Foreigners can also buy a house in the core area of Suzhou!No social security or individual tax certification

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.09.15

On September 14, the market rumors that Suzhou made adjustments to the policy of buying a housing purchase of non -local households. Foreigners did not need to buy the first house in the sixth district of Suzhou (Wuzhong District, Wujiang District, Gusu District, Xiangcheng District, High -tech Zone, and Industrial Park). The social guarantee or personal income tax certificate is issued, but only one purchase is limited. At the same time, Xiangcheng District has also canceled 600 points to be implemented from 2018 to buy a house.

According to several media reports, relevant persons from the Suzhou Real Estate Market and Trading Management Center said that there is no official documentation yet, but it is optimized to optimize the housing qualification review system of the trading management system. Essence Relevant persons from Xiangcheng District and Gusu District Real Estate Trading Center stated that the non -local residents who use families as a unit and unknown houses without houses do not need to provide social guarantees to be purchased directly.

Lu Wenxi, a Shanghai Central Plains Real Estate Market, reported in writing on the evening of September 14 to report to the reporter of "Daily Economic News" that he would bring up his willingness to buy in the short term. Suzhou's own industrial strength is not small, especially manufacturing, which is not much weaker than Shanghai, so it will attract buyers.


Photo source: Photo Network -501392142


Optimization logic in strong second -tier cities

Since April, Suzhou has continuously adjusted the policies within 30 days from relaxing sales restrictions, lowering social security requirements, to cancel second -hand housing restrictions; Relax steps, fast pace, and strong strength.

On April 11, Suzhou relaxed the purchase restriction and lower the social security requirements, and the sales restrictions were changed by 5; Suzhou raised the amount of personal public gold loan to 600,000 yuan, and the family quota increased from 700,000 yuan to 900,000 yuan;

On May 9th, the second -hand housing restricted sales were canceled. The new house restricted sales were changed for 3 years and 2 years. Real estate real estate in non -purchasing areas is not included in the number of household purchases.

On August 17, the first set of restricted purchases in Kunshan and Taicang in Suzhou and Tai Cang can buy one house directly;

On September 1, Wujiang District canceled the first set of restrictions on foreigners;

On September 9, Wuzhong District followed up to cancel foreigners' restrictions.

Gerisu's general manager Gowwen asked in the video analysis that in August, the transaction of 537,000 square meters of commercial residential houses in Suzhou in August, a year -on -year decrease of 22.8%. The transaction volume has been at a low level since July. The overall is more difficult; but the transaction volume of the second -hand housing market continues a level of 5000+ sets in June and July, which is 1.4 times that of the new house transaction set. It is more active under policy stimulation, and it will benefit the new housing market in the later period.


Card point "Golden Nine Silver Ten" relax non -household registration restrictions

As a strong second -tier city, Suzhou has undertaken many Shanghai overflowing investment demand in the era of non -regulation. From Shanghai to west, Huaqiao and Kunshan to Suzhou are all good directions for Shanghai people.

Suzhou's closest to Shanghai's Suzhou Industrial Park. Around 2018, it was the most enthusiastic area to buy a house. The price of one -and -second house was severely inverted and the new house was difficult to find. Even if Suzhou subsequently implemented the strictest control measures in history. Due to the scarcity of supply, the popularity of the new house in Suzhou Park has not yet declined.

"The park not only pays attention to local buyers, but also the entire Jiangsu home buyers are concerned. At the same time, Suzhou is also a city that absorbs Shanghai overflowing demand. The Shanghai purchase restriction policy has not changed. It does not rule out the possibility of attracting some Shanghai buyers. There are constraints, so the phenomenon of upside -down prices will continue, so generally new houses may receive more attention. "

Will optimizing policies superimposed the traditional peak season of gold and ten silver and ten, will it bring overheating risks to the regional property market?

Lu Wenxi believes: "Policy adjustment is not contradictory. Foreign household registration can still only buy one set. As far as the current market is concerned, the purpose of self -occupation is the first place."

Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Housing Policy Research Center of the Guangdong Provincial Urban Regulations Institute, has a wait -and -see attitude towards the loosening policies in various places. On the evening of September 14, he told reporters through WeChat: "The current loosening policy has slowed the stimulus of sales. The main problem of the property market is that the supply and demand of high house prices does not match. Because the market is not optimistic about the future prospects of the property market, and the willingness to buy a house is insufficient; and the new citizens and low -income people are difficult to support the market due to high housing prices and income restrictions. "

Reporter | Bao Jingjing

Edit | Cheng Peng Chen Mengyu Du Hengfeng

School pair | Duan Lian

Cover picture source: Photo Network -501392142


| Daily Economic News nbdnews original article |

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