state -owned capital to acquire sales housing as guarantee houses

It can give play to the role of state -owned capital and encourage the acquisition of sales of housing as a guarantee for resettlement houses.

For example, Huzhou, Zhejiang, encourages state -owned enterprises to acquire low -selling housing for real estate enterprises in difficult real estate enterprises as guarantee resettlement houses. Some experts believe that the above measures will help actively resolve inventory pressure and actively revitalize inventory.

4. Improve real estate credit management

On July 14, 2022, Xi'an took the lead in issuing the "Notice on Printing and Distributing Work Measures on Printing and Exhanced Housing Extended Housing. Full accounts, strictly allocate standards, consolidate bank responsibilities, and improve real estate credit management.


工 Zhengzhou, which has stopped working for many years, is expected to be delivered at the end of this year

I look forward to nearly 10 years, this real estate has resumed work!

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