The "Implementation Rules for the Effect of the Housing Provident Fund of Xi'an" issued and issued the clause to add an elevator extraction of the old community

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.08.06

Recently, the reporter learned from the municipal government that the "Implementation Rules for the Extraction of the Xi'an Housing Provident Fund" was issued and implemented from July 1, 2022. The former "Implementation Rules for the Implementation of Xi'an Housing Provident Fund withdrawal" (Western Regulations [2017] 002_ Provident Fund Center 001) were abolished at the same time. The "Details" adds clauses such as aggregating elevators for old communities.

Adding elevators can apply for extraction once within 5 years

The "Rules" adds the clauses for the addition of elevators for old communities. Clarify that "it is in line with the relevant provisions of the old community of our city, and an elevator is built for self -living housing owned by property rights, the property owner and their spouses, children and parents can extract."

Clarify the time limit of extraction: If the old community in Xi'an City is renovated and the elevator is built, the elevator project has been built to obtain the "notice of the fiscal subsidy of the old residential residential community to build an elevator pilot project of the old residential area of ​​Xi'an You can apply for an extraction once, and the over time limit is not accepted. The total amount of the property owner and their spouse, children, and parents does not exceed the actual expenditure.

Clarifying the extraction information: If the renovation of the old community in Xi'an City and the old community is built, the following materials need to be provided: commercial housing needs to provide the house property right certificate, the original commercial house trading contract that has not obtained the housing property rights certificate, the unit housing reform housing needs to be provided The property right certificate shall provide the approval documents of the housing reform department if the housing property right certificate is not obtained (if the original cannot be provided, it can provide a copy and stamped with the official seal of the housing unit) and the household price list approved by the housing reform department With a copy of a copy and stamped with the official seal of the housing unit); the notice of issuing the fiscal subsidy of the elevator pilot project to the old residential community in Xi'an; the individual actually pays invoices or receipts for the amount of sharing costs.

Details clearly clarify the situation where employees are not extracted. The housing provident fund account was frozen in accordance with the law, and the records of bad behavior were included in illegal extraction and did not be lifted. The current three situations of employee provident fund loans were not withdrawn.

The rules have canceled the relevant withdrawal restrictions of the provident fund borrower. Delete the "borrower and their spouses who have handled the Xi'an Housing Provident Fund Management Center housing provident fund loan, and the housing provident fund paid shall be given priority to repay the principal and interest of the housing provident fund loan. Extract. "Terms. Relaxing the withdrawal restrictions, provident fund loans, can also be extracted in accordance with other extraction conditions.

Increased the scope of the extraction of parents and children

In addition, the rules also relax the scope of extraction. It is clear that "encountering emergencies and causing serious difficulties in family life, the employees themselves and their spouses, children, and parents can extract", which increases the scope of the extraction of parents and children.

Clarify the amount of rent extraction and application time limit. It is stipulated that "if employees rent public rental housing, they shall apply for extraction within one year from the date of payment of the lease payment. If you live in commercial housing, you can handle it every natural year. The Xi'an Provident Fund Center will set the extraction limit in accordance with the average rent level of the people in Xi'an in the previous year. "

Clarify the procedure. Applicants can be extracted through the branches of the Xi'an Provident Fund Center, the entrusted bank outlets and online channels. Employees shall hold the debit card (CCB, ICBC, Bank of China, Bank of China, Bank of China, Huaxia, Beijing, Pudong Development, Xi'an, Xingye, China Merchants, China Merchants, China Merchants, China Merchants, China Merchants, China Merchants. Zhejiang merchants, CITIC, Changan, Hengfeng). Due to the death of employees and other special reasons, the withdrawal funds can indeed be transferred to the depositor's bank card. After the extracted authorized authorization, it can be transferred to a third -party account.

When the employee withdraws the housing provident fund, you need to apply for a valid ID and a real and effective certification material to apply for an online provident fund counter when you apply for a housing provident fund. After reviewing the person, the system enrolls the system, and the electronic signature system will be launched for the authenticity and compliance of the regulations. After approval, the withdrawal funds are transferred to the withdrawal bank account. During the online processing, follow the system prompts directly. (Zhang Duan, a reporter from Xi'an Newspaper, Intern Wang Jiazheng)

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