Another place encourages farmers to enter the city to buy a house!Changchun: 200 yuan per flat subsidy

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.08.11

Zhongxin Jingwei, August 11th. Another place encourages farmers to buy a house.

On the 11th, according to the Changchun Housing Security and Housing Administration Bureau, Changchun City decided to give a 200 yuan/square meter subsidy for the purchase of new commercial housing that meets the conditions. Support people include: farmers entering the city; college graduates with college degree or above, personnel of professional and technical titles in intermediate and above, and personnel levels of senior workers and above.

The notice is clear that the purchased house needs to be located on the state -owned land of the main urban area and the development zone in Changchun City. The construction area is below 90 square meters. It is limited to the new commercial housing. The filing time is between August 1st and October 8th, 2022.

Source: Changchun Housing Security and Housing Administration Bureau

According to the Sino -Singapore Jingwei combing, in August, many places introduced policies, and farmers encouraged farmers to enter the city to buy a house.

On August 5, Funing County, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province issued a notice to introduce ten policies around the subsidies of house purchase and the difficulties of helping enterprises. For farmers enter the town to buy a house, of which, those who participate in social insurance in the name of the county can pay the housing provident fund, and those who pay 6 months and enter the county town to buy a house, and can enjoy the housing provident fund loan.

On the same day, Jilin Province, Jilin Province, to formulate a preferential policy for farmers to buy houses in the city -level city -level city, applicants are not limited to Huadian farmers. Buy commercial housing or second -hand housing on state -owned land in the urban planning area. At the same time, in response to farmers who buy a house in the city, Huadian also set up preferential policies such as farmers' compulsory education in the compulsory education stage of migrants, re -schooling, housing provident fund, and tax reduction of farmers who buy houses engaged in individual operations.

On August 3rd, Qinglong County, Qiandan Prefecture, Guizhou Province issued a trial document request to actively promote the citizen of agricultural transfer of population, and further simplify the procedures for the purchase of a house to buy a house. It proposes that for migrant workers to purchase commercial housing, its land contract management rights, homestead use rights, and collective economic distribution rights remain unchanged; studying the development of credit products suitable for the development of migrant workers, and supporting migrant workers to buy houses in the city.

On August 2nd, Ningnan County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province issued a notice that the implementation of special group home subsidies and purchased large silkworm industries and large households in the newly -built commercial housing. , 101-200, a subsidy of 5,000 yuan per household; large household farm households who buy newly built commercial housing for forestry, animal husbandry, fruits and vegetables, and the county forestry and grassland bureaus, agricultural and rural bureaus issued large industrial households and family farms certificates , Give a house subsidy of RMB 5,000 per household.

In addition, at the end of July, several measures were issued in Qianshan City, Anqing City, Anhui Province. From the date of self -evolution to December 31, 2023, farmers who voluntarily withdrawn from the homestead to buy a house and settle in the city will be given one time. 10,000 yuan buying reward. After the voluntary exit from the homestead and the reclamation of the homestead is reclaimed to a cultivated land or other agricultural land, the original homestead user is contracted and operated, and after the identification, it will be rewarded at 30,000 yuan per mu.

Yan Yuejin, the research director of the Think Tank Center of the E -House Research Institute, previously stated that such policies are worthy of recognition, and further explaining that farmers entering the city to buy a house are still an important support for the active real estate trading markets in various places. At present, the work of new urbanization in various places is far from over. Similar policies have a positive effect on the population of new citizens, and will also better drive the development of the local property market and related industries. It is expected that other cities across the country will still have such policies in 2022, which is another driving force for active property market. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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