[Cai Zhi Headline] Zhengzhou's military order!Rotten tail building fully resumed within 30 days

Author:China Well -off Time:2022.09.09

Picture source: network

After ending the rotten tail, Zhengzhou gave a new plan.

Earlier, Zhengzhou, as the capital of Henan Province, rushed on the hot search because of ranking the second rotten tail building in the country. According to relevant statistics, the current area of ​​the rotten tail of Zhengzhou is about 4.4 million square meters, and the rotten tail rate is as high as 9%.

Picture Source: Easy House Research Institute's Think Tank Center in the first half of 2022 The data statistics of the Rotid Tail Building of 50 Cities in the country

Today, such a situation is expected to be relieved.

On September 7, a copy of government documents related to the resumption of work in Zhengzhou's stop work real estate circulated on the Internet. The document requires that "before October 6, all the real estate projects in Zhengzhou will be fully continuous and substantially resumed." The staff of the relevant departments of Zhengzhou confirmed the authenticity of this document to the media.

In order to ensure a comprehensive resumption of work, the above documents were put forward from 5 aspects, and a detailed implementation plan was proposed. Several strict words have attracted attention. If the developer does not cooperate with the resumption, it will fully check whether the real estate has been evacuated and misappropriated. The tax department shall check the tax evasion of real estate companies.

In addition, the notice also pointed out that the leader must take the lead and submit 1-2 major stop-work real estate projects in person. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to fake fraud, perform a performance resume or phase symbolic resumption of work, and it will not be criticized for notification.

"Zhengzhou's move has a very good significance and reference value. The biggest highlight is that the thinking is clear, the power and responsibility are clear, and the time limit for time. Yan Yuejin, research director of the think tank center of Yi Ju Research Institute.

Zhengzhou launched a special operation of insurance delivery buildings

When the national property market is difficult to recover, the Zhengzhou rotten tail building is pushed to the cusp of the wind. Whether it can completely boost the property market depends on whether the rotten building problem can be solved. In response to the difficulty of re -work in the bad tail building, Zhengzhou organized a special group to deal with it, and set up a military order to ensure that the resumption was fully achieved within 30 days.

The "Notice on Printing and Distributing Zhengzhou's" 30 days of drying for 30 days, ensuring that the city's full -time re -construction of the city's stop work "(notice of the implementation plan of the special action of the maintenance and handling of the property" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") put forward the overall requirements and specific implementation plans of action, which will be in accordance with the problem. The requirements of guidance, target -oriented, and result -oriented, focusing on the reasons why the real estate projects of the stop work cannot be delivered on schedule, and the stop work will be concentrated and the effective resource is overcome. The real estate project is comprehensive and continuous and substantially resumed as the ultimate criteria for resumption of work.

Picture source: Red Star News

Regarding the specific implementation plan, notification requirements:

(1) Correct the responsibility of the enterprise. The real estate enterprise out of insurance must effectively bear the responsibility of self -rescue the main body, do everything possible to take or cooperate with the "insurance delivery building" tasks, and raise funds from multiple channels to dispose of undeveloped land, projects and assets, and company equity. Rate, return the misappropriation of funds, and return to the main business.

(2) The government is fully rescued. It is necessary to make good use of the special borrowing of the insurance property, strengthen the supervision of funds, and ensure the smooth implementation of the project and the safety of funds. All real estate companies that use special loans must be mortgaged to the platform company in the area; Relevant units, actively strive for commercial bank funds, do a good job of supporting financing, supporting funds of bailout funds, and purchasing apartments as supporting financing for talent houses; development zones, districts and counties (cities) must make good use of the "4+1" model, And actively mobilize the suspension of the real estate project or development enterprise to sort out and provide more high -quality assets, and do a good job with the bailout funds and M & A banking banks.

(3) Do a good job of bankruptcy and reorganization. Each development zone, district and county (cities) should set up bankruptcy liquidation coordination classes in accordance with the principles of breaking through, introduce bankruptcy and reorganization investors, and encourage development enterprises to apply for bankruptcy from the court as soon as possible to ensure that they will complete the real estate that does not replace debt as soon as possible Project disposal; two -level courts in the urban area should increase the progress of bankruptcy and reorganization cases, use the courtyard linkage mechanism to actively cooperate with the local government, and take short, flat, fast and other methods to quickly deal with.

