The two -child family can add 1 set of room purchase indicators. Will there be a new inflection point in the Changsha property market?

Author:Hunan Daily Time:2022.08.05

After relaxing many children's household purchase indicators in many places across the country, Changsha finally "issued a ticket".

On August 3, the Changsha Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government issued the "Work Plan for Optimizing the Breakstration of Planning Policy to Promote the Balanced Development of Population", which stipulates that the local household registration families who have two or more children in accordance with the law increase The number of adult children give appropriate care in the selection of units.

What groups will it affect the "combination boxing" of the property market? In the second half of the year, what is the trend of the Changsha property market?

Photo by Guo Liliang, a reporter from Hunan Daily All Media

1.2022 The new policy of the property market in the first half of the year

In the first half of the year, under the downward pressure of the market, the property market issued a "loosening" signal, followed by Kan Caijun to take a look:

Relating the degree or above of college in Changsha settled in Changsha

On April 19, the "Several Opinions of the Hunan Provincial People's Government of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China on the implementation of the high -quality development of Changsha City's high -quality development" was announced. Applying for the settlement and enjoying the qualifications for buying a house in Changsha.

Changsha's first house network can buy two sets of houses for 4 years.

On May 6, the Changsha Housing and Construction Bureau released news that the interval time for households to purchase the second set of commercial housing in the Changsha restricted purchase area was calculated in a uniform for 4 years. Changsha has adjusted the conditions for buying two sets of houses from the "4 -year -old real estate certificate" to "4 years of net signing."

Replace "Room Tickets" with "rent"

On May 11th, the "Pilot Implementation Plan for Promoting the Multi -Sureping Housing Housing of Multi -Channel Protective Housing" in Changsha City's Rental Housing Multi -Channel "was released. Prior to the implementation of the" Plan ", the house signed and submitted a house or a house that had been registered in real estate to activate the supply for the active confession. After leased housing, the number of family housing sets is not included in the calculation of the number of houses.

Provincial direct provident fund reduction of the commercial loan interest rate in the combination loan

On May 24th, the interest rate of commercial banks in the Hunan Provincial Reultory Fund Management Center adjusted the combined loan: the interest rate within 1-5 years of the first home loan was 4.45%, and the interest rate of more than 5.2%was 5.2%; The interest rate is 4.65%, and the interest rate of more than 5 years is 5.4%.

Purchasing the upper subsidy of the upper and non -residential commercial housing can be up to 4%deed tax

On June 30, the "Implementation Rules for Promoting the Implementation of the Fortune Fiscal and Tax Subsidies of Non -residential Commodity Houses" stated that the purchase of new non -residential commercial housing (subject to the time of online signing), 1 % of the basis for tax taxation tax; If the existing non -residential commercial housing is transferred for more than 1 year (inclusive), 4 % of the purchaser shall be subsidized at 4 % of the tax tax based on deed tax.

Photo by Xu Xing, a reporter from Hunan Daily

2. Will there be an inflection point in the "sending a house ticket"?

Statistics, in June 2022, Changsha's commercial housing transactions were 1.1872 million square meters, an increase of 0.52%from the previous month; of which commercial residential transactions were 914,500 square meters, an increase of 0.66%from the previous month.

Although slightly improved, the low temperature situation failed to reverse. At the beginning of the second half of the year, the "loosening" policy continued to increase.

From the whole country, "sending a house ticket" is not new. Before Changsha issued policies, relevant policies in Nanjing, Wuhan, Wuxi, Hangzhou and other places have landed, which is basically equivalent to Changsha's support.

Kan Caijun refers to the calculation, stacking the preliminary housing leasing policy, and the qualified Changsha local household registration two -child and above families can buy up to four suites at most.

This is naturally a good thing!

On the one hand, it is conducive to accelerating the settlement of the local residential population. On the other hand, due to the increase in the family population, it has led to improving the demand for improving housing.

However, some experts predict that this new policy will not release too much purchase demand.

In Changsha, you can buy the first house and two -suite, but the three houses and four suits still need to pay the full amount at one time.

Therefore, three houses and even four suits may be realized! In fact, there are many families that meet the policy conditions, but there are a few who have financial strength. (The point of view is only predicted, the policy is subject to)

Photo by Tong Di, a reporter from Hunan Daily

3. Will the cost of buying a house decline?

Data show that in July, the mainstream mortgage interest rate in 103 key cities was 4.35%, and the interest rate of two sets of mortgages was 5.07%. The overall mortgage interest rate reached a new low since 2019.

Is there still room for decline in buying a house? Experts told Kan Caijun that as far as the mortgage interest rate in the second half of the year, there may be room for reduction.

In the first half of this year, the supply and marketing volume of commercial housing in the six districts of Changsha has declined. As the transaction slows down, the dewlocular cycle has continued to rise since November last year. The policy continues to tilt, reducing the cost of buying a house, and promoting the healthy and stable development of the property market is the general trend.

In this way, do you buy a house, the cheaper? That's not necessarily.

Changsha housing prices may rise in the long run. After all, before that, the price has been suppressed for a long time. Now that demand is constantly being released, plus land prices are getting more and more expensive, and house prices have risen.

Kan Caijun believes that as long as there is a demand, you have to buy a house early. What do you think?

(Author Liu Yinan)

[Responsible editor: Lu Wei intern: Yang Shuwen]

[Source: Kancai]

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