Jinan and Qingdao issued new real estate policies!

Author:Qilu.com Time:2022.09.15

Original title: Jinan and Qingdao issued new real estate policies!

Source: Lightning News


The reporter learned from the Jinan Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau on September 15 that in order to further support rigid and improved housing demand, Jinan City continued to optimize real estate policies and measures, and continued to implement restrictions on purchase restrictions on Lixia District and Municipal Central District within the second ring. It will be implemented from September 16.


These areas will be limited to purchase restrictions, second -hand housing no longer restricted purchase

According to the official WeChat public account of the Qingdao Urban and Rural Construction Committee, in order to implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's decision -making arrangements for the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, we adhere to the positioning of "housing do not speculate", further support rigid and improved housing needs, combined The actual real estate market in our city has made moderate adjustments and optimizations on the current real estate -related policies.

I. Continue to implement a purchase restriction policy in the south of the city and the northern district (except the former Sifang area).

2. Continue to clarify the purchase of housing. For new commercial housing in the restricted purchase area, local residents are restricted to 2 sets of purchase, two children and three -child families can purchase 1 set, and foreign residents live in half a year to purchase one set; second -hand housing no longer restricted purchase.

Source: Lightning News

Editor in this article: Wang Chunling

Council: Liang Yanju

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