Looking forward to nearly 10 years, this real estate has resumed work!

Author:Top news Time:2022.09.15


On September 6, Zhengzhou issued the latest "resumption of work" to issue the "resumption of work" to introduce the implementation plan for strong rectification of bad tail buildings, requiring "Daguai 30 days, and realizing the city's deactivation of work in the city before October 6." As soon as this order came out, Zhengzhou's urban areas immediately acted and introduced the supporting policies of the "insurance delivery building".

On September 13th, Zhengzhou City issued the "Notice on Carrying out a Comprehensive Audit of the Special Borrowing Project for the use of insured diplomatic relations", and it was intended to conduct a comprehensive audit of 95 special borrowing projects for use. More expectations.

What is the resumption of the real estate in Zhengzhou? From now on, the Dahe Daily · Yu Video has launched a series of reports of "Visiting Zhengzhou Insurance and Transfer Building" to explore the resumption of the real estate and how related policies are implemented.

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After nearly 10 years, they finally heard Ding Dang in the construction of the new house again.

The Qifu City Community, which is known by netizens as "the biggest rotten tail of Zhengzhou", has attracted much attention from the public since the end of 2019. There is also Zhengzhou's "highest academic education" rotten tower -Yongwei Jinqiao Xitang, which has been repeatedly reported by the owner's "performance" to resume work many times. So, in the context of Zhengzhou's strong rectification of bad tail buildings and comprehensively maintaining the building, these two "largest" and "highest" real estate have resumed work?

◆ At the age of 27, buy a house to get married. Now the baby has not lived at the age of 4

Zhou Dong is an ordinary Zhengzhou home buyer, and he is also confused by Zhengzhou Qifu City, a "bad tail building" for 7 years.

Nine years ago, Zhou Dong, who had just graduated from college, decided to stay in Zhengzhou. Because he studied computer majors, he quickly obtained his position in a software company. With a stable work, the income is not bad, and Zhou Dong quickly had a girlfriend. After a year of love, the two put their marriage on the agenda.

There must be a wedding room to get married. Zhou Dong and his girlfriend's house are in the field. If you want to take root in Zhengzhou, they think they should buy a house here, so that there is a real home. Occasionally, Zhou Dong heard a friend say that a real estate on the banks of the southwater of Zhengzhou is selling a house and can get the internal price. After Zhou's heart was moving, he paid the down payment of the 100,000 yuan accumulated by his and his girlfriend with the 200,000 yuan given by his parents.

In the year of buying a house, Zhou Dong was 27 years old. He planned to marry his girlfriend after delivery the next year. Unfortunately, he waited all year after year, and now the baby is 4 years old, only to wait for the news of the real estate to resume work.

◆ After looking forward to nearly 10 years, the owner finally heard the "Ding Dang" sound of construction

"Last night, it was more than 10 o'clock in the construction site. I listened to the" Ding Ding Dang Dang "in the door, and I didn't feel noisy at all, but felt particularly beautiful." On the morning of September 13, the Dahe River News reporter When I came to Qifu City, Zhou Dong, who was looking at the construction progress with several owners at the entrance of the construction site, told reporters about his mood at this time.

An owner named Chen said that he was a house bought here at the end of 2013. For nearly 10 years, Qifu City purchased, stopped work, and resumed the work room unlimitedly, consuming the owner's expectations for the new home. Every time I see the opening of the Qifu City project, my heart is like a large stone, especially in early 2020, a "Zhengzhou Zhongsheng Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. Application for Bankruptcy Announcement" was spread in the middle of the owner's group, and it was more. It makes them feel like being in the cold winter. The house they bought was far away, so that Mr. Chen and more than 6,000 owners in the community wanted to cry without tears. It is understood that this project covers a number of categories such as resettlement houses, apartments, and commercial housing.

