Shandong first, fourth in the north, why is Jinan CBD so good?

Author:Jinan Times Time:2022.09.08

Jinan Central Business District ushered in highlights.

At the recent 2022 China International Services Trade Fair, the Jinan Central Business District was selected as the "Top 20 Comprehensive Competitiveness of China Commercial District".

Among the top 20, only Jinan CBD and Qingdao CBD were shortlisted. Among them, Jinan ranked 13th and Qingdao ranked 16th.

In the northern cities, Jinan CBD is second only to Beijing Business Center District, Beijing Financial Street and Tianjin Binhai New District Central Business District, ranking 4. 4.

Beijing and Tianjin are both municipalities. If only the provincial capital cities and deputy provincial cities, Jinan can ranks first in the north.

Is this list authoritative?

Hai Youjun inquired that the China International Services Trade Fair was formerly the Beijing Fair. It is the only national, international, and comprehensive service trade platform in the world. It was co -organized by the Ministry of Commerce and the Beijing Municipal People's Government.

There is no doubt about authority!

Jinan CBD is still under construction. It is considered "semi -finished product". Why is it so high?

CBD refers to a region in which a country or city is conducted. Its concept was first produced in the United States in 1923, which was defined as "the place where business meetings". Subsequently, the content of the CBD continued to develop and became the economic development center of a city, a region, and even a country.

As the core of the city, CBD highly concentrates the city's economy, science and technology, and cultural forces. It must be the superposition of the building scales and the intersection of the business district. City.

Whether it is Manhattan in New York, the financial city of London, the Lujiazui in Shanghai, the Central of Hong Kong, and the Pearl River New Town in Guangzhou, it has become the glory and symbol of the city.

The Jinan CBD was proposed that in 2015, the secretary of the municipal party committee was Wang Wentao. At that time, Jinan proposed that it was necessary to build the city's power to build a high -standard CBD as well as Shanghai Lujiazui in Jinan.

The Jinan CBD is identified as a iconic area that can focus on showing the results of the city's reform and development and representing the image of the provincial capital of the Eastern Coastal Economy.

The planning range starts from industrial south road in the north, south to the ten roads, from Olympic Sports West Road in the east, and Huayang Road in the west. The total area is about 3.2 square kilometers.

The birth of CBD made Jinan people "heartbroken".

Seven years have passed. In the context of the national strategy of the Yellow River and the strategic provincial capital, the core area of ​​Jinan CBD has settled in more than 5,400 companies, 18 Fortune 500, and more than 40 provincial financial institutions. The most concentrated, high -end enterprise, the most concentrated and radiant industrial financial highland.

On April 13 this year, Liu Qiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Jinan Municipal Party Committee, emphasized again when he went to Lixia District to investigate again to build the central business district of Jinan.

The rise of Jinan CBD proves the vision of the city and also proves the city's fixed force: a blueprint draws to the end, one after another.

What is the prospect of Jinan CBD?

CBD is the core of a city or even a region. Therefore, in a large area, there is only one influential CBD.

In a sense, the prospect and limit of the Jinan CBD depends on the upper limit and status of Jinan, and even the status and limit of Shandong.

Recent position.

As a fulcrum in the north, Shandong's strategic position is very important, and the development prospects are optimistic.

Shandong is in a new journey of building a strong province. In the first half of this year, Shandong GDP was 4171.7 billion yuan, an increase of 281.1 billion yuan. It rarely overtaken the boss of Cantonese (229.2 billion yuan) and Su Daqiang (170.9 billion yuan), ranking first in the country.

As the central city of the Yellow River Basin and the provincial capital of Shandong Province, Jinan is located at the intersection of the four major economic zones, connects the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei Economic Zone in the north, the Yangtze River Delta urban group in the south, the East Rim East Economic Circle, and the rise of the Central Plains in the west. Even important regional centers in North China.

The Jinan metropolitan area with Jinan as the core is expected to be among the national key metropolitan circle. At that time, cities such as Binzhou, Zibo, Tai'an, Texas, and Liaocheng will accelerate to Jinan and help Jinan Metropolitan District further "out of the circle."

The "2022 Chinese Enterprise 500" list just announced, there are 11 in Jinan, ranking 8th in the country. There are 8 Dongying in Jinan and 5 in Binzhou. There are as many as 24 Chinese Fortune 500 companies in only 3 cities. The regional development vitality is evident.

Besides, the CBD is located in Lixia District. In 2021, the GDP reached 212.415 billion yuan, and the per capita GDP was nearly 40,000 US dollars, reaching the level of medium -developed countries. The economic density reached 2.1 billion yuan per square kilometer. There are 40 taxes "100 million yuan buildings" in Lixia District, of which 3 are "Moon billion -dollar", with the first largest in the province.

The area radiated by the Jinan CBD has a strong strength foundation in both the large circle or from the middle and small circle.

By 2025, the Jinan CBD, which is completed, will gather more than 20,000 high -end enterprises, the value -added of the financial industry will exceed 80 billion yuan, and the tax "100 million yuan building" will be more than 30. Smooth into the first echelon of the domestic CBD.

The mountains are magnificent, and there must be the main peak.Throughout the country and abroad, the Central Business District is a regional economic development center, and it is an absolute center that cannot be copied or surpassed by a city and region.Jinan CBD, as the center of economic development in Jinan and even larger regional, will definitely rise into a peak!

(Source: WeChat public account "Guan Jinan")

Edit: Han Luying

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