The four departments of Hubei Province jointly issued a joint post on the new residential community pension service facilities

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.09.07

In order to actively respond to the aging of the population, accelerate the development of community pension services, standardize the problem of the construction of elderly care facilities for new residential communities, and continuously meet the continuous growth of elderly care services for the elderly. Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting the Development of Pension Services "(Guozi Fa [2019] No. 5)," Guidance Opinions of the Ministry of Natural Resources on Strengthening Planning and Land Supporting Supporting Pension Service Development "(Natural Loss [2019] No. 3) The relevant documents such as the "Measures for the Implementation of the" Practice of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly of the People's Republic of China "and the" 14th Five -Year Plan "of the Hubei Provincial Pension Service System Construction" Fourteen Five -Year Plan "are formulated in combination with the actual situation of our province to formulate these measures.

1. Scope of application

1. These measures are applicable to the "four synchronization" of the elderly service facilities in the administrative area of ​​Hubei Province (including the newly -built residential area and the newly -built residential community) in the administrative area of ​​Hubei Province (including the newly -built residential area and the newly -built residential community). Essence

2. Pension service facilities refers to houses and places such as living care, rehabilitation care, cultural and physical entertainment, spiritual comfort and other facilities for the elderly.

2. Construction requirements

(1) Planning layout requirements

1. The establishment of the elderly service facilities should meet the layout planning planning of local pension service facilities and the construction of the community service system. Planning Specifications of Human Facilities (GB50437) and "Technical Guide for the Planning of Community Life Circle" (TD/T1062-2021) and other standards require planning and layout.

2. The new residential community project is equipped with a community pension service facility in accordance with the construction area of ​​not less than 20 square meters per 100 square meters, and the single construction area should meet the needs of the elderly to avoid small distribution of facilities and dispersing.

3. The graded planning and construction of the elderly service facilities should implement the requirements of the community living circle planning, and the per capita is not less than 0.1 square meters of pension land (for the land for the construction or use of the elderly service facilities). In accordance with the principles of "planning planning, balanced layout, and hierarchical setting", according to the number of elderly population and the service radius planned by urban residential areas, combined with actual partition planning settings and centralized allocation of pension service houses and facilities. Large residential community projects can be appropriately dispersed, and small residential communities can be concentrated with neighboring communities. All localities can determine the specific construction standards in the jurisdiction on the basis of not lower than the above standards.

4. The location of the construction of the elderly service facilities should be beautiful. It is close to public activity space such as medical institutions, cultural and sports places, and green space parks. If possible, it can be combined to improve the efficiency of service rooms and facilities. According to the functional requirements of various housing and facilities, the streamlines are clear, the service is convenient, the surrounding environment is safe, the transportation is relatively convenient, and the infrastructure such as water and electricity heating and communication is complete.

5. In principle, the construction of the elderly service facilities should be set at the low -level building, and it is advisable to set up the first and second floors of the building as it is appropriate, and the second floor (including the second floor) should be set up. The underground layer, semi -underground layer and mezzanine of the building. The main entrances and exit of the construction of pension service facilities should be set separately, and at the same time, barrier -free facilities should be built to achieve barrier -free entry and exit; safe evacuation exports should be not less than 2.

6. The main functional rooms of the construction of pension service facilities should be built in a position with sufficient sunshine and good ventilation, and meet the requirements of the number of sunlight.

7. The construction of pension service facilities should maintain a reasonable distance with the pollution sources, noise sources and dangerous goods production, storage and other areas to ensure the safety of facilities.

8. The road design before the entrance and exit of the elderly service facilities should be convenient for the organization and management of human and vehicle diversion, and meet the requirements of fire protection, evacuation and ambulance. At the same time, there should be a venue of parking and turning. Set up motor vehicles and non -motorized vehicle parking venues to facilitate the use of the elderly and residents.

9. The appearance of the construction of the elderly service facility must be recognizable. The position of the suspension sign of the hanging logo should be reserved in a conspicuous place. The unified public service logo should be used. Enjoy the service with peace of mind.

