Liberals in some areas in Jinan: Release positive policy signals have little effect on house prices

Author:Poster news Time:2022.09.15 · Poster reporter Zhang Cong Cong Ping Lu Le Jinan Report

On the afternoon of September 15th, Volkswagen · Poster Journalists learned from the Jinan Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau that in order to further support rigid and improved housing demand, Jinan continued to optimize real estate policy measures and continued to pay attention to the second rings. The implementation of restrictions on the implementation of the urban area will be implemented from September 16.

This also means that not only does the Jinan Second Ring no longer restricted purchases, but also Licheng, Tianqiao, and Huaiyin District in the second ring road have also canceled purchase restrictions. So, what impact will the above -mentioned policy impact on Jinan's real estate market? Will the future Jinan house prices rising?

Li Tiegang, director of the Real Estate Research Center of Shandong University, told reporters that purchase restrictions are mainly a real estate policy based on the strong period of demand. "Canceling the dynamic adjustment of policy restrictions. In the future, such policy dynamic adjustments will be the norm."

The reporter sorted out data from the National Bureau of Statistics and found that since 2021, the prices of new houses in Jinan have risen and declined. In January 2021, the price of new houses in Jinan ended three consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutives, and continued to rise from February to September. It continued to fall in October and November. The first three months of 2022 continued to rise, ended in April, and continued to rise in May to July. The price of second -hand housing in Jinan has risen in September last year and has fallen to the present, and has fallen for 11 consecutive months.

In order to further promote the healthy and healthy development of the real estate market and reduce the pressure of home buyers, this year, Jinan City has issued many favorable policies to make moderate adjustments to the property market.

On May 22 and 23 this year, Jinan has launched six property market regulation policies within two days, involving the scope of purchase restrictions, sales conditions, provident fund loans, and the down payment of second houses to 40%. Wait for adjustment policies. Just last month, in order to further support rigid and improved housing needs, Jinan also optimized the conditions for house purchase of household registration households in non -Jinan.

The regulation of the property market since this year has not only stabilized market expectations, but also inspired the confidence of both supply and demand. On September 15, Jinan again introduced real estate regulation and control policies, liberalized purchase restrictions in some areas, and further supported rigid and improving housing needs.

"Jinan originally had a maximum of two sets of purchase restrictions. Buying the third set should meet the conditions. If you have the needs of the elderly, there are two children in the family, and one child is less than 18 years old. Now (some areas) are not restricted to purchase, you can buy a few sets." Liu Lianheng, general manager of the major customer business department of Zhongxian Real Estate in Shandong, told reporters that the introduction of the above policy will have a certain stimulating effect on the future Jinan real estate market, which has a certain positive significance. The market response is not to say that a policy is introduced, and the market will immediately get from the freezing point to the boiling point. "

According to Xu Chuanming, deputy general manager of Shandong Company in Hefu (China), the impact of the cancellation of restriction on the real estate market of Jinan is immediate. Xu Chuanming said: "It's like a gate. Now the gate of the real estate market in Jinan has been opened, and the housing demand for the backlog will be released, especially improving customers. For example, if there is a house in your hand, you want to buy a new house, but the original house is inconvenient Shooting, now these people can buy a house. "

Xu Chuanming analyzed that the New Deal will have a relatively stimulating effect on the second -hand housing market. Before the demand was suppressed and everyone's confidence in the market, the supply and demand of the second -hand housing market faced a weak state of supply and demand. The second -hand housing market will improve a certain amount. However, the price of the New Deal on new houses and second -hand houses has little impact, and it is still relatively stable.

Liu Lianheng also said that because the market's response to the policy has a certain delay, although it will not receive an immediate effect, it has a very good booster effect on market confidence. "(Housing prices) Because this policy is not necessarily rising, it is not necessarily that the parties are expected to have waves. Whether customers will move the wind, resulting in an increase in the amount of housing, and it must be known after a period of time in the market."

Li Tiegang also believes that because the demand for home buyers depends on people's confidence and economic conditions in the future real estate market, the policy adjustment will not cause the phenomenon of great changes in prices and grab the listing, and will not have much impact on the real estate market. "The greater significance of policy is to release positive policy signals."

The reporter noticed that after the above -mentioned policy was introduced, many real estate agencies have begun to use policies in the circle of friends for marketing. Liu Lianheng suggested that citizens who want to buy a house can pay more attention to the movement of developers, because developers' grasp of new policies is more sensitive. "At this time, we still have to stabilize God. Don't feel that there will Come out to buy a house, not necessarily, because the overall shape of the property market is not caused by a single factor. "

In Xu Chuanming's view, the cancellation of purchase restrictions is a short -term policy, which solves the problem of weak markets. It is impossible to fundamentally solve the problem by a policy. In the future, the macro -control policy will change according to market changes.

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