(4) Responsibility for serious investigation. Each development zone, district and county (cities) shall organize audit, finance, housing, and urban and rural construction. If the funds selling funds are misappropriated, those who can recover shall be recovered in time according to law; if the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the real estate company are responsible for the embezzlement of funds, they shall bear the losses and bring the losses. If the funds are misappropriated, they shall bear the corresponding responsibilities according to law and regulations; the tax department shall conduct tax evasion inspections on real estate companies that do not cooperate with the resumption. At the same time, audit and taxation departments should actively transfer the clues to the public security organs for cracking down; each development zone, district and county (cities) should collect the clues of embezzlement and escape real estate funds. In particular, the real estate has not been delivered for the overdue. The existence of funds was escaped and misappropriated, and the clues were submitted to the case handling agency in a timely manner to assist the public security organs to recover the misappropriated funds. Under the unified leadership of the local party committee and government, in accordance with the needs of the local party committee and government, according to the needs of the overall risk disposal and steps, it resolutely crack down on investigation and punishment.

(5) Ensure that the work is fully resumed. For enterprises that have strength to resume work independently, they must urge them to resume work as soon as possible; for enterprises that are greater than liabilities and temporary difficulties in funds, each development zone, district and county (cities) must act quickly, and through the form of bailout funds, mergers and loans, etc. , Decisively take over by the government platform company, adopt the method of "new and old breaking", and then liquidate the work first; for enterprises with assets less than liabilities, each development zone, district and county platform company can adopt the construction method to resume work immediately, and immediately resume work. The audit department involved in comprehensive audit of its assets, liabilities, especially funds, capital supervision, and failure to be included in supervision funds. The relevant clues should be transferred to the public security department in time. (6) The leadership subcontract, the main officer's bottom. The main leaders of the development zones, districts and counties (cities) should take the lead in person to submit 1-2 major suspension of real estate projects in person; for other more complicated shutdown real estate, after clarifying the subcontracting leaders, the main leaders of the territorial party committee and government need to be the main leadership of the local party committee and government. Perform the responsibility of the pocket.

The "Notice" states that the resumption of work will be conducted uninterrupted, and the false and resumptions will be ordered to rectify and report in a timely manner. For the project subcontracting leaders and main leaders of the districts of the project that fails to complete all the real estate projects before October 6, it is necessary to report criticism throughout the city.

"The Zhengzhou plan clarified the responsibility system, especially the responsibility to the leadership of the district -level level, and also required to do it in the past month. At the same time, it was strictly fighting the performance. It is necessary to actively implement the work from the perspective of protecting buyers' rights and interests. "

Zhengzhou was forced to "out of the circle"

"Which one is strong to ask the bad tail? Zhongyuan Henan has to see Zhengzhou."

Netizens have given such "high" evaluations. Earlier, Zhengzhou has been exposed to many incidents such as stop work and owners' loans, which has become the city with the highest rotten real estate in the country.

According to Creury statistics, there are 106 problems in Zhengzhou, involving more than 600,000 residents. The total population of Zhengzhou's main urban area is only 7.59 million, which means that 8 of each 100 people buy bad tail buildings. Calculated by the family of Five, one household bought a bad tail building per house.

As of the end of 2021, the new house in Zhengzhou was 9.48 million square meters, with an area of ​​2.71 million square meters, and the problem rate was close to 29%. It involved 25,249 units of buildings. Almost every 3 sets were sold.

Picture source: Kerry

Zhengzhou has been forced to "out of the circle" due to the rotten tail problem. The more well -known is Zhengzhou Talent's introduction of real estate -Yongwei Jinqiao Xitang project.

Picture source: network

According to the "Owner Talent Data" provided by the owner, there were a total of 2515 households in the Yongwei Xitang project, and 1172 households participated in the statistics of the "Owner Talent Data". Among them, there are 1983 academic qualifications with undergraduate and above among them and family members, including 481 masters and 189 doctors. Among these people, 246 people enjoyed the talent subsidies of Zhengzhou, accounting for 20.99%of the number of statistics, and the initial statistics of the talent subsidy were more than 20 million yuan.

Because the owners of the Yongwei Jinqiao Xitang project are generally high, they are known as "the highest academic real estate in Zhengzhou".

The owners of high -cultural literacy make full use of public opinion in the rights protection operation, and released a "small composition" called "Human Script, Two Thousand Authors" for their own voice with the help of the media platform. By using foreign media to use foreign media to force the Henan Provincial Government from public opinion.

Under the pressure of all parties, the local government recovered 1 billion regulatory funds and rescued the Yongwei Jinqiao Xitang project.