(2) Design requirements

1. The construction unit shall be in accordance with the "Standards for the Construction of the Daily Care Center for the Elderly in the Community" (143-2010), the "Design Standards for the Design of the Older Care Facilities" (JGJ450) Design the requirements of standard specifications such as fire prevention specifications (GB50016), and design and provide pension service facilities.

2. The new residential community projects developed in multiple periods should be arranged in the first phase and shall not be split. It is indeed unable to arrange the project in the first phase. The construction of the elderly service facilities must be completed simultaneously before the total size of the residential scale is completed.

(3) Completion acceptance requirements

The construction of pension service facilities should be implemented in strict accordance with the design documents. Among them, the walls are four white, the cement floor is flat, and the doors and windows, toilets, hydropower are warm, non -obstacle, fire -fighting and other facilities and equipment. Standards.

3. Construction procedure

(1) Planning and land use

1. The civil affairs department shall, in accordance with the national standards and other departments, in accordance with national standards and specifications, combine the level of social and economic development, the structure and distribution of the elderly, etc. In the overall planning and detailed planning of land space, guide the planning and construction of elderly care facilities. 2. If the residential land is involved in the construction of pension service facilities, when the natural resources department issues the planned conditions for the planned land to supply the new residential community project, it shall be based on the requirements of the planning facilities construction planning, control detailed planning, and relevant standards and specifications. Simultaneously propose relevant requirements for the establishment of pension service facilities.

3. When supplying land for the supply of pension service projects, the natural resource department will incorporate the determined construction of the determined pension service facilities, design standards, delivery methods, and objects as prerequisite for land supply, and incorporate the planning and design conditions, transfer announcements and announcement announcements Instructions for transfer, at the same time, write to the state -owned construction land use right transfer contract or allocated decision to implement it.

(2) Design specifications

When the construction unit prepares a residential community planning and design plan, it shall strictly carry out the planning and design of pension service facilities in accordance with relevant national construction standards and specifications. The construction unit may invite the civil affairs department to provide guidance to the construction of pension service facilities. The civil affairs department shall combine the current status of the local elderly population, the needs of the elderly service, and the needs of facilities. Rizhao and traffic organizations put forward written specific guidance.

(3) Planning permit

1. When applying for a construction engineering planning permit for a new residential area, the natural resource department shall simultaneously carry out business review for the construction planning and design plan for the construction of the construction of the elderly service facilities. The construction project planning and design plan that does not meet the planning conditions and the national construction standards and specifications shall not pass the review, and the construction project planning permit shall not be issued.

2. The construction unit shall not change the design content of the construction of pension service facilities without authorization. If it is necessary to adjust the planning and design plan for the establishment of the elderly service facilities, the application for changing the change of the natural resources department shall be submitted to the natural resource department. The natural resources department shall jointly conduct business review of the adjustment plan according to laws and regulations. The change design shall not have content that involves the requirements of national construction standards and specifications. After obtaining consent, change the planning and design content of the construction of the elderly service facilities.

(4) Construction requirements

The housing and urban and rural construction departments shall handle the procedures such as construction permits such as construction projects for new residential communities in accordance with relevant regulations, strengthen the review and supervision of construction maps, and strengthen quality and safety management in accordance with the law. The configuration of the construction unit for the construction of the elderly service facilities does not meet the construction plan and design plan and the requirements of the relevant national standards. The construction of the new residential communities should be implemented in accordance with the design documents of the construction drawing in accordance with the review, and the basic construction procedures should be performed. The construction unit strictly manage the project in accordance with the current relevant technical specifications, and perform the project completion and filing procedures in a timely manner after completion.

(5) Completion of completion acceptance

1. Project construction units that undertake the construction tasks shall carry out special acceptance and acceptance of newly -built residential communities. They may invite the project where the project is located to participate in the special acceptance and issue a written opinion of whether it meets the requirements.

2. During the completion and acceptance stage, the natural resource department shall verify the allocation of pension service facilities when conducting project planning and verification, and the new residential community projects that have not been verified or verified in accordance with the planning requirements are not verified or verified. The departments shall not issue a certificate of verification of the planning of construction projects.

Fourth, transfer procedure

1. The new residential community is equipped with pension service facilities as a public service supporting house in the residential area. Or the government (street) government where the project is located.