In July of this year, with the unremitting efforts of the government's work class, Zhou Dong, Mr. Chen and more than 6,000 households finally waited for the news of Qifu City's resumption. Nowadays, the door of the construction site of Qifu City project has been replaced by "the Seventh China Construction Bureau of the China Construction Bureau to undertake the Construction Project of Qifu City in Central Plains." In front of the gate, there are vehicles entering and leaving from time to time, and there are constant construction sounds in the construction site, the sound of workers' sipping, and the roar of mechanical roar, making them feel that this is the most wonderful "music". At the east gate of the construction site of the Qifu City project, the notice of the previous notice of "the problem of resolving the third -party class of Qifu City Real Estate" was still posted on the gate, but compared to the situation of "no one inside the door and outside the door". Open again, there are many busy power supply repair personnel on the roadside wire rods, which are connecting construction electricity for construction sites.

◆ Workers and equipment are entering the market one after another to prepare before construction

During the interview, the reporter learned from the scene that since August 25, after the "Central Plains District Qifu City Renewal Project", security personnel entered the site in early September, and the security work above the door was carried out. The head has also been replaced recently. At present, the construction personnel and construction equipment of the Seventh Engineering Bureau of China are entering the market one after another. The preparations before some construction have begun, such as: inlet and outlet equipment in the maintenance site, organizing construction materials transportation channels, inspection and maintenance site facilities, power supply, etc. Essence

According to the staff at the site, the Seventh Engineering Bureau of China Construction will continue to build the project, installation engineering, decoration, greening, ground, fence and other projects for continued construction of Fucheng (Fuyuan, Huiyuan, Guanlan Garden). Square meter. Qifu City's renewal work is based on the office, and the district financial office connects the provincial and municipal finance office to deal with funding issues.

In response to the problem of the rotten work of Qifu City, the work of the Real Estate Real Estate in the Central Plains District to solve the work class of the leading group Qifu City project. After finding out the bottom number and importing criminal procedures, in late April 2022, they fully promoted and improved the actual controller related procedures. Immediately at the end of April and early May, the specific real estate assessment agency and cost consulting agency were selected through the bidding agency at the end of April and early May. On the morning of May 18th, the representatives of the selection institution and 8 buyers were led to the site to check the specific construction progress of each building. Survey the surplus project volume. The commissioned matters have been completed on May 30. At present, the work class is fully promoting various tasks and achieved substantial results.

◆ This "highest education" real estate, the construction site resumes construction

In order to have a good living environment, Yang Yingning paid more than 100,000 yuan to buy a house in Xitang District, Yongwei Jinqiao, surrounded by famous schools. She knows that the community knows that the community is more than 3,000 yuan more expensive per square meter than the surrounding communities, but she still insists that there are not a few owners who buy a house here. There are more than 500 masters and doctors who have been purchased in the district. Therefore, the project is called the "highest education" real estate, and it is also the most expensive real estate in the high -tech zone.

Yang Ying said that after buying a house at the Xitang District of Yongwei Jinqiao at the end of 2020, he thought he could live in a new house at the end of the next year, but the project had stopped working since December 2021. This stop was 7 months. During this time, she and many owners frequently came to the construction site to check, worried about the real estate. Later, the owner urged tightly, and the construction unit sent a small number of workers to "perform" to resume work, but the actual engineering progress was very slow. Later, the owners knew that the reason for the shutdown was that their money was removed.

◆ Recover the project funds and report to the owner's progress schedule

In response to the frequent complaints of the owner, at 10 am on July 2, the "Yongwei Xitang" special team in Zhengzhou High -tech Zone held the owner's ventilation meeting again in Xitang Sales Department to settle the work deployment of the government's comprehensive inspection of the property and funding guarantee. , Project construction progress, engineering nodes, project quality guarantee and other aspects actively notified the owners, answering questions on the spot.

In response to the fundamental guarantee of the owner, the Sitang project special team stated that under the coordination of multi -party, 1011.5 billion yuan of funds have been recovered by shareholders, and the Zhengzhou High -tech Zone Management Committee will assign state -owned asset -owned companies to supervise project funds. The recovered funds and subsequent sales revenue are transferred to the supervision account under the state -owned assets name to ensure the construction of subsequent projects. The special funds are dedicated and closed. The construction funds expenditure required by the project shall be paid by the state -owned assets supervision account to the construction party after reviewing and launching and launching, state -owned asset review, and high -tech zone "Yongwei Xitang" work class. The purpose of the management committee of the High -tech Zone to intervene is to supervise the use of funds, keeps payment, and guarantee quality to ensure the rights and interests of the owners of home buyers.

