Li Neng: My goal is the champion

Author:Jinjiang News Network Time:2022.06.14

Red pants, blue gloves, and resolute eyes ... When Li Neng was at first, although he was not tall, he could still feel his strong aura, and his voice was full of energy. "My goal is the champion." When talking about his first trip to the Provincial Games, Li Neng said categorically.

Li Neng was born in 2006. The Provincial Games will participate in the 46 kg competition of the men's group B. "About the sixth grade, Li Neng's father's friend introduced this child, and he started to follow the team to train." Jinjiang Shao Boxing Coach Wang Shangbin revealed that in fact, Li Neng initially practiced Sanda and practiced for a year or two for a year or two. Later, I felt that boxing would be more suitable for him.

From Sanda to boxing, Li Neng bluntly said that he was not adapted at the beginning, and it felt very different. "Sanda's legs, punching, and falling methods are different from boxing. "

The stubborn Li Neng knew the difficulties, and he took the initiative to adjust his status and actively adapt to new rules and training methods. After school every day, Li Neng will always change his clothes and shoes for the first time to report to the training field. By continuously grinding and training, he quickly stood up in the boxing team. Last year, Li Neng, who participated in the Provincial Championship for the first time, reached the finals and won the second place.

The specifications of the Provincial Games are higher, and the competition is bound to be more intense. Li Neng understands that only by paying the actual action can you have the opportunity to stand on the highest podium. He said that the coach's footsteps should be followed, and according to the coach's guidance, he has worked hard to train, enhance his advantages, and make up for the shortcomings. "My guys are not tall, my opponents are generally higher than me. My focus is lower. Shooting. Of course, I can also play my own advantages, such as my strength is relatively large, suitable for close fighting. "

When asked about the bitterness of boxing, Li Neng said with a smile, "How can there be nothing to learn, but he will not feel bitter when he likes it." He admitted that he was just at the beginning. Today, boxing has brought great changes to his life, and it also made him understand the principle of "one point of cultivation and harvesting". Fight for a bright future. "

In Wang Shangbin's view, boxers not only have to develop their limbs, but also have a flexible mind. Li Neng can do this well. "Li Neng is a competition athlete. He played better than usual, and his mind was flexible. He could implement the tactics arranged by the coach on the field. This time, he was one of the golden points."

(Reporter Li Shiyi Qin Yue)

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