Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development: At present, the special work of the preservation and diploma is underway in an orderly manner

Author:Dahe Cai Cube Time:2022.09.14

[Dahecai Cube News] On September 14, the Central Propaganda Department held a series of theme press conferences of the "Ten Years of China" to introduce the high -quality development measures and results related to the construction of housing and urban and rural construction in the new era. According to Wang Shengjun, a spokesman for the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development, and the director of the Department of Housing Reform and Development, the Ministry of Housing and Construction issued special measures with relevant departments such as the Ministry of Finance and the People's Bank of China in the preservation of the property. Methods to support the construction of residential projects that have been sold for overdue difficulty in the need for cities in need.

Wang Shengjun said that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has worked hard to live in peace and warmth, and proposed that insisting on the positioning of the house to live, not for speculation, the goal of achieving all the people's lives as an important task, comprehensively deployed the comprehensive deployment The housing system of multi -subject supply, multi -channel guarantee, and rent purchase is gradually improved. The house is used to live, not for speculation to become a social consensus.

In the past ten years, the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development has worked closely with relevant departments, insisted on putting the foothold of the real estate development on people's livelihood, and implemented a long -term real estate long -term mechanism. The real estate market is stable and healthy. There are mainly the following aspects:

The first is to establish a policy synergy mechanism. Maintain the continuity of the real estate regulation policy, enhance the coordination and accuracy of the regulatory policy, support rigid and improved housing needs, and curb speculative speculation. This includes strengthening the management of residential land supply and establishing a linkage mechanism for housing and land supply. It also includes improving macro -prudential management of real estate finance and promoting a virtuous circle of real estate and finance.

The second is to establish a linkage mechanism for provincial and municipalities. To adapt to the operation of the real estate market, the ministry and provinces and municipalities are linked and controlled, consolidated the responsibility of the city's main body, and strengthened the supervision and guidance of the provincial government, and used the policy to use the policy tool box to strengthen the guidance and supervision of the city's "one city, one policy".

The third is to improve the monitoring and early warning and evaluation mechanism. Establish and improve the real estate market information system and monitoring system, and normalize monthly monitoring, quarterly evaluation, and annual assessment. For cities that exceed the target of regulation and control, by issuing a letter of warning, discussion, investigation and supervision, etc., the people's government of the city is urged to take effective measures to effectively stabilize the market.

The fourth is to strengthen supervision of the real estate market. It jointly carried out three years of the order of rectification of the real estate market with relevant departments, focusing on illegal acts in the fields of real estate development, housing sales, housing leasing, and property services. Based on the stability of the people's livelihood and insurance as the primary goal, based on the principle of marketization of the rule of law, preventing and resolving market risks, effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the masses of housing, and maintaining the overall social stability.

Real estate is connected to the people's livelihood and develops. The Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development will continue to do a good job of promoting the steady and healthy development of the real estate market. One is to persist in a positioning, that is, the house is used to live, not for frying. This is the fundamental follow of real estate work. The second is to improve the two systems, one is the housing market system, and the other is the housing security system. The two are indispensable. The third is to strive to achieve the goals of stable price, housing prices, and expected expectations. The fourth is to improve the four factors linkage mechanisms of people's housing money, to settle the house, set the land, and set the money by the house.

Responsible editor: Wang Shidan | Audit: Li Zhen | Director: Wan Junwei

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