How will the property market welcome four heavy news within a week?

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.08.26

How to further stabilize the real estate market of our reporter Du Yumeng has become an important issue in the current market. "Securities Daily" reporter noticed that within a week, two heavy meetings and two favorable measures have been stabilized for the real estate market. Insiders who were interviewed by reporters believed that, under the common effect of the low base effect and the "gold nine silver ten" of the property market, the scale of the national real estate market in September may rise from the previous month. Specifically, Xinhua News Agency reported on August 19 that relevant departments such as the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development, the Ministry of Finance, and the People's Bank of China have recently issued measures to improve the policy instrument box, and support the residential projects that are difficult to deliver overdue through policy bank special borrowing methods. Construction and delivery; August 22, LPR above 5 years exceeded expected by 15 basis points; on the same day, Yi Gang, president of the President of the People's Bank of China and the director of the Office of the Financial Committee of the State Council, hosted a symposium on some financial institutions. Financing demand; then, the executive meeting of the State Council held on August 24 mentioned that the local "one city, one policy" was allowed to use credit and other policies to reasonably support rigid and improved housing needs. "After the sales of commercial housing in June significantly improved, due to the complicated influence of many factors, the real estate market has been cold again since July." Wang Qing, chief macro analyst of Dongfang Jincheng, said in an interview with the Securities Daily that the recent measures of the above measures will be It has been introduced one after another, and the release of signals that the policy surface is increasing the support for the real estate market in all directions, effectively guiding market expectations and boosting market confidence. In fact, since the beginning of this year, the market support policy has undoubtedly staged a round of property market support policies from the central government. From the perspective of policy content, it is also gradually touched the core means of the property market regulation, that is, canceling or relaxing purchase restrictions, and optimizing credit policies. From the perspective of the industry, in the rapid downward period of the real estate market, as the most important policy tools for inverse cycles, financial credit policies should be adjusted moderately. Talking about the 15th base points of LPR more than 5 years after 5 years of LPR, and the asymmetric downgraded by 15 basis points in August, Zhang Yongzhi, deputy general manager of the Fixed Income Department of the Chinese Business Fund, told the Securities Daily reporter that it can be reported that therefore can be that it can be reported that therefore It can be seen that the central bank's policy intention of wide credit and stability is very clear. It should be noted that although the signal of the current wide currency is clear, the effect of wide credit use still needs time to confirm it. In Wang Qing's opinion, with the executive meeting of the State Council put forward the policy of "allowing the local 'one city, one city, one policy' flexible use of credit and other policies to reasonably support rigid and improved housing demand", it is expected that the LPR quotation of more than 5 years will be reduced to reduce the price of more than 5 years. On the basis, it is given greater autonomy in adjusting the down payment ratio of the house purchase and the reduction of housing loan interest rates. This helps to effectively stimulate the demand for the property market under the current situation, but also avoid the risk of "one -size -fits -all" housing prices that may bring up, and promote the healthy development of the real estate industry and a virtuous circle. "Generally speaking, the core real estate support policies currently introduced are for 'stability'. That is, the release of demand through the loosening of credit policies, to boost the heat of the property market through the" one city, one strategy ", and strengthen insurance through the strengthening of insurance. In the close of the building, firm buyers enter the market. "Zhang Bo, Dean of the 58 Anju House Research Institute, said in an interview with the Securities Daily that the overall deficiency of market confidence is the direct cause of the stability of the real estate market. In addition The environmental uncertainty increases, and the recovery of confidence will be more difficult than before. In this regard, Zhang Bo suggested that in the future, it can further relax the administrative management and control of new housing limited prices, increase policy support for improving housing buying groups, including reducing two or above down payment ratios and two -way housing loan interest rates. Chen Wenjing, the market research director of the Index Division of the Medical Research Institute, said in an interview with a reporter from the Securities Daily that under the drive of policy optimization, the low base effect in July is expected to be expected to improve the subsequent market emotions. In addition, in September and October, as the traditional sales season of the real estate market, housing companies will generally increase their pushing efforts, and the improvement of the supply side will also be conducive to improving market activity. It is expected that the national real estate market transactions will rise from the previous month in September, but for most cities, the repair of market confidence will still take a certain time.

Picture | Site Cool Hero Bao

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