Land has been delineated!Wuhan adds another Sam member shop, just in this area

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.09.16

On September 14th, a netizen consulting on the message board of Wuhan City: A piece of land opposite the sixth phase of Houhu Xingyue City, what is it built?

In response to this Jiang'an District, it said that after verification, the construction site was the land of the Sam member store project, and the flat site is currently underway.

Wuhan also needs to build a Sam member shop

Netizen: Do you want to build a new Sam member shop in the four new areas?

Hanyang District: After investigation, on November 12, 2021, Xincheng Guobo Company and Wal -Mart signed a framework agreement to lease a commercial building in D11 to Wal -Mart for business operations. Approval, on -site trial piles, survey and other tasks are expected to be completed by the end of 2023.

Wuhan is the first city in Central China to have two Sam membership stores

The Sam membership store is a well -known large -scale warehouse member superposition. It is the first to create a paid member system in China, and it is known for its rich types of goods and high cost performance.

In 2014, Wuhan's first Sam Member Store opened in Kukou.

In 2021, the Sam Member Store Optics Valley store opened, and Wuhan became the first city in central China to have two Sam membership stores.

(Changjiang Daily Da Wuhan Client Source: Comprehensive Wuhan City Message Board China Optics Valley WeChat public account editor integration: Wang Rongfei)

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