Langfang, Hebei: cancel the qualifications for restrictions on household registration, social security and other restrictions on housing

Author:Dahe Cai Cube Time:2022.08.09

The reporter learned on August 9 that the "Six Measures on Supporting the Patient Circle and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Industry and Healthy Development" recently announced by Langfang City's recently announced card display, canceling the restrictions on households such as household registration and social security (individual tax). Essence At the same time, the requirements for housing restrictions on the "North Three County" and the county (city) around the Xiong'an New District have also been completely canceled.

According to the policy to understand the card, Langfang optimizes the adjustment of housing purchase restrictions and sales restrictions. Cancellation of household registration, social security (individual tax) and other aspects that are not adapted to the current real estate market situation restrictions on housing qualifications. When recruiting talents to attract high -end talents, executives of investment promotion enterprises, and Beijing non -capital functions, they are treated in accordance with local household registration. For key areas such as the "North Three County" and the counties (cities) around the Xiong'an New District, the housing restrictions requirements for housing restrictions on households in non -local residents are canceled.

The reporter found that on June 17, 2022, the official website of the Langfang Municipal Government announced the "Six Policies and Measures on Supporting Patient Circle and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Industry". However, the first measure at that time was not announced to the public, but "slightly".

The other five policies and measures include to further reduce the proportion of housing provident fund loans, and pay the employees to use the housing provident fund loan to purchase the first self -occupied house, and the down payment ratio is not less than 20%. Give subsidies when they purchase their first self -occupied housing, and increase the maximum loan amount of housing provident fund; and so on.

In 2016, with the increase in demand for house purchase, the property market in Beijing was hot. In less than a year, the housing prices of the ring region, including Langfang, basically doubled. The unit price of new houses in Yanjiao reached 40,000 yuan+, a large factory of 30,000 yuan+, and 25,000 yuan+Gu'an. In 2017, Langfang began to purchase restrictions, requiring non -local household registration to purchase houses for three years to continue social security or individual taxes. The population of Beijing house buying has decreased significantly, and the market transaction scale has fallen rapidly.

Compared with the previously announced policies, in terms of meeting the reasonable funding needs of the real estate industry, the policy understands that the card also announces the content of "reasonably meet the needs of real estate development enterprises to develop loans": banking institutions must be compliant in accordance with laws, controllable risks, and commercial can The principle of continuing, distinguish the risks of high -quality projects and real estate enterprise groups, and give development loan support to projects with controllable risks and sufficient guarantees. Do a good job of financial services for key real estate enterprise risk disposal projects, focus on supporting high -quality real estate mergers and acquisitions of high -quality projects for large -scale real estate, reasonably determine the financing period, and improve financing efficiency. The mergers and acquisition loans of mergers and acquisitions and difficult real estate enterprise projects are not yet included in the management of real estate loan concentration.

Responsible editor: Shi Jian | Audit: Li Zhen | Director: Wan Junwei

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