Qingdao second -hand housing no longer restricted purchase, two sets of Beixin houses in Shinan City, no longer restricted purchase in other areas

Author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily Time:2022.09.15

Reporter Zhao Bo

On September 15th, the official WeChat official announcement of the Qingdao Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau, Qingdao dynamically improved the real estate policy, and no longer implemented a purchase restriction policy except for the Shiman and North District (except the former Sifang areas). Housing, local residents are restricted to 2 sets, two children and three -child families can purchase one set, and one set of residents in the field for half a year; second -hand housing is no longer restricted to purchase.

The original text is as follows: In order to implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's decision -making arrangements for the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, adhere to the positioning of "housing and not frying", further support rigid and improved housing needs, and combine the actual real estate market in Qingdao City, to the present, to the present Real estate -related policies are appropriately adjusted and optimized.

I. Continue to implement a purchase restriction policy in the south of the city and the northern district (except the former Sifang area).

2. Continue to clarify the purchase of housing. For new commercial housing in the restricted purchase area, local residents are restricted to 2 sets of purchase, two children and three -child families can purchase 1 set, and foreign residents live in half a year to purchase one set; second -hand housing no longer restricted purchase.

In this regard, Chen Jing, the person in charge of the marketing of Fangqingdao Station in Shell, said that the release of the new policy of the 9.15th property market can be seen that the positioning of "houses does not speculate" is firm. Moderate optimization. This adjustment has released the restrictions on the purchase of housing in Qingdao, relaxed the restrictions on the purchase of new commercial houses in some areas, and also limited the main area of ​​the main city. While promoting the exfoliation of the existing house, it also ensures the balance and stability of market transactions in each region. The New Deal pays special attention to the two -child and three -child families to meet some improved housing needs such as "changing with small" and "selling old and buying new" to improve the happiness of living. In addition, support and promote the introduction of talents, attract and drive more foreign talents to develop in green, coupled with policies such as second -hand housing, and other policies have been implemented. Regulating from demand and supply side can enhance market vitality, which is conducive to maintaining and promoting Qingdao in Qingdao Persistent circulation and healthy development of the real estate market.

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