150,000 brothers of Shanghai Drifting bought a RV as a home!Use water and electricity to rely on garbage stations to go to the public toilet every day!Girlfriend said that ...

Author:Xinmin Evening News Time:2022.08.14


Life in first -tier cities is not pressured,

The Shanghai Drift people often choose to rent a house first

To replace buying a house ...

However, some people have a different approach

A pair of Shanghai drift couples

It took 150,000 to buy a second -hand RV

Live a life of a RV home

Do you rent a house in Shanghai?

Hurry up and take a look at Xiao Nong

How did they live?

It turns out that it is the same as most Shanghai drifting youths,

Take root in Shanghai for 5 years

Xin Pengkun, who is a real estate agency

I have lived a life of renting a house in the past

Most of the money they earned paid the rent,

Non -working hours

Most of them are used on the road of commuting.

As a real estate agency,

He is very clear

The price of Shanghai house trading and rental:

If you buy 47.86 square meters, more than 80,000/square meter

46 square meters monthly rent 6200 yuan/month

39 square meters monthly rent 4300 yuan/month

... ...

The picture shows house prices in a community in Shanghai

Last year, he made a new choice with his girlfriend:

Use RV life instead of renting a house.

150,000 yuan for 5 years,

I bought a second -hand domestic dragging RV.

He carefully calculated the account:

I can actually return to the book for two years,

You can get an extra RV ~

Enter the inside of the RV,

It is the structure of two bedrooms, one hall, one kitchen and one guard,

Small but complete.

Poetry and far -distance RV life

Although it is desirable,

But how to settle the RV?

How to discharge pollution?

Facing doubts, Xin Pengkun said:

"In order to find the right place,

I wandered and strolled around the work place,

Finally stopped the RV into this distance from the company

3 kilometers of open -air parking lot. "

In order to solve the problem of water and electricity and sewage,

Xin Pengkun placed the RV in

The parking lot is closest to the location of the garbage station,

Although sacrificed the living environment,

But in exchange for more convenience.

The water pipe is connected to the faucet,

It can fill the water tank in 5 minutes,

200 liter water tank

It is enough for him to use his girlfriend for 2 to 3 days.

Xinpeng Kun connected the charging cable that car comes with the RV

One wall of the garbage station is inserted,

Supply of the daily electricity needs of RVs.

The garbage generated that day,

Xin Peng Kun will be cleaned on the same day.

As for the biggest difficulty of the RV -sewage discharge,

He expressed

I have never been in the toilet in the RV myself,

Less than 200 meters away from the RV

There are public toilets,

Very convenient.

As for the sewage produced by cooking, shower, etc.,

It is directly discharged into the sewer through the sewage pipe.

Although the comfort cannot be compared with the building,

But this RV was at least solved

The basic life needs of Xin Pengkun and his girlfriend.

Parking here for nearly a year,

The parking lot has never been looking for him because of hygiene issues.

Xin Pengkun said that parents have also given affirmation and support for their thoughts. For a long time, parents have a dream of traveling by RV. Even if they may choose to leave the RV life because of the family, this car may help their parents realize their dreams. Essence

The love story of Xin Pengkun and his girlfriend

It is also due to the connection of the RV.

A year ago, Xin Pengkun, who had just mentioned the car

Frequent friends come home to meet,

Fresh sense makes these young people get together,

It also made the fate of Xin Pengkun and Aqiu.

Xin Pengkun, who dared to do, let A Qiu's eyes shine:

"At that time, I thought this boy thought

It's very different from the young people now,

It's the kind of person who thought about today and will do it tomorrow,

I appreciate him very much. "

In this way, Aqiu, who is brave and chasing love to show love,

Starting the "big adventure" of RV life with Xin Pengkun.

Living in a RV romance

But occasionally there are toss ...

For example, this year encountered "the hottest" summer in history

Wall insertion voltage

It is not enough for RV vehicle power supply,

Xin Pengkun's RVs are frequently facing power off risk.

Insufficient voltage, weak air -conditioning refrigeration capacity,

He pasted the insulation and insulation layer in the car,

However, as a RV Xiaobai

Forgot to reserve drainage for the roof.

A heavy rain, the driver's water seepage,

The bed in the car was suffocated,

The two handled until more than 2 am,

Only the "battle" was over.

Speaking of this experience, A Qiu did not show the emotion of regret housing and car, but felt "very fun, a good experience." When they encounter hot weather, they will choose to go to Xin Pengkun's other new energy sedan to spend the night.

In the past few days, they bought the electric gun online, and after the goods, they planned to charge the RV with a tram. On the way to solve the problem, the running -in of Xin Pengkun and Aqiu and "New Home" has become more and more smooth.

Aqiu also records their RV stories

Send to the Internet,

She hopes to have the dream of a RV

Young people who cannot achieve

Can get some strength from them.

Figure@音 图 秋 秋

After leisurely,

Xin Pengkun and A Qiu

I often invite friends to come to the RV dinner,

Blowing the river wind, so comfortable.

Xinpeng Kun doesn't think

Only a house can give people feelings,

He thinks the RV is the same.

"Actually this thing is brought to you by people,

Where do you love and where is your home. "

The small RV carries their hard work in a foreign country.

And the expectation of the future home.Netizens have different views on this

Some people think that this kind of life is romantic and saves money

Some people feel that staying next to the garbage station

The taste is inevitable that people can't stand it ...

What do you think about this?

Can you accept RV home?

【Fat Ding Comprehensive Edit】

News source:@Look at the news Knews (Reporter Lu Mei Zhao Hanxu Li Weixiao Li Weixiao), netizens from Weibo, etc. If you have offended, please contact.

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