Heavy 丨 Suzhou urban area adjusts the policy of buying the first house for the first house

Author:21st Century Economic report Time:2022.09.14

21st Century Business Herald reporter Tang Shaokui Shanghai report

On September 14th, the 21st Century Business Herald learned from the Suzhou Housing and Construction Bureau, the local agencies of Suzhou, and some of the staff of the sales office. The six districts of the district, industrial park, and high -tech zone) optimize the purchase of the first house for the purchase of the first house, and no longer need to present the agency to ensure that it is clear or individual tax certificate. Relevant personnel emphasized that this move is not canceling the purchase restriction, but only for the purchase of the first house to cancel the relevant constraints for foreigners.

Some insiders commented that Suzhou's policy adjustment can be regarded as a signal of a new round of policy optimization in the national property market.

The State Council's special conference held on September 8 proposed that it supports rigid and improved housing needs.

Suzhou global adjustment restriction

Relevant sources of Suzhou Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau revealed that the districts of Suzhou have launched a number of new measures on the purchase policy. Later, the reporter learned from the staff of the Real Estate Trading Center in Suzhou High -tech Zone that foreigners only purchase a house, and do not need to provide social guarantees or tax certificates when purchasing. It emphasizes that the policy adjustment is not a complete cancellation of purchase restrictions.

Specifically, foreigners buy the first house in Wuzhong District, Wujiang District, Gusu District, Xiangcheng District, High -tech Zone, and Industrial Park without a certificate of guarantee or personal income tax, but only one purchase set. At the same time It takes 600 points to be implemented in the year to buy a house.

"Yesterday, it was not sure whether the industrial park and the high -tech zone let go of the first house restriction. Today, all the six districts of Suzhou have been released." On September 14, a local real estate intermediary in Suzhou said.

Recently, third- and fourth -tier cities across the country, especially in the Yangtze River Delta, have adjusted the property market policies accordingly. However, the policy release of the previous round of policy has been continued. Most cities are mainly adjusted by provident fund and house purchase subsidies.

In contrast, Suzhou has optimized the first home purchase of foreigners across the region, and the policy adjustment scale is relatively large. Lu Wenxi, an analyst at Shanghai Zhongyuan Real Estate Market, pointed out that the regulation of the Suzhou property market was earlier than other cities across the country, and the regulation cycle was relatively long. The pace of the policy optimization was faster.

Continuous optimization policies in various places

According to the statistics of the Kerry Research Center, since September 5th, 23 cities including Chongqing, Lishui, Hangzhou Jiande, Hangzhou Chun'an, including Chongqing, Lishui, Hangzhou Jiande, Hangzhou Chun'an, etc., the content involves loan restrictions, relaxation of provident fund, and house purchase subsidies.

On the demand side, it mainly involves loosening loans, relaxation of provident fund loans, and issuing house purchase subsidies: such as Liaocheng, Shandong, Shaoxing Yuecheng and other places to loosen loans, Liaocheng clarified the minimum down payment ratio of the first house is 20%; Relax provident fund loans, such as Shijiazhuang, reduce the down payment ratio of housing provident fund loans. The minimum down payment ratio in the west of Qiaoxi is 30%, and other areas are 20%. For example, Zhoukou, a house purchase deed tax subsidy is implemented in a limited time. If the residential area is below 144 square meters, if the actual tax amount is subsidized at 50%of the actual tax amount, the residential area is above 144 square meters, and the subsidy of 30%of the actual tax amount is subsidized.

Recently, the movement of the property market policy has been frequently adjusted in various places. For example, since 2022, Hefei, Kunming, Yulin, Zhuhai and other places have issued a stable property market policy to issue house purchase subsidies and adjust the proportion of housing provident fund loans. Recently, Liuyang and Hunan Liuyang also followed up related policies. Shanwei City, Guangdong Province held a housing purchase festival from September 10th to October 31st. During this period, consumers purchased first-hand commercial housing in the administrative area of ​​Shanwei City, increased the amount of provident fund loan, and promoted the new provident fund policy of "one-person house gang". As well as accepting housing provident fund loans in different places.

On September 10, the "Healthy and Order Development Opinions of the Real Estate Market" in Lin'an District, Hangzhou, supported the demand for just demand and improved housing. From September 15th, 2022 to March 14, 2023 The new commercial housing with a total price of not exceeding 3 million yuan in Lin'an is given a total price of 1.5%of the house. Buyers subsidize after registering real estate.

Zhejiang Lanxi will implement a house purchase subsidy policy from September 10th to December 31st this year. For the employees of the education and health system, the staff will be given special rewards. The purchase of the first house and the second house will be awarded 900 yuan/square meter (the highest award is 90,000 yuan), 500 yuan/square meter (the highest reward of 50,000 yuan) Both husbands and wives meet the conditions to enjoy according to one party, and the reward does not exceed 15%of the total house price.

There are also regions encouraging housing companies to formulate interest policies, such as Liuyang.

With the gradual emergence of the dewlocular pressure of the property market, the adjustment of the adjustment of the property market policies is increasing. Chen Wenjing, director of market research director of the Index Division of the Medium Finger Research Institute, believes that it is expected that the efforts of "policy due to the city" will be further increased, the policy force will be effective, and the market will stabilize the market. The fundamental support for strong hotspots is expected to stabilize the first to stabilize, driving the property market in the third and fourth -tier cities in key areas.

Market transactions are still found

Behind this round of market policies is the full -scale transactions falling. From September 5th to September 11th, the average exfoliating rate monitored by the Kerry Research Center was reduced to 44%. Since September, the real estate market has resumed slowly, and the transactions of the property market in the Mid -Autumn Festival are still relatively sluggish.

According to data from the middle finger, during the 2022 During the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday (September 10-September 12), the area of ​​new commercial housing transactions in cities decreased by 31.6%from the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday (September 19th-September 21st) last year. Changsha , Xining, Nanjing and other places have decreased by more than 70%. However, some cities are driven by factors such as the optimization of the policy environment and the effects of the epidemic, and the market activity has improved slightly. It takes time to repair the confidence of buyers.

At the same time, housing prices in first -tier cities have stabilized. According to Shanghai Central Plains Real Estate data, the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday (9.10-9.12) Shanghai's newly-built commercial housing transactions was 59,000 square meters, an increase of 3.5%over last year's Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, and continued the active momentum of the new house market in the near future. However, this is related to the increasing intensity of the transactions of the newly -needed and first -change product, and the reasonable return of the average price of new houses.

The tone of the property market at the central level remains unchanged. Recently, the National Council deployment policy also mentioned that supporting rigid and improving housing demand, promoting large consumption such as automobiles, etc. The State Convention held on September 7 pointed out that more than 500 billion yuan of special debt limits for the survival of the local area since 2019, 70%of them are reserved, 30%of the central government's overall allocation and inclined to many areas with mature projects. On September 11, the central bank stated that the house insisted on the positioning of the house and not used for speculation, and implemented the prudent management system of real estate finance.

Against this policy, localities also focus on gradual and steady progress when optimizing policies. According to statistics from the Central Independence Institute, as of September 13, this year, more than 250 provinces and cities have optimized and adjusted policies of more than 700 times. Among them, the policy was densely introduced in April to June, and the active signal of the stabilized property market continued to be released in August. The LPR of more than five years ushered in the third time this year.

The property market policy is entering a new round of release period, or further promoting and strengthening the steady development of the property market. For real estate companies, the property market recovery is expected or it has a certain effect on the liquidity of enterprises.

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