The suggestion of the Shanghai CPPCC proposal is gradually transforming into a real measure of benefiting the people

Author:CPPC Time:2022.08.12

A bed and a room show the temperature of the city. This year, Shanghai will continue to increase the construction of affordable rental housing, improve the housing system of affordable leased housing, and meet the settlement needs of new citizens, young people and urban basic public service groups. The CPPCC proposal suggested that it is gradually transforming into a real measure of benefits.

During the "14th Five -Year Plan" period, the city plans to build a new construction of 470,000 sets of affordable rental housing, comprehensively and improved and perfect from the multi -level housing supply system from "one bed" to "one house" to "one house" The housing security system with the "rental and purchase" has relieved the housing difficulties of new citizens and young people. In accordance with the requirements of "doing more quickly in the first two years", from 2021 to 2022, it was planned to build 240,000 sets of affordable rental housing (room) to complete more than half of the total number of "14th Five -Year Plan" target task.

In 2021, the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Democratic Revolution found that, while the number of affordable leased housing had a large gap, the current affordable rental housing system also urgently needed to be improved. At the fifth session of the 13th CPPCC in 2022, the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the People's Republic of China submitted a proposal to further expand the supply of affordable leased housing and increase the support of planning land supply, but also expand the affordable rental housing The benefit of the policy is to "send charcoal" for more grass -roots migrant workers; strengthen the integration of leased housing information, optimize the processing process, and facilitate housing applicants to understand the policy and check in; accelerate the progress of affordable rental housing, ensure the advancement of related systems to promote the advancement of related systems And implementation. Through multiple measures, we can meet the basic rental needs of each group.

Regarding this proposal, the organizer's municipal housing management bureau stated that the proposal suggested that "it has strong pertinence and timeliness, which is important for further optimization and improvement of affordable housing policies and measures to promote the better and faster development of affordable rental housing. "Guidance", some of them suggest that they are implemented in institutional design and work advancement.

The Municipal Housing Management Bureau stated that it is trying to provide affordable rental housing for key groups at different levels. While concern and pay attention to the objects of talents, they also better guarantee industrial workers, first -tier migrant workers in the public service industry, and new graduate college students. For example, promote the supply of public rental housing and the supply of dormitory housing, and facing the front -line migrant workers who provide basic public services for urban operations and citizens' lives for sanitation, express delivery, and housekeeping; The event is to provide a number of rent -affordable and stable affordable rental housing for the fresh graduates of employment universities in Shanghai.

This year, the city will also accelerate the construction of the housing rental service platform, develop the application scenario of the "I want to rent" APP "I want to rent", go online in a timely manner, facing the society, providing each of the affordable rental housing and market -oriented rental housing. Listing, housing selection, application for appointment, contract network signing, and handling relevant public service matters for leased housing are gradually established to gradually build the main channel for citizens to rent online, and further optimize the citizens' rental experience and convenience.

In strengthening the guarantee of the legal system, the city is currently studying and revising the "Shanghai Housing Rental Regulations". It is expected that it will be introduced within the year. The relevant management requirements of affordable rental housing will also be included, which will be regulated through legal forms.

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