The "cancel area" proposal is hot!Expert interpretation →

Author:China Youth Network Time:2022.09.02

Recently, the topic of the area of ​​the housing roll has attracted attention. Wang Fenghua, a member of the CPPCC of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, put forward the "Proposal on Regulating the" Public Standing Bar "of Houses", and the website of the Inner Mongolia Housing and Construction Department has responded specifically for this. Reply said that the current transaction and confirmation of commodity housing and confirmation of the country are generally based on the construction area as the standard. Lack of professional understanding, and not intuitively understanding the actual internal area, and the "bars" are different due to the different projects, causing consumers to question and conflict.

The reply also mentioned that the Inner Mongolia Department of Housing and Construction will cancel the "public storage area" proposal as a recent legislative project proposal to be revised to report to the Ministry of Construction. Why is there such a major controversy in the area of ​​the house? How to make consumers buy a house and buy it clearly?

The Housing and Construction Department of Inner Mongolia responded to cancel the "public bars":

Just report to the suggestion

Regarding the cancellation of the "public storage area" recently, the relevant person in charge of the Real Estate Market Office of the Housing and Construction Department of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region responded: "The website of the Housing and Construction Department is a suggestion to report to the Ministry of Construction. Some media are suspected of over -interpretation ","

△ Screenshots of the official website of the Housing and Construction Department of Inner Mongolia

Why is the area of ​​the pool attracted much attention?

The area of ​​the pool is so much attention because the "Administrative Measures for the Sales of Commercial Houses" implemented by my country in June 2001 clarified that the construction area of ​​the commercial house consists of the construction area and the shared construction area of ​​the units.

Song Xiangqing, deputy dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, explained this: "The commercial house is not only a suite for the owner, but also the corridor, elevator, lobby, etc. supported by the owner's home. These are the service of all owners. In public space, their construction costs should be allocated by the owners. "

Earlier, when a house buyer accepted the house in Qingdao, Shandong, it was found that the area of ​​the house they purchased reached more than 46%of the total house area of ​​the house.

The owner of the house 1: The area of ​​the real estate certificate is 128.35 square meters, the internal area is less than 70 square meters, and the master bedroom is 11 square meters, but the double bed, the bedside table, and the wardrobe cannot be opened. The second bedroom is 8 square meters.

The owner of the house 2: The construction area is 110 square meters, the actual use area is 59.25 square meters, and the use area of ​​the second bedroom is more than 6 square meters.

Song Xiangqing believes that the reason why the area of ​​the public charges causes controversy lies in whether the owner of this part of the cost is clear and reasonable. "For example, it was originally a place for internal operations, such as underground garages, small supermarkets, (developers) also used it as a public space, then the operating income should be divided into the owner, and it is not divided into the owner, and it has formed a profit. It also allows the owner to bear this part of the bars (costs), obviously the owner is unacceptable. "

Liu She, a professor at the School of Engineering Management and Real Estate of Henan University of Economics and Law, also said that developers have considered other considerations to calculate the price price when selling the house. "For example, the total price of a house is 1.3 million yuan, and it was calculated at 100 square meters, that is, 13,000 yuan a square meter; now it is calculated at 70 square meters, it is nearly 20,000 yuan a square meter, and the unit price is up. First, consumers can feel that every square meter is not too expensive, this is a psychological effect; second, developers may also calculate some of the public bars. "

Can the stall area be canceled?

The area of ​​the pool is likely to cause disputes. Can it be canceled? Some opinion believes that although the area of ​​additional bars is common in the sales area of ​​commercial housing, it is not recommended to cancel the area of ​​the bass area, but it is recommended to cancel it.

Zhang Dawei, the chief analyst of Zhongyuan Real Estate, said that there are many misunderstandings in the market for the public area. In fact, there are many misunderstandings in the market. He believes that the area of ​​the public storage area cannot be canceled. The dispute point should be whether the storage is rubbed into the house price and will be charged according to the construction area. "From the perspective of use, the parts of the bus such as elevators, corridors, etc. must exist in the pricing of the entire building, but just say whether this part of the pricing is to be reflected in the construction area and the internal area. Just like buying walnuts, it is just like buying walnuts. Do you buy walnut kernels or a leather walnut? This method is different. "

Zhang Dawei believes that the current problem is that when some developers are sold out in pre -sale of the housing, the area of ​​the model room is set too large, so that the buyer feels that the area of ​​the house they buy in the future is so, which is irresponsible to consumers. Therefore, the pool part must be open and transparent, and consumers are clear when selling houses. "Many cities have written and mature experiences. It requires that the houses and models delivered by the developer must be set to 1: 1, and the model house built by the developer will be more than three months after delivery." Song Xiangqing of Beijing Normal University It seems that the problem of solving the area of ​​the pool area, during the planning and design and approval stage, to make reasonable planning indicators on public service -oriented publicity occupation, and strictly carry out some significant "high public pool" phenomenon beyond the conventional "high public pool" phenomenon Tube. "In the end, the allocation rules related to commercial housing still need to be adjusted. Cancel the bass area and adopt the cost of the pool instead of the publicity area, so how many square meters of people buy and how many square meters live. But in fact, the owner also has a public space for public space. The cost is just to say that the price has increased. This price increase is caused by changes in systems and rules, not caused by investment and speculative behaviors in the market. "

电 Source: Voice of China (ID: ZGZS001)

Editor -in -chief: Zeng Fushuang

玘 Audit: Zhang Yanyun

┃ Review: Wang Hai

(China Youth Network WeChat (ID: Youthzqw), reprint

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