2. After the acceptance of the new residential community is qualified, the contract shall be provided in accordance with the state -owned construction land use right transfer contract or allocation decision, and the government department or township (street) government shall sign up for transfer procedures, sign the community pension service facilities for transfer agreement, and at 60 60 Complete transfer work within the day.

3. After the civil affairs department or township (street) government completes the transfer procedures for the transfer of old -age service facilities with the construction unit, the construction unit shall first apply for the first registration of the real estate registration department for the establishment of an old -age service house, and then cooperate with the civil affairs in accordance with the agreement in accordance with the agreement. The government or township (street) governments jointly apply for real estate transfer departments for real estate transfer registration. When registered with a supporting pension service facility house, the real estate registry and the attached property certificate of the real estate register and the attachment of the property right certificate are "community pension service facilities".

4. The real estate surveying and mapping institution shall independently measure and calculate the area for the construction of houses for the construction of pension service facilities. The area does not count the shared area of ​​the shared area, and it indicates the location and area in the report.

5. If the construction unit fails to transfer the elderly service houses in accordance with regulations, the housing urban and rural construction and natural resource departments shall be included in corporate credit information according to their responsibilities, do a good job of management and release of corporate credit files, inspirational incentives, and disciplinary disciplinary.

5. Operation management

1. New residential communities with pension service facilities should provide convenient and safe and reliable inclusive pension services for the elderly on the basis of ensuring public service. The civil affairs department should be responsible for the supervision of the use of elderly service facilities in accordance with the duties of the department. It should fully mobilize the enthusiasm of social forces to participate in operation management, improve the mechanism of public construction and private construction, and improve service quality and efficiency. 2. The implementation of the "public construction and private" pension service facilities should break the screening standards that are simply price -based, comprehensively conduct quality indicators such as employment reputation, service level, and sustainability. Participate in the construction of project engineering throughout the process, explore the development of chain, branding, and professional operations, and improve the quality and level of pension services. The construction of the elderly service facilities shall not be used to transfer, mortgage or be diverted for him. No unit or individual may occupy or change it for him. Responsibilities of relevant responsible persons in accordance with the law.

6. Other requirements

1. "By 2022, new urban areas and newly -built residential areas to build support for the construction of pension service facilities will reach 100%." ​​As one of the restrained indicators of active response to the evaluation of population aging capabilities, it has been incorporated into the national high -quality development comprehensive performance evaluation. As an important part of the assessment of the provincial people's government, it has officially participated in the evaluation and calculation since 2022. All localities should strengthen the organization and leadership of newly -built residential communities to build pension service facilities, establish and improve work mechanisms, civil affairs, natural resources, housing, and urban and rural construction must carefully perform their duties, combine the actual detailed methods of the area under their jurisdiction, clarify the division of tasks and labor division of labor and work Regulatory requirements, strengthen coordination and coordination, timely supervise and handle all kinds of illegal and illegal acts that do not plan, design, build, transfer, and use the use of pension service facilities in accordance with the relevant requirements, and ensure that all tasks are implemented.

2. The civil affairs departments of various localities should regularly supervise the planning, design, construction, transfer, and use of the construction of elderly care facilities with relevant departments. Establish an annual regular reporting system. Before the end of September each year, the civil affairs departments of each city (state) will lead the development of the work of the district to the provincial -level relevant departments.

3. Civil affairs, natural resources, housing, and urban and rural construction departments in various places must actively report to the party committees and government leaders at the same level in accordance with the local actual situation, and study and formulate the inspection and rectification plan for the establishment of elderly care facilities for new residential communities in recent years. Focusing on the situation of unsatisfactory inspections, unprecedented construction, construction, unopened, low standards, and diverting for him, all effective measures must be taken in place. Encourage conditions for old communities to provide pension service facilities, and support specialized companies to participate in the construction and follow -up operations of elderly care facilities.

Seven, Affiliated

1. If the standards, technology and specifications involved in these Measures are inconsistent with the new standards, technologies and specifications promulgated and implemented by the state, the national new standards, technology, and specifications are based on the new national promulgation standards.

2. Each city, state, county (city, district) may formulate implementation opinions in accordance with these Measures.

(Source: Official Website of the Housing and Urban -Rural Development Department of Hubei Province)

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