Industry insiders analyzed that this is not a model for ordinary owners to defend their rights, and this is a model of rights protection of elite owners. They, as a special high -education group of Zhengzhou's "talent introduction", are the key groups that the local government has to pay attention to. For ordinary owners, the rights protection of the Yongwei Jinqiao Xitang project is not replicable.

Smooth 10 billion residential housing companies

It is self -evident that the Zhengzhou property market encountered unprecedented delivery problems.

Evergrande's sensation caused by the bursting of the real estate industry in the real estate industry was not small, but in fact, before Evergrande burst, Henan Jianye took the lead in exploding the thunder. Before Evergrande sent a letter of help to the Guangdong Provincial Government, Jianye, Henan, took the lead in sending a letter of help with the Henan Provincial Government.

The capital chain crisis encountered by Jianye in Henan is not only the real estate industry in Henan, but also a microcosm of the national real estate industry. In order to rescue the Zhengzhou property market, Zhengzhou took the first step to set up a real estate bailout fund.

On July 19th, Zhengzhou announced that Henan Zhengzhou Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. and Henan Asset Management Co., Ltd. announced on July 19 that it will jointly establish the Zhengzhou Real Estate Lift Fund to participate in the issues through asset disposal, resource integration, and reorganization consultant to participate in issues. Reasting and rescue work of real estate survival and rescue housing enterprises are rescued.

According to the data, Henan Zhengzhou Real Estate Group was established by the Zhengzhou SASAC in 2011 and at the same level as Zhengzhou Land Reserve Center. It is a state -owned enterprise platform that provides financing. Henan Asset Management Co., Ltd. is a non -performing asset disposal platform established by the People's Government of Henan Province.

This means that in order to solve the problem of bad tail buildings, Zhengzhou dispatched a state -owned enterprise financing platform and a non -performing assets for the disposal of state -owned assets. The two platforms joined forces to set up Zhengzhou Real Estate Reservation Fund to solve the top priority of the present.

After the establishment, I took the second step. On July 27, Zhengzhou City convened Jianye, Xinyuan, Shimao, Kangqiao, Greenland, Zhengshang, Sunac, and Hanhai Eight Hall of Hall Enterprises to conduct a report meeting in Zheng project. path. The "shed reform loan repayment" model is accepted by the government platform company, and the government is led in the later period; if the assets are greater than the liabilities, the "receiving merger" model can be selected, and the government organizes the docking of state -owned state -owned enterprises and financial institutions to solve the problem of corporate cash flow; If you debt, you can use the "bankruptcy reorganization" model to organize bankruptcy and reorganization by the government to ensure the delivery of the project; if the sales are not smooth and the construction funds are difficult, you can choose the "affordable rental housing" model and the government organizes a special construction loan.

The rescue operation did not stop.

On the evening of August 5, Zhengzhou recently introduced the establishment of a real estate bailout fund to set up an operation plan, which is tentatively scheduled to be 10 billion yuan. According to the documents, the bailout fund is operated by the mother and child fund, and the development zones, districts and counties (cities) should also attract different types of social capital participants based on different projects.

When the outside world pays attention to the landing project of the bailout fund, on August 9, the Jianye Beilonghu Financial Island office project undertaken by Jianye Real Estate was selected and became the first project for the help of bailout funds.

It is worth noting that Zhengzhou Real Estate Group Co., Ltd., the main force participating in assistance, is also one of the shareholders of Zhengzhou Financial Island Company. Donglong Holdings, one of the shareholders of Zhengzhou Financial Island Company, was initiated by the Zhengdong New District Management Committee and united the large -scale state -owned holding company established by Zhengzhou Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. and Henan Water Resources Investment Group Co., Ltd. Essence

For the specific establishment model of the mother and child fund, how many relief funds can Jianye Real Estate have no further news. From the perspective of fund use, the revitalization funds will be specially used in the problem of dangerous real estate projects, focusing on solving the problem of some shutdown mortgage month supply. In the process, central enterprises, local state -owned enterprises and state -owned investment and financing companies will become the main body of the project, and ultimately achieve the leveraged effect of "revitalizing one and saving a batch", and gradually resolve potential risks.

(Source: WeChat public account "Caizhi Headline" Comprehensive: First Financial, Daily Economic News, Red Star News, Caijing News Agency, Beijing News, etc.)

Edit: Bai Jing

School pair: Yuan Kai

Review: Gong Zimo

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