Fuzhou improves the central urban housing security system unified guarantee object standard

Author:Fuzhou News Network Time:2022.08.18

The reporter learned from the Fuzhou Housing Management Bureau on the 17th that in order to further improve the housing security system of Fuzhou, regulate the rent distribution and management of public rental housing (referred to as "public rental housing"), protect the legitimate rights and interests of the masses, and issue notices in Fuzhou to further improve the Fuzhou Center to further improve the Fuzhou Center Center Urban housing security system.

Unified guarantee object standard

Combining the level of Fuzhou's economic and social development, residents' income, and housing conditions, the housing security system of the central urban area of ​​Fuzhou will further optimize and adjust the scope of security, uniformly guarantee object standards, and no longer set up guarantee categories. Specifically, the following two types of families that meet the standards of public rental housing security can apply for public rental housing security in the central urban area.

Household registration family: Household registration with Fuzhou Gulou District, Taijiang District, Cangshan District, Jin'an District (referred to as the "Four City District"). The per capita annual income of the family is lower than the per capita disposable income of the urban and towns in Fuzhou in the previous year. the following.

Non -households: Family applicants have been employed in the four cities, and social insurances such as pensions have been paid in the fourth cities for 3 years; family members have worked and studied in Fuzhou, obtained the Fuzhou residence permit, and the per capita annual income of the family is lower than Fuzhou above Fuzhou. The per capita disposable income of urban and towns in the year, and family members have no housing in the four cities.

The lease and leasing subsidy are parallel

Adhere to the parallel leased and lease subsidies, vigorously promote the distribution of monetized leasing subsidies, and solve the housing problem of housing difficulties in multiple channels.

In terms of physical allocation, the household registration residents of Fuzhou Four City District, which meet the conditions of public rental housing, can apply for leased leases. 1 person, 2 people, 3 people, and more than 45, 55, and 65 square meters are allocated. The rent is collected at 50%of the market rental standards (evaluated the rental housing rent price of the same level around the public rental housing community).

In terms of leasing subsidies, non -household registration families that meet the security conditions of public rental housing in the central urban area of ​​Fuzhou to issue lease subsidies to implement guarantees; household registration families can also choose leasing subsidies. The guarantee area of ​​1 household, 2 households, 3 people and above households is 45, 55, and 65 square meters, respectively. 50%of the annual subsidy for the market for the guarantee area per square meter (non -household registration families work in Fuzhou and study in Fuzhou. The family population that obtains a residence permit is used as the basis for ensuring the family population). The market rental standard for leasing subsidies is calculated at the average price of social leased housing rents in the four cities in the past year.

Strengthen after rental supervision

In terms of strict after -lease management, Fuzhou will effectively curb illegal acts such as rents, borrowing, and long -term vacancy through the use of on -site management and control, monitoring tap water use, and promoting face recognition access control systems. If illegal use, illegal decoration, rents, and vacancy such as illegal acts shall be restrained and rectified within a time limit, and rectification will be rectified within a time limit, the transfer of the regional housing management bureau will be eligible for the protection of the security.

Relying on the big data platform, strengthen the daily screening of family related information, and strive to dynamically grasp the changes in family housing and vehicles through digital means. If the family is suspected of no longer meet the guarantee conditions, the regional housing management bureau will be reviewed and determined by the District Civil Affairs Bureau; if it does not meet the conditions, the District Housing Management Bureau will cancel the qualifications of the guarantee in accordance with the law.

During the application or leasing period in public rental housing, if they are obliged to obtain housing security or renewal or renewal (renewal insurance) qualifications through falsification, concealment, and non -reporting, they will be dealt with seriously once they are verified. (Reporter Jiang Hai)

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