The "three measures" of the Bayzhou Housing Provident Fund Management Center help "three services"

Author:Bayzhou Provident Fund Time:2022.09.08

In order to better give full play to the function of housing provident fund's people's livelihood guarantee function and relief effect, the Bazhou Housing Provident Fund Management Center learns to implement the policy of helping enterprises and promoting economic stability. Optimize enterprise services and promote the smooth and healthy development of enterprises.

Establish a classification class. With the help of big data technology and daily management services, the center actively rely on service to promote the implementation of various policies. The enterprise units that have established the housing provident fund system have a bottom -out, establish a classification ledger, and carry out the 586 state -owned enterprises, 65 urban collective enterprises, 278 other urban enterprises, 711 urban private enterprises and 14 individual industrial and commercial households. Telephone, WeChat and visiting discussions, understand the business status of the enterprise, publicize and explain the policy of housing provident funds to the people, especially the measures and measures such as housing provident funds to help enterprises rescue and staged support policies. Industry and commercial households are helping to apply for slow payment to ensure that the policy is directly obtained and should be enjoyed. As of now, the state has served 1,236 companies through on -site visits, telephone and WeChat contacts, business processing and other measures.

Simplify the processing process of the deposit business. The center opens green channels to implement work measures such as the "commitment system" and "tolerance and shortage acceptance", that is, under the premise of implementing a notification, corporate units and employees who pay for housing provident fund to apply for housing provident fund Some information, after preliminary verification and promised by the parties, can be accepted and approved first. You can make up the information before the time limit requirements. And in line with the legal form, then accept the practice of ", avoid the situation of running back and forth due to incomplete data and incomplete procedures. Certificate materials such as the identification of the housing provident fund payment of the enterprises and employee housing provident funds, the employee congress or the discussion results of the union of the epidemic, and other proof materials, which are moderate, and flexibly use the commitment approval system to reduce the burden of enterprises and the masses, and form a good job of serving the company's responsibility to act well. Atmosphere. As of now, 15 enterprises have been paid in the state, with 1243 employees, and the amount of slow payment is 1.5626 million yuan.

Expand the influence of housing provident fund policy. The center actively acts, pays close attention to the development trend of the enterprise's resumption of work, enter the enterprise, approach the masses, go to the grassroots level, give services to the enterprise, increase the promotion of the provident fund benefits policies and help the company's rescue support policies, and continuously expand the housing housing The provident fund policy awareness rate, through the media, WeChat public account, QQ group, and various online channels of the circle of friends to carry out policy dissemination, in the housing provident fund service window, entrusting bank outlets, participating in the housing fair, and other offline methods to distribute publicity guidelines and services to employees Handbooks form a diversified and full -covered propaganda offensive, and improve the consciousness and initiative of enterprises' depository funds to pay housing provident funds. Since the beginning of this year, there are 247 new account opening units in the state and 11,200 new account opening employees. As of now, the depository fund was 2.525 billion yuan in the year, and 73.19%of the annual plan was completed; 20.589 billion yuan; 31111 personal loan housing loans were issued, 101.46%of the annual plan was completed. (Mao Li)

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