Yongweixi County, Jinyi Jinshui Bay ... Zhengzhou 3 real estate obtained 1 billion yuan bailout fund

Author:Top news Time:2022.09.08

On September 8th, the reporter from the Dahe Daily · Yu Video learned from the relevant departments of Zhengzhou City that on September 8, three projects including Jinyi Jinshui Bay, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, Yongwei Lan Court in Guancheng District, and Yongweixi County, Zhongyuan District. The support of the Zhengzhou Real Estate Relief Fund was obtained, with an amount of over 1 billion yuan. In addition, there are 5 projects entering the final stage of the negotiation.

It is understood that the Zhengzhou Real Estate Relief Fund is an important measure taken by the municipal government to implement the party's central and State Council, the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government's solid stability of economic work deployment and further stabilize the real estate market. The bailout fund is established in accordance with the principles of "government guidance, multi -level participation, and market -oriented operation", with a total scale of 10 billion yuan. The focus is on the guidance and encouragement of multi -subjects such as state -owned enterprises, provincial and municipal state -owned enterprises, and financial institutions. Real estate projects in the city.

Recently, according to the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government "30 days to ensure the full resumption of work in the city's stop work", the special operation arrangement arrangements are made to follow up and the negotiations will be followed by the bailout funds. Three supporting projects including Jinshuiwan, Yongwei Lanting in Guancheng District, and Yongweixi County, Central Plains District have entered the final stage of discussions. The provincial relief fund is still connecting the target project. The three projects that landed involved the amount of funds exceeding 1 billion yuan. At present, the fund -related agreement has been signed. Recently, the project will be fully resumed. The relevant funds will continue to help Zhengzhou to protect the people's livelihood based on the project progress.

[News 1+1]

For 30 days! How to resolve the 9 issues in Zhengdong New District?

On September 6, Zhengzhou City held a special mobilization meeting for the "Insurance Communications" for a strong tackling of the "Insurance Transfer Building" to print the special action implementation plan of the "Zhengzhou" "Danan for 30 days to ensure that the city's full -time resumption of work" is required A few days ago, all the real estate projects in Zhengzhou were realized, and the work was comprehensively and continued. So, what is the problem of real estate resolution of resettlement houses in Zhengdong New District?

◆ Zhengdong New District's remaining 9 problems to be resolved

On September 8th, the relevant person in charge of the construction of the resettlement houses and problems in Zhengdong New District's resettlement houses and problems. As of now, Zhengdong New District has built 83 plots of 14 resettlement districts, and about 110,500 people have been relocated. There are only two unbound plots of Jinguang Huayuan and Longxiang Jiayuan left. Among them, the Longxiang Jiayuan project is mainly due to the poor operation of the total contract, the elevator suppliers have major performance risks, and the management of the work permit, which affects the construction progress. However, it is currently actively promoting solution. According to the plan, Jinguang Huayuan is planned to be completed at the end of this year; Longxiang Jiayuan plans to be completed before the end of June next year. All the masses will be relocated.

"In terms of the construction of resettlement houses, we mainly adopt the form of state -owned enterprises, that is, the implementation of government demolition and state -owned companies, and completely cut off the chain of interest between the village demolition and developers." The new district has all included the construction of the resettlement houses in the provincial shed reform accounts to ensure that the construction of the resettlement housing construction is standardized and controlled throughout the process. At the same time, on the basis of local fiscal investment, financing channels such as shed reform loans, issuing shed reform bonds such as shed reforms, and issuance of special bonds for the issuance of central shed reform transfers In terms of bond funds, by included all the resettlement housing projects in the shed reform, the financing credit was about 23.7 billion yuan, which provided solid funding for the construction of the resettlement house.

In terms of problem real estate, Zhengdong New District involved a total of 35 problems. It has resolved 26 problems such as Datang Electric Power Office Building, Wantong International Garden, and Mingxuan International.

In these issues, some projects have issues such as arrears of project funds, illegal sales, tax payment, and equity controversy involved in the law.

◆ For 30 days, the "first floor and one strategy" helps the real estate out of the real estate

How to resolve these issues? Zhengdong New District's resettlement housing construction and problems The above -mentioned person in charge of the work class to resolve the work of the real estate stated that in accordance with the requirements, they formulate a plan for the "first floor, one strategy, one special class, one bank", and The leadership is responsible for the case, and the analysis and judgment meeting has been held many times to determine the best solution plan. "Some projects are suspended, and the state -owned platform company in the East District actively connects to take over to resolve the risk of contradictions." The person in charge said that among the projects with severe stagnation projects, Donglong Company is responsible for connecting the famous Menmianfu project. The project and Zhongzhou Dongyuan Project, Zheng Xinjian Investment Company is responsible for connecting the Tianxin Building Materials City Project. At present, the three platform companies are in -depth docking and dedication to the four stagnant project companies to conduct a comprehensive prudent investigation of the company's assets and liabilities, operation and financial conditions, legal relations, and opportunities facing target companies. Ensure that the project resumes the work and resumes the production as soon as possible.

"Take a good policy, use the" 4+1 "mode, manage the special borrowing, and do it for 30 days to ensure that all the time to stop work and semi -stop projects before October 6." East New District holds regular meetings every week to concentrate on the progress of the construction of the resettlement housing and the problem of problems in the real estate cases, and speed up the solution of the problem. On the morning of September 9th, Zhengdong New District also specially held a special mobilization meeting for "insurance delivery" to mobilize various resource factors to ensure that the established goals and tasks were completed.


Source: Dahe Daily · Yu Video Reporter Tian Yuchen

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