Zhengzhou tenants pay attention!This feature has been launched!No longer afraid of the intermediary running!

Author:Top news Time:2022.09.02

Because of the high -risk business models such as "high advances and low -out", "long -term paid" and "leasing loan", the corporate capital chain breaks or runs. Have you heard of such a case? It will not only bring economic losses to the leasing parties, bring great risks to the market, but also seriously disrupt the order of the housing leasing market.

On September 2nd, the reporter learned from the Zhengzhou Housing Security and Real Estate Administration that the development and construction of the housing rental fund supervision module of the Housing Rental Platform of Zhengzhou has been completed, and it has been officially launched. This means that the rent and deposit you pay have a special "fund steward".

According to the "Zhengzhou Housing Rental Fund Regulatory Measures (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"), it is clearly stipulated that housing rental enterprises should choose a bank that has been connected with Zhengzhou housing rental information services and regulatory platforms within the city. Establish a special account for the supervision of housing rental funds in the city, and sign the city's unified fund supervision agreement. Up to now, the platform system of eight regulatory banks has completed the docking with the Zhengzhou housing rental platform, and has the ability to develop housing rental fund supervision business. The homepage is announced at any time.

The "Measures" pointed out that for the rental cycle of more than three months (including three months) housing rental contracts, the supervision bank will release the rent to a housing rental company on a monthly monthly. The rental cycle of the lessee is less than three months of housing lease contracts, and the rent is released the next day after the rent is closed. Whether or not for more than three months, the last month's rent is released when the fund supervision is lifted. Within 10 days after the lease contract expires, if the parties to the lease have not raised their objections, the fund supervision corresponding to the contract is automatically lifted. The supervisory bank releases the remaining rent to the housing leasing enterprise and returned the deposit back to the lessee.

According to the relevant person in charge of Zhengzhou Housing Security and the Lease Office of the Real Estate Administration, if the two parties are controversial to the disposal of the deposit, the two parties can be used for mediation. deal with.

It is reported that after the work is fully implemented, the majority of rental people can choose companies that have received housing rental funds on the municipal housing rental platform, apply for the relevant business of housing rental funds, and the funding security and legitimate rights and interests of leasing parties will be effectively guaranteed.


Source: Dahe.com

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