Shijiazhuang's latest notice!

Author:Hebei Daily Time:2022.09.03

Recently, the Shijiazhuang Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau issued a notice. In order to strengthen the construction of the housing security credit system and regulate the credit behavior of the main body of housing security, the "Ishizhuang Housing Security Credit Management Measures" was issued.

The "Measures" applies to the credit behavior of housing security families in Shijiazhuang Changan District, Qiaoxi District, Xinhua District, Yuhua District, and High -tech Development Zone. Shijiazhuang housing security household credit records are uniformly included in Shijiazhuang housing security credit information system management. Credit behavior evaluation adopts a scoring system, and the basic score of each family guarantees is 100 points. Ensure that the family credit score is recorded in the name of the applicant, and each guaranteed family member will share the score.

How to deduct points for the most concerned credit management for families? The "Measures" clearly stipulate that when there is different trustworthy behaviors in housing security families, they will be deducted according to different standards:

If you violate the regulations of the community or the lease contract, you will deduct 5 points for each time.

Those who do not cooperate with housing security management personnel to conduct a check -up inspection or conduct house maintenance work, 5 points each time.

If there is no reasons to owe rent, deduct 5 points per month; if the continuous arrears of the rent reached six months or more, the monthly deduction is 5 points.

If the parties have changed to the acceptance authority for more than 30 days after the population, income and housing changes, they deduct 10 points each time; those who reach three or more times, each deduction 15 points.

When exiting the rental house, if the normal check -out procedures are not completed as required, 20 points will be deducted.

In the qualifications and dynamic review of housing security objects, if they have concealed housing, economic and other conditions, or providing false or fake related certification materials, they have cheated housing security. If the guarantee conditions are guaranteed, 35 points are deducted; the qualification for housing security is obtained for unclear means such as deception. After being disqualified from the elimination of the guarantee, there is a rejection of the lease subsidies that have been collected, refusing to withdraw from the lease security housing, refusal to supplement the market rental standards according to the market rental standards Those who rents during Qi Cheng's rental period will be deducted by 35 points.

Those who have been forced to refund the leased housing will deduct 35 points.

There are no reasons for 6 consecutive months and above to live in the loan -sharing housing, deduct 35 points; the leased affordable housing is transferred or rented to others, and 40 points are deducted.

If you change the nature and use of the affordable house and its supporting facilities without authorization, if it does not cause losses, it deducts 35 points.

If the losses are caused and do not take the initiative to take the liability for compensation, deduct 40 points; the damage, damage to the affordable housing or the improper use of the affordable housing 40 points, if the liability for compensation is not proactive, 50 points will be deducted; For illegal activities, deduct 50 points; other dishonesty behaviors, refer to the above -mentioned similar behavior deductions.

In addition, the "Measures" also clearly stipulates the additional points that housing security families can obtain: those who make rationalized suggestions and adopt 5 points for the management of housing management, add 5 points.

As the first reporter, the use of the use of affordable housing or deceiving housing security qualifications such as reporting in violation of regulations, after the verification is true, add 10 points.

The "Measures" stipulates that credit behavior points are based on family, and do not fail due to the changes of applicants, changes in family members, changes in the way of guarantee, and changes in types of guarantee.

When the housing security family points changes, the credit evaluation of the guarantee family is based on the score. The points are slightly dishonesty between 86-95 points; the points are moderate to medium to 66-85 points; the points are 65 points and below are severe dishonesty.

In terms of trustworthy incentives and disciplinary punishment, the "Measures" clearly clearly reduce the frequency of review of good credit families; for good credit families, no longer meet the guarantee conditions, and those who need to withdraw from the affordable housing may be based on the normal transition period. Extend the transition period for 3 months.

Families for housing security families with slightly dishonesty are mainly adopted by criticism and education. For the dishonesty with a deduction of 5 points, if you can actively rectify in one month, you can eliminate the corresponding deduction and guide and encourage them to restore credit as soon as possible. Each housing security family eliminates no more than 3 times within one year.

Families with severe dishonest housing security will notify their dishonesty behaviors to their units or household registration street offices; those who have obtained qualifications, eligible for protection, recover the leased security housing, recover their illegal currency subsidies or rental subsidies in accordance with the law. ; From the date of record in the credit file, the application for housing security in the city's administrative area for life will not be accepted; Credit information such as behavior, processing results; incorporating their credit information into the municipal social credit information sharing platform for relevant social subjects to inquire and use according to law, and be included in the list of permanent credit punishment for housing security.

The "Measures" also clarified the recovery of credit points. If the limited limit requirements in the incentives and punishment measures are implemented in accordance with regulations, the remaining trustworthiness and dishonesty points are two years. Starting from the credit points record, the credit points are automatically eliminated, but the records of trustworthiness and dishonesty do not delete.

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