Guangzhou's largest resettlement housing project Qingsheng resettlement house was completed in 2024

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.09.16

More than 1,200 workers were working nervously and sweating. On September 15th, the reporter walked into the construction site of Qingsheng resettlement houses in Guangzhou's largest resettlement housing project. It is reported that the project is expected to be completed on April 30, 2024.

Qingsheng Resettlement District is located on Dongyong Town, Nansha District. The east side of the highway of Guangzhou around the city, the southwest side of the Shawan waterway, and the north side of the Guangzhou -Shenzhen -Hong Kong high -speed rail. The total area is about 40,700 square meters. The project mainly includes 68 houses and related supporting public buildings, roads, greening, cars, commercial and other facilities. The total construction area is about 1.469 million square meters (including the total construction area of ​​the prefabricated building) Yuan, the number of residents is 10,138, which is currently the largest construction and resettlement housing project in Guangzhou. It is jointly constructed by China Railway Construction, China Railway Construction and China Railway 25th Bureau.

"This is the largest area of ​​our resettlement house project, about 140 square meters, four rooms, two halls and two guards, and transparent north -south." Essence

It is reported that after the completion of the Qingsheng Resettlement District, the residents of five administrative villages in the five administrative villages in the five administrative villages in the five administrative villages of the Guantan, Sansha, Shi Pai, Qingsheng, and Sha Gongbao in Tung Chung Town. In the future, some floors will be used as the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). Faculty and staff dormitory. There will also be infrastructure such as kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, and shopping malls.

Text/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Reporter: Huang Qingtu/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Reporter: Su Junjie Video/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Reporter: Su Junjie, Huangqing Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Editor: Long Chengliu

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