Provincial Games News | Gansu Provincial Fifteenth Games Youth Group Badminton Competition Third Day Tournament

Author:Sophisticated Time:2022.09.20

September 20th is the third day of the Badminton Competition of the 15th Gansu Provincial Games Youth Group. On the same day, men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles, women's doubles, mixed doubles and other projects were held.

According to the "Plan for the Prevention and Control Work of the 15th Games of Gansu Province", a closed -loop management is adopted throughout the competition. All competitions guarantee work. Athletes also strictly abide by the requirements of the organizing committee, abide by the gusts, and use excellent performance to show the style of provincial transportation.

Smart at the scene

On the field, the athletes were embarrassed and fighting spirit. The players sometimes intercepted the front, sometimes lightly hanging the ball, and sometimes strongly withdrawn. The participating athletes showed their long -term training results on the field. In the contest of strength, the superb skills of the players made the entire field passionate.

The Fifteenth Games of Gansu Province will play a wonderful game tomorrow, and I wish each team to achieve impressive records!

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