Jilin Province holds a series of activities to promote the "movement" of the whole people

Author:Jilin Radio and TV Station Time:2022.08.09

Taijiquan performance. Photo by Guo Jia

On the 8th, the "National Fitness Day" event of Jilin Province and the "Healthy Jilin · Dynamic Summer" national fitness series was officially launched in Changchun Lotus Mountain. Changchun Lianhua Mountain Volkswagen Cycling Highway, Changchun Volkswagen Hyding Tournament, Changchun Amateur Football Championship and other series of events and the "Running Bar Boys" series of fitness exhibition activities were successively launched.

August 8th is China's "National Fitness Day". This special day is approved by the State Council in 2009 to commemorate the successful hosting of the Beijing Olympic Games and promote public participation in fitness activities. The newly released "2022 National Fitness Trends Report" pointed out that the nationals are showing a trend of active fitness, manifested as the increase in the number of fitness habits and enhancement of active fitness awareness.

This event consists of 7 sections including launching ceremony, national fitness event activities, Olympic champion volunteers, scientific fitness guidance, youth sports activities, sports industry exhibitions, Lianhua Mountain Resort "Sports Travel Integration" exhibition Tai Chi, bicycle, football, hiking and other sport.

The "Running Bar" series of fitness display activities is the new event content of "National Fitness Day" this year. Sports such as youth football, basketball, speed skating, off -road pulley, Taekwondo, Taekwondo and other sports activities have been carried out. In the intense activities, children They are happy in sweat and enjoy the fun brought by sports.

Taekwondo performance. Photo by Guo Jia

Rio Olympic Champions Gong Jinjie, well -known off -road ski athlete Li Ge Liang shared sports skills with young people to guide teenagers scientific fitness. Gong Jinjie said that by hosting the "National Fitness Day" activity, you can show the charm of the movement well, guide everyone to actively participate in it, and gain a health while feeling fun.

In recent years, Jilin Province has successively introduced a series of policies such as the "Jilin Province National Fitness Implementation Plan (2021-2025)", "Jilin Province's" 14th Five -Year Plan "National Fiton Facilitarian Facilitarian Facilities", etc., to increase the entire people The construction of fitness venue facilities, extensively carry out national fitness events, continuously improve the national fitness organization network, and promote the smart development of national fitness.

Teenagers roller skating display. Photo by Guo Jia

On the day of the launch of the "National Fitness Day", Jilin Province also organized a lot of national fitness activities to benefit the people. Public stadiums affiliated to the sports department were open to the public for free in accordance with relevant requirements.

Original title: Jilin Province held a series of activities to promote the "movement" of the whole people

Edit: Xiao Zhi

Source: China News Network

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