The latest progress of many projects in Chengdu!Involved in airports, railway ports, financial centers, breeding industrial parks ...

Author:Published by Chengdu Time:2022.08.06

In the past few days, the districts (cities) and counties in Chengdu have implemented the spirit of the work conference of the provincial and municipal party committees, grasped the epidemic prevention and control, grasped economic development in one hand, and grasped high -quality projects and high -quality projects with a hard work. The annual goals and tasks, go all out to the strong industries, improve quality, and promote new breakthroughs in the construction of key projects.


International Airport Economic Zone

Chengdu International Railway Port Multi -Formation Project Chengdu Xingu Financial Center Project Tianfu Modern Seed Industry Park "Seed Industry Experimental Center"

Have new progress

Let's look at it together

Eastern Chengdu New Area

International Airport Economic Zone in the core area of ​​the Air China

Construction has new progress

Linkong Economy is the "core engine" of the economic development of the eastern New District of Chengdu. Since the beginning of this year, the Eastern New District of Chengdu has strengthened the leading leadership of the Ling Air Economy. In the air economy industry cluster, under the opportunity of new development, they all made high -quality development "acceleration".

"Building a high -quality power engine and a new growth pole" is the direction of the efforts of the Eastern New District of Chengdu. "Sitting" Tianfu International Airport, the development and project cluster of the Eastern New District of Chengdu, planned and constructed the International Airport Economic Zone of the Economic Zone of the Ling Air Economic Zone, and provided a carrier for the Air China Economy.

Recently, the North First Line Project has made new progress. The project is one of the main arteries of the "five horizontal and four vertical" backbone road networks in the eastern part of Chengdu. Among them, road engineering mainly lays the foundation for the road system of the airport and the airport new city, and the underground comprehensive pipeline corridor project is an important infrastructure and "lifeline" for ensuring the operation of power, communication, gas, heating, and water supply drainage.

"The northern front line has the conditions for opening, and it is expected to be officially submitted in October this year." At the project site, the relevant person in charge introduced.

Airport Avenue and Tianfu International Airport South Line Interchange

It is reported that, in addition to the completion of the road, the International Airport Economic Zone will also start construction of 5 supporting roads. The supporting road networks such as the 12 -line area and other 12 areas of the East Line, and the west line have been completed.

In terms of industrial projects, at present, the A2 plot of the A2 plot of the Civil Aviation Science and Technology Innovation Demonstration Zone of the Eastern New District of Chengdu has completed the construction of the main structure of the podium building building and is carried out internal decoration construction; the main body of the Proves Smart IoT Port project has been completed, and the smart logistics industry The main construction of the chain community project is carried out in infrastructure construction; the customs building of the comprehensive insurance area is conducting the main construction of the main body, and it is planned to meet the operating conditions of the closure at the end of the year.

Qingbaijiang District

Chengdu International Railway Port Multi -TCO Complex Combined Project Completion Acceptance will be put into operation soon

On August 5th, the reporter learned from Qingbaijiang District, Chengdu that the Chengdu International Railway Port Multi -type transportation project has passed the completion acceptance and is about to be put into operation.

According to reports, the multi -type transport base project was jointly created by Zhongyuanhai Transport Logistics Development Co., Ltd. and Chengdu International Railway Port Investment Development Co., Ltd.. It is the strategic cooperation functional platform of the Chengdu Municipal Government and COSCO Maritime Group. It is also the first batch of multi -type transportation demonstration projects for the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Transport.

Multi -type transportation base project

According to Wang Lin, the person in charge of the project on the project, the project is a distribution and hub center in Chengdu as the center of the Central and EU trains and the Western Luhai New Channel. Docking, one stop to the whole country, shorten the duration of customer logistics, reduce logistics costs, and serve all -round service materials transfer needs.

In the next step, the project will focus on positioning, give full play to the advantages of Zhongyuan Shipping Group and Chengdu International Railway Port, and strive to create a one -stop full -process logistics service innovation platform and multi -type transport logistics park with distinctive characteristics and advanced facilities to provide global customers with more Advanced and efficient services, support and drive the development of supply chain products and the development of multi -type transportation business, help the construction of national logistics hubs in the western region and the high -quality development of Qingbaijiang supply chain logistics system.

Shuangliu District Chengdu Xingu Financial Center Project C plot the skirt building structure has been capped

Chengdu Xingu is one of the main positions of the development of the electronic information industry in Chengdu. As a supporting facility project, the Chengdu Xingu Financial Center project has made new progress. At present, the structure of the Plot of the C site has been capped. The three towers of T1, T2, and T3 have risen. The prototype of the core of the core of the core of the core of the core of the core of the project has made a significant progress in the construction of the entire project.

"It is expected to complete the construction of the main structure of the A, B, C, and D plots at the end of this year. The entire project is expected to be fully completed in November 2024." Wang Feng, the person in charge of the project construction party, introduced that the total construction area of ​​the project is about 360,000. , Including four towers and podiums, the building area above the ground is about 230,000 square meters and the underground construction area is about 130,000 square meters.

Chengdu Xingu Financial Center renderings

It is reported that the Chengdu Xingu Financial Center project mainly plans supporting facilities such as citizen centers, Grade A office buildings, government service centers, financial centers, commercial, hotels and museums, planning halls, art museums, concert halls and other supporting facilities.

After the project is completed, this will be a comprehensive service center that integrates government services, financial and commerce, office, and hotel equals. Essence


The "Seed Industry Experimental Center" of Tianfu Modern Seed Industry Park completed the main structure of the main structure August 2nd. busy.

Recently, the construction of the park project has ushered in an important node: one of the major public platforms "Seedling Experimental Center" successfully completed the main structure cap. After the project is completed, it will provide a carrier platform for seed physiological experiments, phenotype identification, biological breeding research and development and other scientific research work. Essence

Seeds are the "chip" of agriculture. As the only national breeding industry park in the southwest, the country's Tianfu Modern Seed Industry Park is the strongest brain in Sichuan. At present, the park is anchoring the goal of "core carrying zone of the development of highland in the modern seed industry in western China".

Tianfu Modern Seed Industry Park Map

"As a national breeding industry park, the Tianfu Modern Seed Industry Park in Langshi undertakes the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the Sichuan species, and it must be established as soon as possible." Yi Biao, director of the Management Committee of Tianfu Modern Seed Industry Park in Langshi.

It is reported that the planned area of ​​the park is about 95 square kilometers. It integrates scientific and technological research and development, dual innovation incubation, and expo transactions. It will build a major functional platform for the "one storage, one house and five center". Sichuan Gender Resources Center Library, Tianfu Seed Industry Research Institute, National Variety Test Southwest Branch Center, Sichuan Province Seed Quality Testing Center, Seed Industry Science and Technology Innovation Center, Seed Industry Experimental Center, and Seed Industry Expo Center.

At present, the 2.1 square kilometer headquarters area is basically taken formed. The national variety testing of the Southwest Sub -Center and the Sichuan Seed Quality Testing Center and other science and technology platforms have been completed and put into operation. The next step will also be fully promoted to the Sichuan Provincial Gender Resource Center Library and the Seedling Experimental Center. The construction of 22 supporting projects such as the standardized plant and the talent apartment, which provides professional supporting facilities for industrial projects and innovation teams nearby.

Which one do you expect?

Comprehensive Chengdu Eastern New District, cover news

Double stream release, drunk beauty 崃 崃

Chengdu Published Edit | Big Orange

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