The baby's stomach and stool have these symptoms, which may be related to H. pylori!No matter how old you are

Author:Scientific family parenting Time:2022.09.28

Every two people are infected with Helicobacter pylori (HP).

It is even more powerful than those "3 words that can make men spend one million" in my way:

It may only take 2 steps to make the whole family be positive.

Not only that, research found that digestive diseases such as indigestion, digestive ulcers, and gastric cancer have a lot to do with it.

As a pylori infection in the pylori, the infection rate of children is as high as 40%.

How did it do? Look down ↓↓↓

Step 1: During the family dinner, I entered while taking advantage of it

When the family dinner, everyone will share the tableware together, hold vegetables with each other, and even chew rice to feed the children, and will give it a chance to spread.

Step 2: When going to the toilet, wait for the opportunity to move

In addition, if someone at home does not pay attention to hygiene and do not wash his hands after the toilet, Helicobacter pylori may lurk in a corner of the bathroom, wait for the opportunity to attach to your hand, and take things directly with your hands ....

Congratulations on you, recruit again!

In addition to the mouth transmission and the spread of the mana mentioned above, when kissing, HP will also hide in saliva and wait for the opportunity to transmit it to the other half.

Picture source: Scientific family parenting original

As mentioned earlier, now children's infection rate has increased year by year. If family members accidentally infection, do they have to take their children for testing? ↓↓↓

The answer is -if there is no other related digestive tract symptoms, children within 14 years do not need to do conventional Helicobacter pylori testing.

Because of the low immunity of children, we finally killed H. pylori.

However, if you do n’t pay attention to your diet and do not hygienic meals, you will be infected, and the difficulty of infection treatment will be even more difficult, unless there is the following situations:

症 Children have obvious symptoms

● If children often experience the symptoms of digestive tract symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, acid reflux, qi, nausea, vomiting, long -term adequate appetite, may be combined with diarrhea, constipation, black stool, and no improvement after the diet. Infected with pylori.

● Patients with gastric duodenal ulcers, patients with mucosal -related lymph tissue lymphoma, and children with chronic primary platelet reduction should also improve Helicobacter pylori examination.

In addition, adults who have close contact with children, including parents, nanny, relatives, etc. When doing regular medical examinations every year, they need to check Helicobacter pylori.

Especially the family history of gastric cancer in the family, or members with digestive ulcers, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, acid reflux, and mirror.

The way to screen the Helicobacter pylori is also very simple:

Picture source: Scientific family parenting original

If the child is diagnosed with Helicobacter pylori, does it need to be treated?

If there is no symptoms of gastrointestinal tract, you can do not need to be treated first.

The incidence of pylori infection is not high. Maybe with the child's physical fitness, this bacteria itself is gone.

Secondly, the treatment of pyloridae root root is mainly used for combined antibiotic treatment, and it is necessary to take a large dose for 2 weeks.

This is particularly harmful to the entire intestinal flora, which is to lose.

Unless it is clinically judged that children's repeated gastrointestinal symptoms and that this symptom is closely related to Helicobacter pylori, sterilization will be considered in this case.

But in most cases, children's Helicobacter pylori does not need to be treated.

But what if adults are diagnosed?

In principle, those who are infected by Helicobacter pylori should be treated with eradication, but considering special circumstances such as different people's root era efficiency and drug side effects.

Picture source: Scientific family parenting original

For those who have obvious stomach discomfort, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis accompanimental indigestion, etc., it is recommended to eradicate treatment as soon as possible.

* In addition, patients with individuals who eradicate treatment can also be treated.

In addition, the University of Science and Technology has compiled some common small problems about Helicobacter pylori.

1. Is it easy to get gastric cancer in the infection of Helicobacter pylori?

Although Helicobacter pylori infection is the most important controllable risk factor for gastric cancer.

But the two cannot be drawn between the two.

Picture source: Scientific family parenting original

100%infected with pylori, causing chronic gastritis, but only about 1 ~ 3%probability of gastric cancer.

And the occurrence of gastric cancer is also affected by other factors such as inheritance and diet.

However, in order to prevent the occurrence of malignant diseases, the current effective method is to check and treat Helicobacter pylori in a timely manner.

2. Is bad breath and fart smell infection with HP?

Not necessarily, most HP infected people are asymptomatic.

Stomatochromic is mainly related to oral bacteria to food residues and salivary protein fermentation; fart odor is related to sulfides produced by intestinal flora fermentation.

Therefore, it is better to go to the hospital to "blow" instead of judging whether you are infected through any performance.

3. Can garlic, toothpaste, and probiotics be killed?

If it is useful, the infection rate will not be so high.

Garlicin has a certain effect on preventing gastric cancer, but there is no relevant experiment to prove that garlic can prevent HP.

If you really believe that toothpaste can kill Helicobacter pylori, it can only be said to be too simple.

Probiotics are only auxiliary treatment. No one is alone to treat pylori.

Picture source: Scientific family parenting original

4. How should I treat HP?

At present, the standard four -union plan has a cure for the success rate of Helicobacter pylori of about 90%, but each person's condition is different. The specific treatment plan needs to consult a doctor.

5. After HP cure, will it be infected in the secondary time?meeting.In fact, after HP cure, the condition of secondary infection is not common, and less than 2%of adults will occur each year.

6. After the infection is found, how to avoid transmitting it to your family?

When a person finds HP positive, the first thing that will affect is his family.

Eating together may be passed on to relatives, friends, a romantic French kiss to love people ... These are possibilities for infection with their families.

There are 2 days of National Day. If you want to not be infected with H. pylori, you must recite the picture below, don't be recruited because of the holiday.

Picture source: Scientific family parenting original

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