Children's care 丨 Picked eaters and not to eat?Four methods improve children's accumulation situation

Author:Guangdong Provincial Hospital Time:2022.07.11

Do parents find that children often have "unwilling to eat", "constipation" or "unsatisfactory bowel movements", "bad breath", "bloating", "qi or hiccup" and so on. What happened?

If the child has the above situation, it is very likely that it is accumulated.

How to judge whether the child accumulates?

Pediatric stagnation is divided into milk food and spleen deficiency accumulation. Usually there will be the following performance. Parents can refer to the following symptoms to make judgments:

1. There is a lactic acid or acid smell in the mouth

2. Poor appetite, baby is unwilling to drink milk or eat, it is easy to vomit after drinking milk or eating

3. The abdomen is bulging, and the meals are more obvious. Some children are accompanied by tenderness

4. Soft stools are soft and rotten, sour smell or smell of stinky eggs

5. Crying at night, often accompanied by irritability

How to condition for children?


Recommended index ⭐⭐⭐⭐

The four seams are a strange acupuncture point, which has a long history used to alleviate the accumulation of children's accumulation. The earliest records in the "Strange Effects" of Dong Su in the early Ming Dynasty in 1470: "Four sewing and four points, in the middle of the limbs.

According to clinical research reports, acupuncture four seams can significantly improve the level of child's appetite, weight, subcutaneous fat thickness and IGF-I (promoting long factor) and PA (pressure) , Nourish qi and blood, promote growth.

Positioning and operation method

Positioning: On the palm of the hand, the index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and small finger joints are in the center of the joints of the joints of the first finger, and there are 8 acupuncture points on the left and right. The four fingers correspond to the spleen and stomach, heart, liver and gallbladder, and kidney.

Operation: When operating, use a cotton wire rope to wrap the roots of the corresponding fingers, and then disinfect the four seams of the corresponding fingers. Tie with a blood blood needle into 1-1.5mm deep, and then squeeze 1-3 drops of sticky tissue liquid or blood. Generally once every 1-3 days, 3-5 times is a course of treatment.

Thorn seam is a very useful method. It is recommended that parents take their children to professional medical institutions for processing. Do not use it at will ~

Children's accumulated food push plan

Recommended index ⭐⭐⭐

Recommended by Food Therapy

Pediatric stagnation and therapy

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Malt water


15 grams of malt, 5 grams of hawthorn, and 1 candied jujube.

Method of food

Put the above ingredients into the pot and add 2 bowls of water; fry the slow heat into a half bowl and drink it twice.

Valley Malt Duck Kidney Decoction


Valley bud 20g, malt 20g, 3g in chicken gold, 1 duck kidney, 2 dates.

Method of food

Clicp for fresh duck kidneys; tear off the chicken gold, remove the dirt. Put the above ingredients into the pot together, add an appropriate amount of water, boil the fire, turn the text for 1 hour, and drink soup twice.

Daily care method

Pay attention to the following points of accumulating children's daily care:

1. Help children develop good eating habits, do not let children be hungry or full, and should be full.

2. When choosing food, not only pay attention to nutrition, but also pay attention to whether the food is easy to digest.

3. Let children eat less snacks.

4. Correct the habit of children's partial eclipse.

5. Don't eat after eight in the evening.

Pediatric massage is a relatively safe and effective external treatment method. It can be used to regulate the children's physique with children's massage, which can eventually achieve the effect of less medication or even medicine.

However, it is important to give a suitable acupoint prescription based on the child's physical fitness and physical condition. The second is the method, the key is the points of "lightness and softness, smooth and solid".

Executive editor: Wu Yuan Tuan, Chen Yibing

Audit school pair: Zhuang Yingge

Editor in charge: Song Liping

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