At this briefing, the Xitang project special team also gave a detailed arrangement plan and exact delivery time for subsequent engineering nodes. The installation of hydropower is completed by March 5, 2023, and the public district renovation was completed by October 20, 2023. The completion was completed before December 10, 2023, and the main force of the delivery industry would be completed by May 31, 2024.

The person in charge of the special team and Yongwei Real Estate stated that they will continue to promote various tasks with the core of "insurance delivery". In a timely manner, the latest project construction progress is passed online through the owner group, and regularly convened a meeting to report offline, communicate and communicate issues, and solicit opinions and suggestions. At the same time, they also made a number of guarantees to the owners to ensure that the delivery standard for the sales contract. ◆ The construction site of the Xitang project of Yongwei Jinqiao has been resumed, and the workers are rushing to work

On the morning of September 13, when the reporter came to the construction site of the Xitang project of Yongwei Jinqiao, he found that the door was closed, and from time to time, the roar of construction machinery came. Through the outer wall of the construction site, you can see that the outer wall of the building under construction inside, many workers are standing in the hanging basket to work. The reporter boarded the rooftop on the second floor of the sales department of the project and saw that the construction site had been fully resumed.

A staff member of the project sales department told reporters that the project's misappropriation of funds have indeed been recovered, and the project has been fully resumed. It will complete the delivery of the owners in May 31, 2024. At present, about 200 workers in the construction site are under construction, and more workers will rush over to speed up the construction progress. The recruitment of related projects is also undergoing.

◆ For 30 days, Zhengzhou City must ensure that the stoppage real estate resumes the work.

In response to the issue of a large number of real estate stop work, Zhengzhou recently issued a notice of "Zhengzhou" Da Gan 30 days to ensure the implementation plan for the city's full -time reimbursement "in the insurance.

The notice pointed out that before October 6, all the real estate projects in Zhengzhou's city suspension problems were achieved. It is required to focus on the reasons why the real estate projects cannot be delivered and stopped on schedule, to concentrate all their forces and effective resources to overcome difficulties, and fully solve the outstanding contradictions and main problems in the real estate project. Sexual recovery is the ultimate criterion for interpretation and judgment.

The notification requires that the real estate enterprise out of insurance should effectively bear the responsibility of self -rescue the main body, do everything possible to take or cooperate with the task of "insurance delivery". By deal with uns development land, projects and assets, assets, and company equity, we will raise funds with multiple channels to speed up the progress of funds. Reduce leverage, return misappropriation of funds, and return to the main business.

Each development zone, district and county (city) shall organize audit, finance, housing, and urban and rural construction. If the funds selling funds are misappropriated, those who can recover shall be recovered in time according to law; if the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the real estate company are responsible for the embezzlement of funds, they shall bear the losses and bring the losses. If there is a fault misappropriation of funds, the corresponding responsibility shall be assumed in accordance with laws and regulations; the tax department shall conduct tax evasion verification of real estate companies that do not cooperate with the resumption.

At the same time, the audit and taxation departments must accumulate, and the clues of the problem are extremely transferred to the public security organs for cracking down treatment; each development zone, district and county (city) should collect the clues of embezzlement and escape real estate funds. In particular, the real estate that has not been delivered overdue must be comprehensively comprehensively. Check whether the existence of funds is escaped and misappropriated, and submit the clues to the case handling authority in a timely manner to assist the public security organs to recover the misappropriated funds. For highlighting criminal acts, the unified leadership of the local party committee and the government will resolutely crack down on investigation and punishment according to the needs of the overall risk disposal and steps.

The notice requires the project subcontracting leaders and the main leaders of the districts of the projects that fail to complete all the real estate projects before October 6, comprehensively and sustainable substantially re -work tasks, and criticize criticism throughout the city. Each development zone, district and county (cities) should be seriously disciplined, and it is strictly forbidden to discuss fraud, perform performance -type resumes, or symbolic resumptions in stages. Once discovered, it is dealt with seriously.

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