The first batch of housing selection of the Nanpu Mountain District of Fengze was launched

Author:Quanzhou Evening News Time:2022.09.15

Quanzhou Evening News · Quanzhou Tong Client, September 15 (Southeast Morning Post reporter Li Jing correspondent You Fangfang Zheng Tingyu text/picture) On the 13th, the first batch of house selection work in Nanshan District, Fengze District, the relocation of the Xinpu community The masses ushered in the long -awaited room selection time. The housing selection will last until the 20th. The resettlement listing is located in the new shop and the Huacheng Community. More than 800 sets of resettlement houses will usher in the owner. As of the evening of the 13th, there were 32 houses of residents' selection instruments.

Nangpu Shan District Resettlement Fown District

In order to ensure that the housing selection process is open, fair, and fair, before, the recruitment headquarters of the Nanpu Mountain area has been publicized in time in time Survey and surrounding environment ensure that the masses are "counting in their hearts."

Under the careful guidance of the staff, everyone entered the housing selection hall to pick up the building number and the housing type, and to communicate and discuss each other from time to time. While registering the information, the staff introduced the attention of the house selection and do a good job of information verification, the introduction of the room type, and the signing of the agreement. "The supporting facilities around the community are perfect, there are parks, schools, etc. I am very satisfied and happy." Mr. Zhang, who participated in the selection of the house, said excitedly.

Migrant masses selected in the house

It is reported that the Nangu Mountain area has complete services. Its resettlement room is located on the southeast side of Yucai Street and northeast of Haiyun Street. The total construction area of ​​the project is nearly 169,000 square meters, with a total of 26 buildings. Article 1 of Yudai Street, the first municipal main road, has been opened to traffic in February this year; it will be introduced to the Huada Campus of Quanzhou Fifth Middle School, and the Quanzhou Normal College Affiliated Primary School Huada Campus and other schools. The area also plans to build a community neighboring center, community commercial center, nursing home and elderly maintenance homes, cultural and creative business districts, high -quality residential areas and landscape green galleries, in order to achieve the right to do business, livable, Yiyi, Yiyi, and learning.

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