Can you add an elevator to the provident fund?How to operate here →

Author:Wuhan released Time:2022.09.16

Many netizens on the Wuhan City Message Board are concerned about how to withdraw elevators with old communities to withdraw the provident fund?

Recently, the official WeChat public account of Wuhan Provident Fund has released the precautions for withdrawing the provident fund to install the elevator? What information should I prepare for extraction? Where should I go for extraction? Come and understand

Data Map: Elevator in the South District of Shuiyun Community.

Step 1: Project filing

Elevator projects are set up with both residential housing projects need to be recorded

1. Provide project filing materials from the construction unit (client):

(1) "Signing Opinions of the Owner of the Elevator Unit with the Elevator Unit of the Residential House";

(2) "Elevator Agreement with Elevators with both Housing";

(3) "Joint review and approval of the existing residential elevator planning plan";

(4) Add a copy of the "House Ownership" or "Real Estate Property Certificate" of the owner of the elevator residential owner.

2. Applicant and place of handling

In addition, the filing of elevator projects in both residential residentials may be handled by project construction units, industry committees, extracters or clients at the flagship store outlets of Wuhan Provident Fund.

Step 2: Apply for extraction

After the project is recorded, you can carry information to offline processing

1. The requirements for handling

(1) Identity certificate: My ID card and Class I bank card;

(2) Marriage certificate: Married employees provide spouse ID cards and marriage certificates; divorced employees can provide court judgment, or a divorce certificate and divorce agreement; the widowed employees provide a certificate of spouse death.

(3) "Housing Ownership Certificate" or "Real Estate Property Certificate" of employees or spouses;

(4) Invoice or receipt of actual payment.

2. Applicant and place of handling

The addition of an elevator extraction business with both residential residential houses can be handled by the withdrawal person or spouse at the flagship store of Wuhan Provident Fund.

3. The amount of extraction times

Each "owner's preparation number" is limited to twice, that is, the employee himself and his spouse have been extracted once each (if the marriage relationship changes, it must follow this principle);

If the owner of the house and their spouses in the city's existing residential houses can be extracted within 36 months of expenditure, the extraction limit does not exceed the cost of the elevator construction (excluding elevator operation and maintenance costs). Essence


Employees and spouses have unrelated provident fund loans, and this extraction is not allowed;

Before the individual extraction, the construction unit must be recorded by the construction unit;

The extraction quota is based on the households. When a number of people withdrawn one household, the total withdrawal amount must not exceed the actual capital contribution of the household. After the project is completed, it does not support "more retreat and less supplement" (the marriage relationship changes, and this principle is followed);

Employees and spouses have a total of not more than two sets of elevators to withdraw housing provident funds;

The installation of the elevator withdrawal of the housing provident fund does not affect other qualified housing provident fund withdrawal.

Click "Reading Original": View Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Housing Provident Fund with the addition of an elevator for the existing residential house



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Source Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client Wuhan Housing Provident Fund Management Center Wuhan released

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