Huaihua conducts special rectification actions in the network chaos in the real estate field

Author:Huaihua People's Broadcasting Time:2022.09.14

Recently, in order to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market and optimize the city's online ecological environment in the real estate field, the Huaihua Network Information Office United Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau, the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, the Municipal Public Security Bureau and other units jointly issued a special rectification action plan to carry out a period of development. One month's special rectification of network chaos in real estate -related real estate has been warned and interviewed by the three online platform accounts "Huaihua Fertilizer", "Huaihua Stame Brother" and "Huaihua Qin Sister".

In response to the chaos in the real estate field, this special rectification action focuses on seven aspects. First, do not have news and compilation qualifications to engage in Internet news information services, especially the information behavior of not verified real estate involved in real estate; second, distorting reports and malicious interpretation of real estate policy behaviors; third, use public opinion supervision as a guise to extortion, " "Black public relations" behavior; fourth, maliciously speculates in the case of improper interests of real estate companies; fifth is to exaggerate or falsely publicize the market behavior of exaggerated or false propaganda and decline in the market; sixth is the illegal release of information to disrupt social order information to create panic emotional behaviors; Exaggerate negative reports and indulge in the disruption of tube leakage in the comment area.

Online information, housing construction, market supervision, public security and other units have divided into labor according to their responsibilities to form a joint force. The online information department strengthened online propaganda guidance and public opinion monitoring in real estate -related real estate, and established and improved Internet user management accounts in the real estate field; the housing and construction department guided the real estate agent association to play the role of self -discipline and supervision, strengthen Internet user accounts such as real estate agents such as territories Supervision; market supervision departments investigate and deal with the price violations of the online real estate field in accordance with the law, the use of unfair format clauses to infringe consumers' rights and interests, false and illegal real estate advertising; Crack out illegal and criminal activities such as malignant rumors in the real estate field, and punish the production and communication personnel of illegal information in accordance with the law.

Source: Huaihua News Network

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