Wuhan Housing Provident Fund Center: relieve funding tensions for 357 companies

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.08.01

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client August 1st (Reporter Leng Jinghua Correspondent Hu Rong) "The provident fund is slowly paid, which greatly reduces the pressure of funds for us." Zhang Kai, an enterprise manager, said. On August 1st, a reporter from the Yangtze River Daily learned from the Wuhan Housing Provident Fund Management Center that since June this year, the center has repeatedly understood the actual situation of the enterprise and introduced a series of policies to help the enterprise rescue. Slowly pay and reduce the proceeds of deposit.

The staff of the Wuhan Provident Fund Center went deep into the grassroots to solve the problems on the spot.

Zhang Kai introduced that an enterprise is located in the Dacheng Building of Wu Dadong Road. There are nearly 600 employees who need to pay 480,000 yuan for employees every month. However, in recent years, the business development of the enterprise has been affected by many aspects, and the liquidity of funds has occurred for the time being.

In June of this year, Wuhan Housing Provident Fund Management Center actively promoted the practical activity of "lower foundation to inspect the people's feelings to relieve the people's heart and warm the people's hearts", and went deep into various enterprises to understand the actual situation and difficulties. In order to reduce the economic burden of the enterprise and help the production and operation of enterprises, the center issued the "Notice on the Implementation of the Purchase Policies of Housing Provident Fund" in a timely manner to help enterprises and depositors who have difficulty in funding through the difficulty of liquidity.

"It is not enough to introduce policies, but we must further follow the company to follow up to understand the situation." The relevant person in charge of the Wuhan Housing Provident Fund Management Center introduced that after the policy was introduced, they repeatedly went to the company's investigation and visits to understand the operation of the enterprise. Staged support policies.

"Originally, we thought it would not be able to handle the provident fund." Zhang Kai introduced that after the staff of the provident fund center came to publicize the policy, they found that they met the conditions for the phased payment of the provident fund. The conference promoted the provident fund phased support policy to employees, and told the employees: it will not affect normal loans and withdrawal. Employees are very supportive. "

In July, Wuhan Housing Provident Fund Management Center once again sent a special person to this enterprise to guide the company to successfully apply for a provident fund of more than 3 million yuan in half a year. After losing funds, the person in charge of the enterprise stated on the spot: "This measure has reduced the pressure of our company's operation. We will put the money into production and operation as soon as possible, be responsible for the development of the company, be responsible for the development of the company, the responsibility of the society, the responsibility of the society ! ""

【Edit: Ding】

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