Dali supports real estate companies and buyers "share property rights": You can buy not less than 50% first

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.08.02

Zhongxin Jingwei, August 2nd. The website of the People's Government of the Dali Autonomous Prefecture issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Steady and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Industry" on the 1st and proposed to support real estate development enterprises to sell commercial housing through "common property rights". Baldle less than 50%of property rights.

The opinion mentioned that the support of housing provident fund support. After the real estate project obtains the pre -sale permit of the commercial housing, you can apply for cooperation with the housing provident fund to cancel the project's image progress requirements. For eligible real estate project loan cooperation, and qualified personal housing provident fund loans to achieve "two full coverage". According to market adjustment, the amount of housing provident fund loan amount and the down payment ratio of the second house should be adjusted in a timely manner.

The opinion mentioned that it attaches great importance to the suspension of work around Erhai Lake and the suspension of projects, compact the management responsibilities, actively acts, and accelerate the progress of disposal in accordance with laws and regulations to resolve risks. In principle, the supply of a single residential land in the urban planning area of ​​the Erhai Lake Basin is no longer added; in addition to the recreational and urban renewal projects in the urban planning area, the supply of single residential land for urban and towns is carefully added. , Cultural Tourism, Kangyang, Exhibition, Science and Technology Innovation and other industrial development and public service projects, and enjoy relevant support policies.

The opinion mentioned that the reform of the "decentralization of management service" is continuously deepened and optimized the business environment, and the pre -sale permit for commercial housing in accordance with laws and regulations shall not increase additional content other than laws and regulations during pre -sale permits. Each county, city, and Dali Economic Development Zone shall make a written decision of pre -sale or non -licensing within two working days from the date of acceptance. Projects that have obtained pre -sale permits for commercial housing shall be announced on the website of the people's governments of various counties and cities, the portal of the Dali Economic Development District Management Committee, and the public account announcement, and the pre -sale license information is pushed to the housing provident fund management department and the real estate registration department at the same level. Essence Actively promote the application of pre -sale funds online, do not meet the approval, improve the service level, and improve the efficiency of approval.

The opinion mentioned that the scope of the issuance of the pre -sale permit of commercial housing as the regulatory unit, and the establishment of a regulatory account. The supervision account is a special account that guarantees the normal implementation of the project and maintains the rights and interests of the pre -order house purchase. Fang rights and interests are not infringed. The sales area of ​​commercial housing exceeds 60%of the pre -sale license area, and the pre -sale models pay for the deposit supervision account and the balance of account funds exceeding the remaining project balance of the regulatory unit. ) 110%of the balance can be allocated in advance to release corporate capital vitality.

The opinion mentioned that supporting private real estate companies with powerful private real estate companies and state -owned enterprises jointly set up operating companies, complementary advantages, raised funds from multiple channels, and participated in marketing to relieve them. Policy housing categories such as houses and resettlement houses are reserved.

The opinion mentioned that supporting real estate development enterprises to sell commercial housing through the "common property right" method. Buyers can purchase property rights of not less than 50%in advance. The remaining property rights will continue to be held by real estate development enterprises. Promise to buy the remaining property rights.

The opinion mentioned that the county and the Dali Economic Development Zone, which has a commercial housing period of more than 24 months, the first set of home buyers can encourage the purchase of houses in accordance with the amount of tax payment paid or directly issue a house purchase subsidy in accordance with the amount of tax paid. Housing consumption shorten the output cycle.

The opinion also mentioned that if the price of pre -sale commercial housing publicly publicized, the propaganda price shall not be lower than 85%or higher than 115%of the real estate table filing price. %. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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