The Taiyuan Municipal Rule of Assets Bureau notified 41 companies to start work as soon as possible

Author:Fairview Taiyuan City Time:2022.09.14

The information of the Taiyuan Planning and Natural Resources Bureau recently issued a piece of information on the official website, requiring some land to start construction as soon as possible in accordance with the contract agreement. According to the project location and real estate information published on the official website of the bureau, it involves R & F, Sunac, OCT, Yajule, Yuanda and other names. The responsible real estate enterprises that have not started land include Shanxi Province Wanjingyuan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. , Taiyuan Longcheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Taiyuan Longcheng North Real Estate Co., Ltd. and other provincial and municipal state -owned asset -controlled investment enterprises.

The Taiyuan Planning and Natural Resources Bureau issued 41 companies including Taiyuan Hengyu Xinye Co., Ltd., including Taiyuan Hengyu Xinye Co., Ltd., issued the "Notice of Urgenting and Development" in an enterprise involved in the project. It is required to start construction as soon as possible. Among them, there are 4 plots that have not started construction on schedule; 12 plots in the small shop area are not started on schedule; there are 4 plots that have not started construction on schedule; There are 20 land; there are 11 plots that have not started on schedule; 5 lands that have not started at Jinyuan District.

According to people familiar with the real estate industry in the provincial capital, in response to the problems in the real estate industry, from the country to the local area, they are actively working hard to use various methods to promote the start -up of some affected projects. Responsible housing companies start work as soon as possible.

Source: Shanxi Evening News

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